"use strict"; const expect = require("chai").expect; const os = require("os"); const Helper = require("../../src/helper"); describe("Helper", function() { describe("#expandHome", function() { it("should correctly expand a Unix path", function() { expect([`${os.homedir()}/tmp`, `${os.homedir()}\\tmp`]).to.include( Helper.expandHome("~/tmp") ); }); it("should correctly expand a Windows path", function() { expect(Helper.expandHome("~\\tmp")).to.equal(`${os.homedir()}\\tmp`); }); it("should correctly expand when not given a specific path", function() { expect(Helper.expandHome("~")).to.equal(os.homedir()); }); it("should not expand paths not starting with tilde", function() { expect(Helper.expandHome("/tmp")).to.match(/^\/tmp|[A-Z]:\\tmp$/); }); it("should not expand a tilde in the middle of a string", function() { expect(Helper.expandHome("/tmp/~foo")).to.match(/^\/tmp\/~foo|[A-Z]:\\tmp\\~foo$/); }); it("should return an empty string when given an empty string", function() { expect(Helper.expandHome("")).to.equal(""); }); it("should return an empty string when given undefined", function() { expect(Helper.expandHome(undefined)).to.equal(""); }); }); describe("#getVersion()", function() { const version = Helper.getVersion(); it("should mention it is served from source code", function() { expect(version).to.include("source"); }); it("should include a short Git SHA", function() { expect(version).to.match(/\([0-9a-f]{7,11} /); }); it("should include a valid semver version", function() { expect(version).to.match(/v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/); }); }); });