"use strict"; var fs = require("fs"); var Helper = require("./helper"); function OidentdFile(file) { this.file = Helper.expandHome(file); this.connectionId = 0; this.connections = {}; this.refresh(); } OidentdFile.prototype = { hookSocket: function(socket, user) { var that = this; var id = null; socket.on("connect", function() { id = that.addSocket(socket, user); that.refresh(); }); socket.on("close", function() { that.removeConnection(id); that.refresh(); }); }, addSocket: function(socket, user) { var id = this.connectionId++; this.connections[id] = {socket: socket, user: user}; return id; }, removeSocket: function(socket) { for (var id in this.connections) { if (this.connections[id] === socket) { delete this.connections[id]; break; } } }, removeConnection: function(id) { delete this.connections[id]; }, getSockets: function() { return this.connections; }, refresh: function() { var file = "# Warning: file generated by The Lounge: changes will be overwritten!\n"; function makeRule(connection) { return "to " + connection.socket.remoteAddress + " lport " + connection.socket.localPort + " from " + connection.socket.localAddress + " fport " + connection.socket.remotePort + " { reply \"" + connection.user + "\" }\n"; } for (var id in this.connections) { file += makeRule(this.connections[id]); } fs.writeFile(this.file, file, {flag: "w+"}, function(err) { if (err) { log.error("Failed to update oidentd file!", err); } }); }, }; module.exports = OidentdFile;