import _ from "lodash"; import colors from "chalk"; import crypto from "crypto"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import Auth from "./plugins/auth"; import Client, {UserConfig} from "./client"; import Config from "./config"; import {NetworkConfig} from "./models/network"; import WebPush from "./plugins/webpush"; import log from "./log"; import {Server} from ""; class ClientManager { clients: Client[]; sockets!: Server; identHandler: any; webPush!: WebPush; constructor() { this.clients = []; } init(identHandler, sockets: Server) { this.sockets = sockets; this.identHandler = identHandler; this.webPush = new WebPush(); if (!Config.values.public) { this.loadUsers(); // LDAP does not have user commands, and users are dynamically // created upon logon, so we don't need to watch for new files if (!Config.values.ldap.enable) { this.autoloadUsers(); } } } findClient(name: string) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return this.clients.find((u) => === name); } loadUsers() { let users = this.getUsers(); if (users.length === 0) { `There are currently no users. Create one with ${colors.bold( "thelounge add " )}.` ); return; } const alreadySeenUsers = new Set(); users = users.filter((user) => { user = user.toLowerCase(); if (alreadySeenUsers.has(user)) { log.error( `There is more than one user named "${colors.bold( user )}". Usernames are now case insensitive, duplicate users will not load.` ); return false; } alreadySeenUsers.add(user); return true; }); // This callback is used by Auth plugins to load users they deem acceptable const callbackLoadUser = (user) => { this.loadUser(user); }; if (!Auth.loadUsers(users, callbackLoadUser)) { // Fallback to loading all users users.forEach((name) => this.loadUser(name)); } } autoloadUsers() { Config.getUsersPath(), _.debounce( () => { const loaded = =>; const updatedUsers = this.getUsers(); if (updatedUsers.length === 0) { `There are currently no users. Create one with ${colors.bold( "thelounge add " )}.` ); } // Reload all users. Existing users will only have their passwords reloaded. updatedUsers.forEach((name) => this.loadUser(name)); // Existing users removed since last time users were loaded _.difference(loaded, updatedUsers).forEach((name) => { const client = _.find(this.clients, {name}); if (client) { client.quit(true); this.clients = _.without(this.clients, client);`User ${colors.bold(name)} disconnected and removed.`); } }); }, 1000, {maxWait: 10000} ) ); } loadUser(name: string) { const userConfig = this.readUserConfig(name); if (!userConfig) { return; } let client = this.findClient(name); if (client) { if (userConfig.password !== client.config.password) { /** * If we happen to reload an existing client, make super duper sure we * have their latest password. We're not replacing the entire config * object, because that could have undesired consequences. * * @see */ client.config.password = userConfig.password;`Password for user ${colors.bold(name)} was reset.`); } } else { client = new Client(this, name, userConfig); client.connect(); this.clients.push(client); } return client; } getUsers = function () { if (!fs.existsSync(Config.getUsersPath())) { return []; } return fs .readdirSync(Config.getUsersPath()) .filter((file) => file.endsWith(".json")) .map((file) => file.slice(0, -5)); }; addUser(name: string, password: string | null, enableLog?: boolean) { if (path.basename(name) !== name) { throw new Error(`${name} is an invalid username.`); } const userPath = Config.getUserConfigPath(name); if (fs.existsSync(userPath)) { log.error(`User ${} already exists.`); return false; } const user = { password: password || "", log: enableLog, }; try { fs.writeFileSync(userPath, JSON.stringify(user, null, "\t"), { mode: 0o600, }); } catch (e: any) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions log.error(`Failed to create user ${} (${e})`); throw e; } try { const userFolderStat = fs.statSync(Config.getUsersPath()); const userFileStat = fs.statSync(userPath); if ( userFolderStat && userFileStat && (userFolderStat.uid !== userFileStat.uid || userFolderStat.gid !== userFileStat.gid) ) { log.warn( `User ${ name )} has been created, but with a different uid (or gid) than expected.` ); log.warn( "The file owner has been changed to the expected user. " + "To prevent any issues, please run thelounge commands " + "as the correct user that owns the config folder." ); log.warn( "See for more information." ); fs.chownSync(userPath, userFolderStat.uid, userFolderStat.gid); } } catch (e: any) { // We're simply verifying file owner as a safe guard for users // that run `thelounge add` as root, so we don't care if it fails } return true; } getDataToSave(client: Client) { const json = Object.assign({}, client.config, { networks: => n.export()), }); const newUser = JSON.stringify(json, null, "\t"); const newHash = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(newUser).digest("hex"); return {newUser, newHash}; } saveUser(client: Client, callback?: (err?: any) => void) { const {newUser, newHash} = this.getDataToSave(client); // Do not write to disk if the exported data hasn't actually changed if (client.fileHash === newHash) { return; } const pathReal = Config.getUserConfigPath(; const pathTemp = pathReal + ".tmp"; try { // Write to a temp file first, in case the write fails // we do not lose the original file (for example when disk is full) fs.writeFileSync(pathTemp, newUser, { mode: 0o600, }); fs.renameSync(pathTemp, pathReal); return callback ? callback() : true; } catch (e: any) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions log.error(`Failed to update user ${} (${e})`); if (callback) { callback(e); } } } removeUser(name) { const userPath = Config.getUserConfigPath(name); if (!fs.existsSync(userPath)) { log.error(`Tried to remove non-existing user ${}.`); return false; } fs.unlinkSync(userPath); return true; } private readUserConfig(name: string) { const userPath = Config.getUserConfigPath(name); if (!fs.existsSync(userPath)) { log.error(`Tried to read non-existing user ${}`); return false; } try { const data = fs.readFileSync(userPath, "utf-8"); return JSON.parse(data) as UserConfig; } catch (e: any) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions log.error(`Failed to read user ${colors.bold(name)}: ${e}`); } return false; } } export default ClientManager;