"use strict"; global.log = require("../log.js"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const program = require("commander"); const colors = require("colors/safe"); const Helper = require("../helper"); const Utils = require("./utils"); if (require("semver").lt(process.version, "6.0.0")) { log.warn(`Support of Node.js v4 is ${colors.bold("deprecated")} and will be removed in The Lounge v3.`); log.warn("Please upgrade to Node.js v6 or more recent."); } program.version(Helper.getVersion(), "-v, --version") .option("--home ", `${colors.bold("[DEPRECATED]")} Use the ${colors.green("LOUNGE_HOME")} environment variable instead.`) .on("--help", Utils.extraHelp) .parseOptions(process.argv); if (program.home) { log.warn(`${colors.green("--home")} is ${colors.bold("deprecated")} and will be removed in The Lounge v3.`); log.warn(`Use the ${colors.green("LOUNGE_HOME")} environment variable instead.`); } // Check if the app was built before calling setHome as it wants to load manifest.json from the public folder if (!fs.existsSync(path.join( __dirname, "..", "..", "public", "manifest.json" ))) { log.error(`The client application was not built. Run ${colors.bold("NODE_ENV=production npm run build")} to resolve this.`); process.exit(1); } let home = program.home || process.env.LOUNGE_HOME; if (!home) { home = Utils.defaultLoungeHome(); } Helper.setHome(home); require("./start"); require("./config"); require("./list"); require("./add"); require("./remove"); require("./reset"); require("./edit"); require("./install"); program.parse(process.argv); if (!program.args.length) { program.help(); }