"use strict"; const log = require("../log"); const colors = require("chalk"); const program = require("commander"); const Helper = require("../helper"); const Utils = require("./utils"); program .command("install ") .description("Install a theme or a package") .on("--help", Utils.extraHelp) .action(function (packageName) { const fs = require("fs"); const packageJson = require("package-json"); if (!fs.existsSync(Helper.getConfigPath())) { log.error(`${Helper.getConfigPath()} does not exist.`); return; } log.info("Retrieving information about the package..."); const split = packageName.split("@"); packageName = split[0]; const packageVersion = split[1] || "latest"; packageJson(packageName, { fullMetadata: true, version: packageVersion, }) .then((json) => { if (!("thelounge" in json)) { log.error( `${colors.red( json.name + " v" + json.version )} does not have The Lounge metadata.` ); process.exit(1); } log.info(`Installing ${colors.green(json.name + " v" + json.version)}...`); return Utils.executeYarnCommand("add", "--exact", `${json.name}@${json.version}`) .then(() => { log.info( `${colors.green( json.name + " v" + json.version )} has been successfully installed.` ); }) .catch((code) => { throw `Failed to install ${colors.green( json.name + " v" + json.version )}. Exit code: ${code}`; }); }) .catch((e) => { log.error(`${e}`); process.exit(1); }); });