var _ = require("lodash"); var identd = require("../../identd"); var Msg = require("../../models/msg"); module.exports = function(irc, network) { var client = this; network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Network created, connecting to " + + ":" + network.port + "..." })); irc.on("socket connected", function() { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Connected to the network." })); }); irc.on("close", function() { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Disconnected from the network, and will not reconnect." })); }); if (identd.isEnabled()) { irc.on("socket connected", function() { identd.hook(irc.connection.socket, || network.username); }); } irc.on("socket error", function(err) { log.debug("IRC socket error", err); network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ type: Msg.Type.ERROR, text: "Socket error: " + err })); }); irc.on("reconnecting", function() { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Disconnected from the network. Reconnecting..." })); }); irc.on("ping timeout", function() { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Ping timeout, disconnecting..." })); }); irc.on("server options", function(data) { if (network.serverOptions.PREFIX === data.options.PREFIX) { return; } network.prefixLookup = {}; _.each(data.options.PREFIX, function(mode) { network.prefixLookup[mode.mode] = mode.symbol; }); network.serverOptions.PREFIX = data.options.PREFIX; client.emit("network_changed", { network:, serverOptions: network.serverOptions }); }); };