import {IrcEventHandler} from "../../client"; import Msg, {MessageType} from "../../models/msg"; export default function (irc, network) { const client = this; irc.on("quit", function (data) { network.channels.forEach((chan) => { const user = chan.findUser(data.nick); if (typeof user === "undefined") { return; } const msg = new Msg({ time: data.time, type: MessageType.QUIT, text: data.message || "", hostmask: data.ident + "@" + data.hostname, from: user, }); chan.pushMessage(client, msg); chan.removeUser(user); }); // If user with the nick we are trying to keep has quit, try to get this nick if (network.keepNick === data.nick) { irc.changeNick(network.keepNick); network.keepNick = null; } }); };