"use strict"; import socket from "../socket"; import cleanIrcMessage from "../helpers/ircmessageparser/cleanIrcMessage"; import store from "../store"; import {switchToChannel} from "../router"; let pop; try { pop = new Audio(); pop.src = "audio/pop.wav"; } catch (e) { pop = { play() {}, }; } socket.on("msg", function(data) { const receivingChannel = store.getters.findChannel(data.chan); if (!receivingChannel) { return; } let channel = receivingChannel.channel; let isActiveChannel = store.state.activeChannel && store.state.activeChannel.channel === channel; // Display received notices and errors in currently active channel. // Reloading the page will put them back into the lobby window. if (data.msg.showInActive) { // We only want to put errors/notices in active channel if they arrive on the same network if ( store.state.activeChannel && store.state.activeChannel.network === receivingChannel.network ) { channel = store.state.activeChannel.channel; // Do not update unread/highlight counters for this channel // as we are putting this message in the active channel isActiveChannel = true; if (data.chan === channel.id) { // If active channel is the intended channel for this message, // remove the showInActive flag delete data.msg.showInActive; } else { data.chan = channel.id; } } else { delete data.msg.showInActive; } } // Do not set unread counter for channel if it is currently active on this client // It may increase on the server before it processes channel open event from this client if (!isActiveChannel) { if (typeof data.highlight !== "undefined") { channel.highlight = data.highlight; } if (typeof data.unread !== "undefined") { channel.unread = data.unread; } } channel.messages.push(data.msg); if (data.msg.self) { channel.firstUnread = data.msg.id; } else { notifyMessage(data.chan, channel, store.state.activeChannel, data.msg); } let messageLimit = 0; if (!isActiveChannel) { // If message arrives in non active channel, keep only 100 messages messageLimit = 100; } else if (channel.scrolledToBottom) { // If message arrives in active channel, keep 1500 messages if scroll is currently at the bottom // One history load may load up to 1000 messages at once if condendesed or hidden events are enabled messageLimit = 1500; } if (messageLimit > 0 && channel.messages.length > messageLimit) { channel.messages.splice(0, channel.messages.length - messageLimit); channel.moreHistoryAvailable = true; } if ((data.msg.type === "message" || data.msg.type === "action") && channel.type === "channel") { const user = channel.users.find((u) => u.nick === data.msg.from.nick); if (user) { user.lastMessage = new Date(data.msg.time).getTime() || Date.now(); } } }); function notifyMessage(targetId, channel, activeChannel, msg) { if (msg.highlight || (store.state.settings.notifyAllMessages && msg.type === "message")) { if (!document.hasFocus() || !activeChannel || activeChannel.channel !== channel) { if (store.state.settings.notification) { try { pop.play(); } catch (exception) { // On mobile, sounds can not be played without user interaction. } } if ( store.state.settings.desktopNotifications && "Notification" in window && Notification.permission === "granted" ) { let title; let body; if (msg.type === "invite") { title = "New channel invite:"; body = msg.from.nick + " invited you to " + msg.channel; } else { title = msg.from.nick; if (channel.type !== "query") { title += ` (${channel.name})`; } if (msg.type === "message") { title += " says:"; } body = cleanIrcMessage(msg.text); } const timestamp = Date.parse(msg.time); try { if (store.state.hasServiceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then((registration) => { registration.active.postMessage({ type: "notification", chanId: targetId, timestamp: timestamp, title: title, body: body, }); }); } else { const notify = new Notification(title, { tag: `chan-${targetId}`, badge: "img/icon-alerted-black-transparent-bg-72x72px.png", icon: "img/icon-alerted-grey-bg-192x192px.png", body: body, timestamp: timestamp, }); notify.addEventListener("click", function() { this.close(); window.focus(); const channelTarget = store.getters.findChannel(targetId); if (channelTarget) { switchToChannel(channelTarget); } }); } } catch (exception) { // `new Notification(...)` is not supported and should be silenced. } } } } }