"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const escape = require("css.escape"); const input = $("#input"); var serverHash = -1; var lastMessageId = -1; module.exports = { inputCommands: {collapse, expand, join}, findCurrentNetworkChan, serverHash, lastMessageId, confirmExit, forceFocus, move, resetHeight, setNick, toggleNickEditor, toggleNotificationMarkers, requestIdleCallback, isOpInChannel, }; function findCurrentNetworkChan(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return $(".network .chan.active") .parent(".network") .find(".chan") .filter(function() { return $(this).data("title").toLowerCase() === name; }) .first(); } function resetHeight(element) { element.style.height = element.style.minHeight; } // Given a channel element will determine if the lounge user is Op in that channel function isOpInChannel(channel) { const channelID = channel.data("id"); const network = $("#sidebar .network").has(`.chan[data-id="${channelID}"]`); const ownNick = network.data("nick"); const isOP = channel.find(`.users .user-mode.op .user[data-name="${escape(ownNick)}"]`).length; return isOP; } // Triggering click event opens the virtual keyboard on mobile // This can only be called from another interactive event (e.g. button click) function forceFocus() { input.trigger("click").focus(); } function collapse() { $(".chan.active .toggle-button.opened").click(); return true; } function expand() { $(".chan.active .toggle-button:not(.opened)").click(); return true; } function join(args) { const channel = args[0]; if (channel) { const chan = findCurrentNetworkChan(channel); if (chan.length) { chan.click(); return true; } } } function toggleNickEditor(toggle) { $("#nick").toggleClass("editable", toggle); $("#nick-value").attr("contenteditable", toggle); } function setNick(nick) { // Closes the nick editor when canceling, changing channel, or when a nick // is set in a different tab / browser / device. toggleNickEditor(false); $("#nick-value").text(nick); } const favicon = $("#favicon"); function toggleNotificationMarkers(newState) { // Toggles the favicon to red when there are unread notifications if (favicon.data("toggled") !== newState) { var old = favicon.attr("href"); favicon.attr("href", favicon.data("other")); favicon.data("other", old); favicon.data("toggled", newState); } // Toggles a dot on the menu icon when there are unread notifications $("#viewport .lt").toggleClass("notified", newState); } function confirmExit() { if ($("body").hasClass("public")) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?"; }; } } function move(array, old_index, new_index) { if (new_index >= array.length) { let k = new_index - array.length; while ((k--) + 1) { this.push(undefined); } } array.splice(new_index, 0, array.splice(old_index, 1)[0]); return array; } function requestIdleCallback(callback, timeout) { if (window.requestIdleCallback) { // During an idle period the user agent will run idle callbacks in FIFO order // until either the idle period ends or there are no more idle callbacks eligible to be run. window.requestIdleCallback(callback, {timeout: timeout}); } else { callback(); } }