# Shout [![](https://badge.fury.io/js/shout.png)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/shout) ### [Try the Shout client](http://shout-irc.com:9000/) ## Install ``` sudo npm install -g shout ``` ## Usage When the install is complete, go ahead and start the server: ``` shout ``` For more information: ``` shout --help ``` ## Screenshot ![](https://raw.github.com/erming/shout/master/screenshots/shout.png) ## Configuration Open your `config.json` file and edit: __port__ The default port to be used. You can override this by running `shout --port 80` __public__ Set to either `true|false`. When set to `false`, a login will be required for connecting users. ## Commands These are the commands currently implemented: - [x] /close - [x] /connect - [x] /deop - [x] /devoice - [x] /disconnect - [x] /invite - [x] /join - [x] /kick - [x] /leave - [x] /me - [x] /mode - [x] /msg - [x] /nick - [x] /notice - [x] /op - [x] /part - [x] /query - [x] /quit - [x] /raw - [x] /say - [x] /send - [x] /server - [x] /slap - [x] /topic - [x] /voice - [x] /whois ## License Available under [the MIT license](http://mths.be/mit).