"use strict"; const colors = require("colors/safe"); const fs = require("fs"); const Helper = require("../helper"); const path = require("path"); let home; class Utils { static extraHelp() { [ "", "", " Environment variable:", "", ` THELOUNGE_HOME Path for all configuration files and folders. Defaults to ${colors.green(Helper.expandHome(Utils.defaultHome()))}.`, "", ].forEach((e) => log.raw(e)); } static defaultHome() { if (home) { return home; } let distConfig; // TODO: Remove this section when releasing The Lounge v3 const deprecatedDistConfig = path.resolve(path.join( __dirname, "..", "..", ".lounge_home" )); if (fs.existsSync(deprecatedDistConfig)) { log.warn(`${colors.green(".lounge_home")} is ${colors.bold("deprecated")} and will be ignored as of The Lounge v3.`); log.warn(`Use ${colors.green(".thelounge_home")} instead.`); distConfig = deprecatedDistConfig; } else { distConfig = path.resolve(path.join( __dirname, "..", "..", ".thelounge_home" )); } home = fs.readFileSync(distConfig, "utf-8").trim(); return home; } } module.exports = Utils;