"use strict"; const expect = require("chai").expect; const Chan = require("../../src/models/chan"); const Msg = require("../../src/models/msg"); const User = require("../../src/models/user"); const Network = require("../../src/models/network"); const Helper = require("../../src/helper"); const STSPolicies = require("../../src/plugins/sts"); describe("Network", function () { describe("Network(attr)", function () { it("should generate uuid (v4) for each network", function () { const network1 = new Network(); const network2 = new Network(); expect(network1.uuid).to.have.lengthOf(36); expect(network2.uuid).to.have.lengthOf(36); expect(network1.uuid).to.not.equal(network2.uuid); }); it("lobby should be at the top", function () { const network = new Network({ name: "Super Nice Network", channels: [ new Chan({name: "AAAA!", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}), new Chan({name: "#thelounge"}), new Chan({name: "&foobar"}), ], }); network.channels.push(new Chan({name: "#swag"})); expect(network.channels[0].name).to.equal("Super Nice Network"); expect(network.channels[0].type).to.equal(Chan.Type.LOBBY); }); it("should maintain channel reference", function () { const chan = new Chan({ name: "#506-bug-fix", messages: [ new Msg({ text: "message in constructor", }), ], }); const network = new Network({ name: "networkName", channels: [chan], }); chan.messages.push( new Msg({ text: "message in original instance", }) ); network.channels[1].messages.push( new Msg({ text: "message after network creation", }) ); expect(network.channels[1].messages).to.have.lengthOf(3); expect(network.channels[1].messages[0].text).to.equal("message in constructor"); expect(network.channels[1].messages[1].text).to.equal("message in original instance"); expect(network.channels[1].messages[2].text).to.equal("message after network creation"); }); }); describe("#export()", function () { it("should produce an valid object", function () { const network = new Network({ uuid: "hello world", awayMessage: "I am away", name: "networkName", sasl: "plain", saslAccount: "testaccount", saslPassword: "testpassword", channels: [ new Chan({name: "#thelounge", key: "", muted: false}), new Chan({name: "&foobar", key: "", muted: false}), new Chan({name: "#secret", key: "foo", muted: false}), new Chan({name: "&secure", key: "bar", muted: true}), new Chan({name: "Channel List", type: Chan.Type.SPECIAL}), new Chan({name: "PrivateChat", type: Chan.Type.QUERY, muted: true}), ], }); network.setNick("chillin`"); expect(network.export()).to.deep.equal({ uuid: "hello world", awayMessage: "I am away", name: "networkName", host: "", port: 6667, tls: false, userDisconnected: false, rejectUnauthorized: false, password: "", username: "", realname: "", leaveMessage: "", sasl: "plain", saslAccount: "testaccount", saslPassword: "testpassword", commands: [], nick: "chillin`", proxyEnabled: false, proxyHost: "", proxyPort: 1080, proxyPassword: "", proxyUsername: "", channels: [ {name: "#thelounge", key: "", muted: false}, {name: "&foobar", key: "", muted: false}, {name: "#secret", key: "foo", muted: false}, {name: "&secure", key: "bar", muted: true}, {name: "PrivateChat", type: "query", muted: true}, ], ignoreList: [], }); }); }); describe("#validate()", function () { it("should set correct defaults", function () { Helper.config.defaults.nick = ""; const network = new Network({ host: "localhost", }); expect(network.validate()).to.be.true; expect(network.nick).to.equal("thelounge"); expect(network.username).to.equal("thelounge"); expect(network.realname).to.equal("The Lounge User"); expect(network.port).to.equal(6667); const network2 = new Network({ host: "localhost", nick: "@Invalid Nick?", }); expect(network2.validate()).to.be.true; expect(network2.username).to.equal("InvalidNick"); }); it("should enforce lockNetwork", function () { Helper.config.lockNetwork = true; // Make sure we lock in private mode Helper.config.public = false; const network = new Network({ host: "", port: 1337, tls: false, rejectUnauthorized: false, }); expect(network.validate()).to.be.true; expect(network.host).to.equal("irc.example.com"); expect(network.port).to.equal(6697); expect(network.tls).to.be.true; expect(network.rejectUnauthorized).to.be.true; // Make sure we lock in public mode (also resets public=true for other tests) Helper.config.public = true; const network2 = new Network({ host: "some.fake.tld", }); expect(network2.validate()).to.be.true; expect(network2.host).to.equal("irc.example.com"); Helper.config.lockNetwork = false; }); it("should apply STS policies iff they match", function () { const client = {idMsg: 1, emit() {}}; STSPolicies.update("irc.example.com", 7000, 3600); let network = new Network({ host: "irc.example.com", port: 1337, tls: false, }); expect(network.validate(client)).to.be.true; expect(network.port).to.equal(7000); expect(network.tls).to.be.true; network = new Network({ host: "irc2.example.com", port: 1337, tls: false, }); expect(network.validate(client)).to.be.true; expect(network.port).to.equal(1337); expect(network.tls).to.be.false; STSPolicies.update("irc.example.com", 7000, 0); // Cleanup }); }); describe("#edit(client, args)", function () { it("should enforce correct types", function () { let saveCalled = false; let nameEmitCalled = false; const network = new Network(); network.edit( { emit(name, data) { if (name === "network:name") { nameEmitCalled = true; expect(data.uuid).to.equal(network.uuid); expect(data.name).to.equal("Lounge Test Network"); } }, save() { saveCalled = true; }, }, { nick: "newNick", host: "new.tld", name: "Lounge Test Network", port: "1337", tls: undefined, rejectUnauthorized: undefined, username: 1234, password: 4567, realname: 8901, sasl: "something", saslAccount: 1337, saslPassword: 1337, commands: "/command 1 2 3\r\n/ping HELLO\r\r\r\r/whois test\r\n\r\n", ip: "newIp", hostname: "newHostname", uuid: "newuuid", } ); expect(saveCalled).to.be.true; expect(nameEmitCalled).to.be.true; expect(network.uuid).to.not.equal("newuuid"); expect(network.ip).to.be.undefined; expect(network.hostname).to.be.undefined; expect(network.name).to.equal("Lounge Test Network"); expect(network.channels[0].name).to.equal("Lounge Test Network"); expect(network.nick).to.equal("newNick"); expect(network.host).to.equal("new.tld"); expect(network.port).to.equal(1337); expect(network.tls).to.be.false; expect(network.rejectUnauthorized).to.be.false; expect(network.username).to.equal("1234"); expect(network.password).to.equal("4567"); expect(network.realname).to.equal("8901"); expect(network.sasl).to.equal(""); expect(network.saslAccount).to.equal("1337"); expect(network.saslPassword).to.equal("1337"); expect(network.commands).to.deep.equal([ "/command 1 2 3", "/ping HELLO", "/whois test", ]); }); }); describe("#getFilteredClone(lastActiveChannel, lastMessage)", function () { it("should filter channels", function () { const chan = new Chan(); chan.setUser(new User({nick: "test"})); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan], }); expect(network.channels[0].users).to.be.empty; }); it("should keep necessary properties", function () { const network = new Network(); const clone = network.getFilteredClone(); expect(clone) .to.be.an("object") .that.has.all.keys("channels", "status", "nick", "name", "serverOptions", "uuid"); expect(clone.status).to.be.an("object").that.has.all.keys("connected", "secure"); }); }); describe("#addChannel(newChan)", function () { it("should add channel", function () { const chan = new Chan({name: "#thelounge"}); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan], }); // Lobby and initial channel expect(network.channels.length).to.equal(2); const newChan = new Chan({name: "#foo"}); network.addChannel(newChan); expect(network.channels.length).to.equal(3); }); it("should add channel alphabetically", function () { const chan1 = new Chan({name: "#abc"}); const chan2 = new Chan({name: "#thelounge"}); const chan3 = new Chan({name: "#zero"}); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan1, chan2, chan3], name: "foo", }); const newChan = new Chan({name: "#foo"}); network.addChannel(newChan); expect(network.channels[0].name).to.equal("foo"); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(chan1); expect(network.channels[2]).to.equal(newChan); expect(network.channels[3]).to.equal(chan2); expect(network.channels[4]).to.equal(chan3); }); it("should sort case-insensitively", function () { const chan1 = new Chan({name: "#abc"}); const chan2 = new Chan({name: "#THELOUNGE"}); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan1, chan2], }); const newChan = new Chan({name: "#foo"}); network.addChannel(newChan); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(chan1); expect(network.channels[2]).to.equal(newChan); expect(network.channels[3]).to.equal(chan2); }); it("should sort users separately from channels", function () { const chan1 = new Chan({name: "#abc"}); const chan2 = new Chan({name: "#THELOUNGE"}); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan1, chan2], }); const newUser = new Chan({name: "mcinkay", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); network.addChannel(newUser); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(chan1); expect(network.channels[2]).to.equal(chan2); expect(network.channels[3]).to.equal(newUser); }); it("should sort users alphabetically", function () { const chan1 = new Chan({name: "#abc"}); const chan2 = new Chan({name: "#THELOUNGE"}); const user1 = new Chan({name: "astorije", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); const user2 = new Chan({name: "xpaw", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan1, chan2, user1, user2], }); const newUser = new Chan({name: "mcinkay", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); network.addChannel(newUser); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(chan1); expect(network.channels[2]).to.equal(chan2); expect(network.channels[3]).to.equal(user1); expect(network.channels[4]).to.equal(newUser); expect(network.channels[5]).to.equal(user2); }); it("should not sort special channels", function () { const chan1 = new Chan({name: "#abc"}); const chan2 = new Chan({name: "#THELOUNGE"}); const user1 = new Chan({name: "astorije", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); const user2 = new Chan({name: "xpaw", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan1, chan2, user1, user2], }); const newBanlist = new Chan({name: "Banlist for #THELOUNGE", type: Chan.Type.SPECIAL}); network.addChannel(newBanlist); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(chan1); expect(network.channels[2]).to.equal(chan2); expect(network.channels[3]).to.equal(user1); expect(network.channels[4]).to.equal(user2); expect(network.channels[5]).to.equal(newBanlist); }); it("should not compare against special channels", function () { const chan1 = new Chan({name: "#abc"}); const chan2 = new Chan({name: "#THELOUNGE"}); const user1 = new Chan({name: "astorije", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); const network = new Network({ channels: [chan1, chan2, user1], }); const newBanlist = new Chan({name: "Banlist for #THELOUNGE", type: Chan.Type.SPECIAL}); network.addChannel(newBanlist); const newUser = new Chan({name: "mcinkay", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); network.addChannel(newUser); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(chan1); expect(network.channels[2]).to.equal(chan2); expect(network.channels[3]).to.equal(user1); expect(network.channels[4]).to.equal(newUser); expect(network.channels[5]).to.equal(newBanlist); }); it("should insert before first special channel", function () { const banlist = new Chan({name: "Banlist for #THELOUNGE", type: Chan.Type.SPECIAL}); const chan1 = new Chan({name: "#thelounge"}); const user1 = new Chan({name: "astorije", type: Chan.Type.QUERY}); const network = new Network({ channels: [banlist, chan1, user1], }); const newChan = new Chan({name: "#foo"}); network.addChannel(newChan); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(newChan); expect(network.channels[2]).to.equal(banlist); expect(network.channels[3]).to.equal(chan1); expect(network.channels[4]).to.equal(user1); }); it("should never add something in front of the lobby", function () { const network = new Network({ name: "foo", channels: [], }); const newUser = new Chan({name: "astorije"}); network.addChannel(newUser); expect(network.channels[1]).to.equal(newUser); }); }); });