"use strict"; import pkg from "../package.json"; import _ from "lodash"; import path from "path"; import os from "os"; import fs from "fs"; import net from "net"; import bcrypt from "bcryptjs"; import crypto from "crypto"; import {Hostmask} from "./types/helper"; const Helper = { expandHome, getVersion, getVersionCacheBust, getVersionNumber, getGitCommit, ip2hex, parseHostmask, compareHostmask, compareWithWildcard, password: { hash: passwordHash, compare: passwordCompare, requiresUpdate: passwordRequiresUpdate, }, }; export default Helper; function getVersion() { const gitCommit = getGitCommit(); const version = `v${pkg.version}`; return gitCommit ? `source (${gitCommit} / ${version})` : version; } function getVersionNumber() { return pkg.version; } let _gitCommit: string | null = null; function getGitCommit() { if (_gitCommit) { return _gitCommit; } if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", ".git"))) { _gitCommit = null; return null; } try { _gitCommit = require("child_process") .execSync( "git rev-parse --short HEAD", // Returns hash of current commit {stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "ignore"]} ) .toString() .trim(); return _gitCommit; } catch (e: any) { // Not a git repository or git is not installed _gitCommit = null; return null; } } function getVersionCacheBust() { const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(Helper.getVersion()).digest("hex"); return hash.substring(0, 10); } function ip2hex(address: string) { // no ipv6 support if (!net.isIPv4(address)) { return "00000000"; } return address .split(".") .map(function (octet) { let hex = parseInt(octet, 10).toString(16); if (hex.length === 1) { hex = "0" + hex; } return hex; }) .join(""); } // Expand ~ into the current user home dir. // This does *not* support `~other_user/tmp` => `/home/other_user/tmp`. function expandHome(shortenedPath: string) { if (!shortenedPath) { return ""; } const home = os.homedir().replace("$", "$$$$"); return path.resolve(shortenedPath.replace(/^~($|\/|\\)/, home + "$1")); } function passwordRequiresUpdate(password: string) { return bcrypt.getRounds(password) !== 11; } function passwordHash(password: string) { return bcrypt.hashSync(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(11)); } function passwordCompare(password: string, expected: string) { return bcrypt.compare(password, expected); } function parseHostmask(hostmask: string): Hostmask { let nick = ""; let ident = "*"; let hostname = "*"; let parts: string[] = []; // Parse hostname first, then parse the rest parts = hostmask.split("@"); if (parts.length >= 2) { hostname = parts[1] || "*"; hostmask = parts[0]; } hostname = hostname.toLowerCase(); parts = hostmask.split("!"); if (parts.length >= 2) { ident = parts[1] || "*"; hostmask = parts[0]; } ident = ident.toLowerCase(); nick = hostmask.toLowerCase() || "*"; const result = { nick: nick, ident: ident, hostname: hostname, }; return result; } function compareHostmask(a: Hostmask, b: Hostmask) { return ( compareWithWildcard(a.nick, b.nick) && compareWithWildcard(a.ident, b.ident) && compareWithWildcard(a.hostname, b.hostname) ); } function compareWithWildcard(a: string, b: string) { // we allow '*' and '?' wildcards in our comparison. // this is mostly aligned with https://modern.ircdocs.horse/#wildcard-expressions // but we do not support the escaping. The ABNF does not seem to be clear as to // how to escape the escape char '\', which is valid in a nick, // whereas the wildcards tend not to be (as per RFC1459). // The "*" wildcard is ".*" in regex, "?" is "." // so we tokenize and join with the proper char back together, // escaping any other regex modifier const wildmany_split = a.split("*").map((sub) => { const wildone_split = sub.split("?").map((p) => _.escapeRegExp(p)); return wildone_split.join("."); }); const user_regex = wildmany_split.join(".*"); const re = new RegExp(`^${user_regex}$`, "i"); // case insensitive return re.test(b); }