"use strict"; var _ = require("lodash"); var colors = require("colors/safe"); var pkg = require("../package.json"); var Chan = require("./models/chan"); var crypto = require("crypto"); var userLog = require("./userLog"); var Msg = require("./models/msg"); var Network = require("./models/network"); var ircFramework = require("irc-framework"); var Helper = require("./helper"); module.exports = Client; var id = 0; var events = [ "connection", "unhandled", "ctcp", "error", "invite", "join", "kick", "mode", "motd", "message", "names", "nick", "part", "quit", "topic", "welcome", "list", "whois" ]; var inputs = [ "ctcp", "msg", "part", "action", "away", "connect", "disconnect", "invite", "kick", "mode", "nick", "notice", "query", "quit", "raw", "topic", "list", "whois" ].reduce(function(plugins, name) { var path = "./plugins/inputs/" + name; var plugin = require(path); plugin.commands.forEach(command => plugins[command] = plugin); return plugins; }, {}); function Client(manager, name, config) { if (typeof config !== "object") { config = {}; } _.merge(this, { lastActiveChannel: -1, attachedClients: {}, config: config, id: id++, name: name, networks: [], sockets: manager.sockets, manager: manager }); var client = this; if (client.name && !client.config.token) { client.updateToken(function(token) { client.manager.updateUser(client.name, {token: token}); }); } var delay = 0; (client.config.networks || []).forEach(n => { setTimeout(function() { client.connect(n); }, delay); delay += 1000; }); if (client.name) { log.info(`User ${colors.bold(client.name)} loaded`); } } Client.prototype.emit = function(event, data) { if (this.sockets !== null) { this.sockets.in(this.id).emit(event, data); } if (this.config.log === true) { if (event === "msg") { var target = this.find(data.chan); if (target) { var chan = target.chan.name; if (target.chan.type === Chan.Type.LOBBY) { chan = target.network.host; } userLog.write( this.name, target.network.host, chan, data.msg ); } } } }; Client.prototype.find = function(channelId) { var network = null; var chan = null; for (var i in this.networks) { var n = this.networks[i]; chan = _.find(n.channels, {id: channelId}); if (chan) { network = n; break; } } if (network && chan) { return { network: network, chan: chan }; } return false; }; Client.prototype.connect = function(args) { var config = Helper.config; var client = this; var nick = args.nick || "lounge-user"; var webirc = null; var channels = []; if (args.channels) { var badName = false; args.channels.forEach(chan => { if (!chan.name) { badName = true; return; } channels.push(new Chan({ name: chan.name })); }); if (badName && client.name) { log.warn("User '" + client.name + "' on network '" + args.name + "' has an invalid channel which has been ignored"); } // `join` is kept for backwards compatibility when updating from versions <2.0 // also used by the "connect" window } else if (args.join) { channels = args.join .replace(/,/g, " ") .split(/\s+/g) .map(function(chan) { return new Chan({ name: chan }); }); } args.ip = args.ip || (client.config && client.config.ip) || client.ip; args.hostname = args.hostname || (client.config && client.config.hostname) || client.hostname; var network = new Network({ name: args.name || "", host: args.host || "", port: parseInt(args.port, 10) || (args.tls ? 6697 : 6667), tls: !!args.tls, password: args.password, username: args.username || nick.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ""), realname: args.realname || "The Lounge User", commands: args.commands, ip: args.ip, hostname: args.hostname, channels: channels, }); network.setNick(nick); client.networks.push(network); client.emit("network", { networks: [network] }); if (config.lockNetwork) { // This check is needed to prevent invalid user configurations if (args.host && args.host.length > 0 && args.host !== config.defaults.host) { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ type: Msg.Type.ERROR, text: "Hostname you specified is not allowed." }), true); return; } network.host = config.defaults.host; network.port = config.defaults.port; network.tls = config.defaults.tls; } if (network.host.length === 0) { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ type: Msg.Type.ERROR, text: "You must specify a hostname to connect." }), true); return; } if (config.webirc && network.host in config.webirc) { if (!args.hostname) { args.hostname = args.ip; } if (args.ip) { if (config.webirc[network.host] instanceof Function) { webirc = config.webirc[network.host](client, args); } else { webirc = { password: config.webirc[network.host], username: pkg.name, address: args.ip, hostname: args.hostname }; } } else { log.warn("Cannot find a valid WEBIRC configuration for " + nick + "!" + network.username + "@" + network.host); } } network.irc = new ircFramework.Client(); network.irc.requestCap([ "echo-message", "znc.in/self-message", ]); events.forEach(plugin => { var path = "./plugins/irc-events/" + plugin; require(path).apply(client, [ network.irc, network ]); }); network.irc.connect({ version: pkg.name + " " + Helper.getVersion() + " -- " + pkg.homepage, host: network.host, port: network.port, nick: nick, username: config.useHexIp ? Helper.ip2hex(args.ip) : network.username, gecos: network.realname, password: network.password, tls: network.tls, localAddress: config.bind, rejectUnauthorized: false, auto_reconnect: true, auto_reconnect_wait: 10000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), // If multiple users are connected to the same network, randomize their reconnections a little auto_reconnect_max_retries: 360, // At least one hour (plus timeouts) worth of reconnections webirc: webirc, }); client.save(); }; Client.prototype.updateToken = function(callback) { var client = this; crypto.randomBytes(48, function(err, buf) { if (err) { throw err; } callback(client.config.token = buf.toString("hex")); }); }; Client.prototype.setPassword = function(hash, callback) { var client = this; client.updateToken(function(token) { client.manager.updateUser(client.name, { token: token, password: hash }, function(err) { if (err) { log.error("Failed to update password of", client.name, err); return callback(false); } client.config.password = hash; return callback(true); }); }); }; Client.prototype.input = function(data) { var client = this; data.text.split("\n").forEach(line => { data.text = line; client.inputLine(data); }); }; Client.prototype.inputLine = function(data) { var client = this; var text = data.text; var target = client.find(data.target); if (!target) { return; } // Sending a message to a channel is higher priority than merely opening one // so that reloading the page will open this channel this.lastActiveChannel = target.chan.id; // This is either a normal message or a command escaped with a leading '/' if (text.charAt(0) !== "/" || text.charAt(1) === "/") { text = "say " + text.replace(/^\//, ""); } else { text = text.substr(1); } var args = text.split(" "); var cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase(); var irc = target.network.irc; var connected = irc && irc.connection && irc.connection.connected; if (cmd in inputs) { var plugin = inputs[cmd]; if (connected || plugin.allowDisconnected) { connected = true; plugin.input.apply(client, [target.network, target.chan, cmd, args]); } } else if (connected) { irc.raw(text); } if (!connected) { target.chan.pushMessage(this, new Msg({ type: Msg.Type.ERROR, text: "You are not connected to the IRC network, unable to send your command." })); } }; Client.prototype.more = function(data) { var client = this; var target = client.find(data.target); if (!target) { return; } var chan = target.chan; var count = chan.messages.length - (data.count || 0); var messages = chan.messages.slice(Math.max(0, count - 100), count); client.emit("more", { chan: chan.id, messages: messages }); }; Client.prototype.open = function(socketId, target) { // Opening a window like settings if (target === null) { this.attachedClients[socketId] = -1; return; } target = this.find(target); if (!target) { return; } target.chan.firstUnread = 0; target.chan.unread = 0; target.chan.highlight = false; this.attachedClients[socketId] = target.chan.id; this.lastActiveChannel = target.chan.id; this.emit("open", target.chan.id); }; Client.prototype.sort = function(data) { var self = this; var type = data.type; var order = data.order || []; var sorted = []; switch (type) { case "networks": order.forEach(i => { var find = _.find(self.networks, {id: i}); if (find) { sorted.push(find); } }); self.networks = sorted; break; case "channels": var target = data.target; var network = _.find(self.networks, {id: target}); if (!network) { return; } order.forEach(i => { var find = _.find(network.channels, {id: i}); if (find) { sorted.push(find); } }); network.channels = sorted; break; } self.save(); // Sync order to connected clients const syncOrder = sorted.map(obj => obj.id); self.emit("sync_sort", {order: syncOrder, type: type, target: data.target}); }; Client.prototype.names = function(data) { var client = this; var target = client.find(data.target); if (!target) { return; } client.emit("names", { id: target.chan.id, users: target.chan.users }); }; Client.prototype.quit = function() { var sockets = this.sockets.sockets; var room = sockets.adapter.rooms[this.id] || []; for (var user in room) { var socket = sockets.adapter.nsp.connected[user]; if (socket) { socket.disconnect(); } } this.networks.forEach(network => { if (network.irc) { network.irc.quit("Page closed"); } }); }; Client.prototype.clientAttach = function(socketId) { var client = this; var save = false; client.attachedClients[socketId] = client.lastActiveChannel; // Update old networks to store ip and hostmask client.networks.forEach(network => { if (!network.ip) { save = true; network.ip = (client.config && client.config.ip) || client.ip; } if (!network.hostname) { var hostmask = (client.config && client.config.hostname) || client.hostname; if (hostmask) { save = true; network.hostmask = hostmask; } } }); if (save) { client.save(); } }; Client.prototype.clientDetach = function(socketId) { delete this.attachedClients[socketId]; }; Client.prototype.save = _.debounce(function SaveClient() { if (Helper.config.public) { return; } const client = this; let json = {}; json.networks = this.networks.map(n => n.export()); client.manager.updateUser(client.name, json); }, 1000, {maxWait: 10000});