"use strict"; const log = require("../src/log"); const Helper = require("../src/helper"); const expect = require("chai").expect; const got = require("got"); const io = require("socket.io-client"); describe("Server", function() { // Travis is having issues with slow workers and thus tests timeout this.timeout(process.env.CI ? 25000 : 5000); let server; let originalLogInfo; before(function() { originalLogInfo = log.info; log.info = () => {}; server = require("../src/server")(); }); after(function(done) { server.close(done); log.info = originalLogInfo; }); const webURL = `http://${Helper.config.host}:${Helper.config.port}/`; describe("Express", () => { it("should run a web server on " + webURL, async () => { const response = await got(webURL); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.body).to.include("The Lounge"); expect(response.body).to.include("js/bundle.js"); }); it("should serve static content correctly", async () => { const response = await got(webURL + "thelounge.webmanifest"); const body = JSON.parse(response.body); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(body.name).to.equal("The Lounge"); expect(response.headers["content-type"]).to.equal("application/manifest+json"); }); }); describe("WebSockets", function() { this.slow(300); let client; beforeEach(() => { client = io(webURL, { path: "/socket.io/", autoConnect: false, reconnection: false, timeout: 1000, transports: ["websocket"], }); // Server emits events faster than the test can bind them setTimeout(() => { client.open(); }, 1); }); afterEach(() => { client.close(); }); it("should emit authorized message", (done) => { client.on("authorized", done); }); it("should create network", (done) => { client.on("init", () => { client.emit("network:new", { username: "test-user", realname: "The Lounge Test", nick: "test-user", join: "#thelounge, #spam", name: "Test Network", host: Helper.config.host, port: 6667, }); }); client.on("network", (data) => { expect(data.networks).to.be.an("array"); expect(data.networks).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(data.networks[0].realname).to.equal("The Lounge Test"); expect(data.networks[0].channels).to.have.lengthOf(3); expect(data.networks[0].channels[0].name).to.equal("Test Network"); expect(data.networks[0].channels[1].name).to.equal("#thelounge"); done(); }); }); it("should emit init message", (done) => { client.on("init", (data) => { expect(data.active).to.equal(-1); expect(data.networks).to.be.an("array"); expect(data.networks).to.be.empty; expect(data.token).to.be.null; expect(data.pushSubscription).to.be.undefined; // Private key defined in vapid.json is "01020304050607080910111213141516" for this public key. expect(data.applicationServerKey).to.equal( "BM0eTDpvDnH7ewlHuXWcPTE1NjlJ06XWIS1cQeBTZmsg4EDx5sOpY7kdX1pniTo8RakL3UdfFuIbC8_zog_BWIM" ); done(); }); }); }); });