"use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); const net = require("net"); const colors = require("colors/safe"); const Helper = require("./helper"); class Identification { constructor(startedCallback) { this.connectionId = 0; this.connections = new Map(); if (typeof Helper.config.oidentd === "string") { this.oidentdFile = Helper.expandHome(Helper.config.oidentd); log.info(`Oidentd file: ${colors.green(this.oidentdFile)}`); this.refresh(); } if (Helper.config.identd.enable) { if (this.oidentdFile) { log.warn("Using both identd and oidentd at the same time, this is most likely not intended."); } var server = net.createServer(this.serverConnection.bind(this)); server.listen({ port: Helper.config.identd.port || 113, host: Helper.config.bind || Helper.config.host, }, () => { var address = server.address(); log.info(`Identd server available on ${colors.green(address.address + ":" + address.port)}`); startedCallback(this); }); } else { startedCallback(this); } } serverConnection(socket) { socket.on("data", data => { this.respondToIdent(socket, data); socket.end(); }); } respondToIdent(socket, data) { data = data.toString().split(","); const lport = parseInt(data[0]); const fport = parseInt(data[1]); if (lport < 1 || fport < 1 || lport > 65535 || fport > 65535) { return; } for (var connection of this.connections.values()) { if (connection.socket.remoteAddress === socket.remoteAddress && connection.socket.remotePort === fport && connection.socket.localPort === lport && connection.socket.localAddress === socket.localAddress) { return socket.write(`${lport}, ${fport} : USERID : UNIX : ${connection.user}\r\n`); } } socket.write(`${lport}, ${fport} : ERROR : NO-USER\r\n`); } addSocket(socket, user) { const id = ++this.connectionId; this.connections.set(id, {socket: socket, user: user}); if (this.oidentdFile) { this.refresh(); } return id; } removeSocket(id) { this.connections.delete(id); if (this.oidentdFile) { this.refresh(); } } refresh() { let file = "# Warning: file generated by The Lounge: changes will be overwritten!\n"; this.connections.forEach((connection) => { file += "to " + connection.socket.remoteAddress + " lport " + connection.socket.localPort + " from " + connection.socket.localAddress + " fport " + connection.socket.remotePort + " { reply \"" + connection.user + "\" }\n"; }); fs.writeFile(this.oidentdFile, file, {flag: "w+"}, function(err) { if (err) { log.error("Failed to update oidentd file!", err); } }); } } module.exports = Identification;