"use strict"; var _ = require("lodash"); var Chan = require("./chan"); module.exports = Network; let id = 1; function Network(attr) { _.defaults(this, attr, { name: "", host: "", port: 6667, tls: false, password: "", awayMessage: "", commands: [], username: "", realname: "", channels: [], ip: null, hostname: null, id: id++, irc: null, serverOptions: { PREFIX: [], NETWORK: "", }, chanCache: [], }); if (!this.name) { this.name = this.host; } this.channels.unshift( new Chan({ name: this.name, type: Chan.Type.LOBBY }) ); } Network.prototype.destroy = function() { this.channels.forEach((channel) => channel.destroy()); }; Network.prototype.setNick = function(nick) { this.nick = nick; this.highlightRegex = new RegExp( // Do not match characters and numbers (unless IRC color) "(?:^|[^a-z0-9]|\x03[0-9]{1,2})" + // Escape nickname, as it may contain regex stuff _.escapeRegExp(nick) + // Do not match characters and numbers "(?:[^a-z0-9]|$)", // Case insensitive search "i" ); }; Network.prototype.toJSON = function() { return _.omit(this, [ "awayMessage", "chanCache", "highlightRegex", "irc", "password", ]); }; Network.prototype.export = function() { var network = _.pick(this, [ "awayMessage", "nick", "name", "host", "port", "tls", "password", "username", "realname", "commands", "ip", "hostname" ]); network.channels = this.channels .filter(function(channel) { return channel.type === Chan.Type.CHANNEL; }) .map(function(chan) { return _.pick(chan, [ "name", "key", ]); }); return network; }; Network.prototype.getChannel = function(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return _.find(this.channels, function(that) { return that.name.toLowerCase() === name; }); };