"use strict"; const _ = require("lodash"); const uuidv4 = require("uuid/v4"); const IrcFramework = require("irc-framework"); const Chan = require("./chan"); const Msg = require("./msg"); const Helper = require("../helper"); module.exports = Network; let id = 1; /** * @type {Object} List of keys which should not be sent to the client. */ const filteredFromClient = { awayMessage: true, chanCache: true, highlightRegex: true, irc: true, password: true, }; function Network(attr) { _.defaults(this, attr, { name: "", host: "", port: 6667, tls: false, rejectUnauthorized: false, password: "", awayMessage: "", commands: [], username: "", realname: "", channels: [], ip: null, hostname: null, id: id++, irc: null, serverOptions: { PREFIX: [], NETWORK: "", }, chanCache: [], }); if (!this.uuid) { this.uuid = uuidv4(); } if (!this.name) { this.name = this.host; } this.channels.unshift( new Chan({ name: this.name, type: Chan.Type.LOBBY, }) ); } Network.prototype.validate = function(client) { this.setNick(String(this.nick || "thelounge").replace(" ", "_")); if (!this.username) { this.username = this.nick.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ""); } if (!this.realname) { this.realname = "The Lounge User"; } if (!this.port) { this.port = this.tls ? 6697 : 6667; } if (Helper.config.lockNetwork) { // This check is needed to prevent invalid user configurations if (!Helper.config.public && this.host && this.host.length > 0 && this.host !== Helper.config.defaults.host) { this.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ type: Msg.Type.ERROR, text: "Hostname you specified is not allowed.", }), true); return false; } this.host = Helper.config.defaults.host; this.port = Helper.config.defaults.port; this.tls = Helper.config.defaults.tls; this.rejectUnauthorized = Helper.config.defaults.rejectUnauthorized; } if (this.host.length === 0) { this.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ type: Msg.Type.ERROR, text: "You must specify a hostname to connect.", }), true); return false; } return true; }; Network.prototype.createIrcFramework = function(client) { this.irc = new IrcFramework.Client({ version: false, // We handle it ourselves host: this.host, port: this.port, nick: this.nick, username: Helper.config.useHexIp ? Helper.ip2hex(this.ip) : this.username, gecos: this.realname, password: this.password, tls: this.tls, outgoing_addr: Helper.config.bind, rejectUnauthorized: this.rejectUnauthorized, enable_chghost: true, enable_echomessage: true, auto_reconnect: true, auto_reconnect_wait: 10000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), // If multiple users are connected to the same network, randomize their reconnections a little auto_reconnect_max_retries: 360, // At least one hour (plus timeouts) worth of reconnections webirc: this.createWebIrc(client), }); this.irc.requestCap([ "znc.in/self-message", // Legacy echo-message for ZNC ]); // Request only new messages from ZNC if we have sqlite logging enabled // See http://wiki.znc.in/Playback if (client.config.log && Helper.config.messageStorage.includes("sqlite")) { this.irc.requestCap("znc.in/playback"); } }; Network.prototype.createWebIrc = function(client) { if (!Helper.config.webirc || !(this.host in Helper.config.webirc)) { return null; } if (!this.ip) { log.warn(`Cannot find a valid WEBIRC configuration for ${this.nick}!${this.username}@${this.host}`); return null; } if (!this.hostname) { this.hostname = this.ip; } if (Helper.config.webirc[this.host] instanceof Function) { return Helper.config.webirc[this.host](client, this); } return { password: Helper.config.webirc[this.host], username: "thelounge", address: this.ip, hostname: this.hostname, }; }; Network.prototype.edit = function(client, args) { const oldNick = this.nick; this.nick = args.nick; this.host = String(args.host || ""); this.name = String(args.name || "") || this.host; this.port = parseInt(args.port, 10); this.tls = !!args.tls; this.rejectUnauthorized = !!args.rejectUnauthorized; this.password = String(args.password || ""); this.username = String(args.username || ""); this.realname = String(args.realname || ""); // Split commands into an array this.commands = String(args.commands || "") .replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, "\n") .split("\n") .filter((command) => command.length > 0); // Sync lobby channel name this.channels[0].name = this.name; if (!this.validate(client)) { return; } if (this.irc) { if (this.nick !== oldNick) { if (this.irc.connection && this.irc.connection.connected) { // Send new nick straight away this.irc.raw("NICK", this.nick); } else { this.irc.options.nick = this.irc.user.nick = this.nick; // Update UI nick straight away if IRC is not connected client.emit("nick", { network: this.id, nick: this.nick, }); } } this.irc.options.host = this.host; this.irc.options.port = this.port; this.irc.options.password = this.password; this.irc.options.gecos = this.irc.user.gecos = this.realname; this.irc.options.tls = this.tls; this.irc.options.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized; if (!Helper.config.useHexIp) { this.irc.options.username = this.irc.user.username = this.username; } } client.save(); }; Network.prototype.destroy = function() { this.channels.forEach((channel) => channel.destroy()); }; Network.prototype.setNick = function(nick) { this.nick = nick; this.highlightRegex = new RegExp( // Do not match characters and numbers (unless IRC color) "(?:^|[^a-z0-9]|\x03[0-9]{1,2})" + // Escape nickname, as it may contain regex stuff _.escapeRegExp(nick) + // Do not match characters and numbers "(?:[^a-z0-9]|$)", // Case insensitive search "i" ); }; /** * Get a clean clone of this network that will be sent to the client. * This function performs manual cloning of network object for * better control of performance and memory usage. * * Both of the parameters that are accepted by this function are passed into channels' getFilteredClone call. * * @see {@link Chan#getFilteredClone} */ Network.prototype.getFilteredClone = function(lastActiveChannel, lastMessage) { const filteredNetwork = Object.keys(this).reduce((newNetwork, prop) => { if (prop === "channels") { // Channels objects perform their own cloning newNetwork[prop] = this[prop].map((channel) => channel.getFilteredClone(lastActiveChannel, lastMessage)); } else if (!filteredFromClient[prop]) { // Some properties that are not useful for the client are skipped newNetwork[prop] = this[prop]; } return newNetwork; }, {}); filteredNetwork.status = this.getNetworkStatus(); return filteredNetwork; }; Network.prototype.getNetworkStatus = function() { const status = { connected: false, secure: false, }; if (this.irc && this.irc.connection && this.irc.connection.transport) { const transport = this.irc.connection.transport; if (transport.socket) { const isLocalhost = transport.socket.remoteAddress === ""; const isAuthorized = transport.socket.encrypted && transport.socket.authorized; status.connected = transport.isConnected(); status.secure = isAuthorized || isLocalhost; } } return status; }; Network.prototype.addChannel = function(newChan) { let index = this.channels.length; // Default to putting as the last item in the array // Don't sort special channels in amongst channels/users. if (newChan.type === Chan.Type.CHANNEL || newChan.type === Chan.Type.QUERY) { // We start at 1 so we don't test against the lobby for (let i = 1; i < this.channels.length; i++) { const compareChan = this.channels[i]; // Negative if the new chan is alphabetically before the next chan in the list, positive if after if (newChan.name.localeCompare(compareChan.name, {sensitivity: "base"}) <= 0 || (compareChan.type !== Chan.Type.CHANNEL && compareChan.type !== Chan.Type.QUERY)) { index = i; break; } } } this.channels.splice(index, 0, newChan); return index; }; Network.prototype.export = function() { const network = _.pick(this, [ "uuid", "awayMessage", "nick", "name", "host", "port", "tls", "rejectUnauthorized", "password", "username", "realname", "commands", "ip", "hostname", ]); network.channels = this.channels .filter(function(channel) { return channel.type === Chan.Type.CHANNEL || channel.type === Chan.Type.QUERY; }) .map(function(chan) { const keys = ["name"]; if (chan.type === Chan.Type.CHANNEL) { keys.push("key"); } else if (chan.type === Chan.Type.QUERY) { keys.push("type"); } return _.pick(chan, keys); }); return network; }; Network.prototype.getChannel = function(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return _.find(this.channels, function(that, i) { // Skip network lobby (it's always unshifted into first position) return i > 0 && that.name.toLowerCase() === name; }); };