Reto Brunner 0ff9703a28 logs: Set umode to a more restrictive value
When TL first creates the log folder, let only the user read the
log files, should the admin override that subsequently we'll
simply warn about it but respect the decision.

Meaning we have private by default, but this can be overriden
2021-11-30 19:13:33 +01:00

370 lines
8.3 KiB

"use strict";
const pkg = require("../package.json");
const _ = require("lodash");
const log = require("./log");
const path = require("path");
const os = require("os");
const fs = require("fs");
const net = require("net");
const bcrypt = require("bcryptjs");
const colors = require("chalk");
const crypto = require("crypto");
let homePath;
let configPath;
let usersPath;
let storagePath;
let packagesPath;
let fileUploadPath;
let userLogsPath;
let clientCertificatesPath;
const Helper = {
config: null,
password: {
hash: passwordHash,
compare: passwordCompare,
requiresUpdate: passwordRequiresUpdate,
module.exports = Helper;
Helper.config = require(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, "..", "defaults", "config.js")));
function getVersion() {
const gitCommit = getGitCommit();
const version = `v${pkg.version}`;
return gitCommit ? `source (${gitCommit} / ${version})` : version;
function getVersionNumber() {
return pkg.version;
let _gitCommit;
function getGitCommit() {
if (_gitCommit !== undefined) {
return _gitCommit;
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", ".git", "HEAD"))) {
_gitCommit = null;
return null;
try {
_gitCommit = require("child_process")
"git rev-parse --short HEAD", // Returns hash of current commit
{stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "ignore"]}
return _gitCommit;
} catch (e) {
// Not a git repository or git is not installed
_gitCommit = null;
return null;
function getVersionCacheBust() {
const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(Helper.getVersion()).digest("hex");
return hash.substring(0, 10);
function setHome(newPath) {
homePath = expandHome(newPath);
configPath = path.join(homePath, "config.js");
usersPath = path.join(homePath, "users");
storagePath = path.join(homePath, "storage");
fileUploadPath = path.join(homePath, "uploads");
packagesPath = path.join(homePath, "packages");
userLogsPath = path.join(homePath, "logs");
clientCertificatesPath = path.join(homePath, "certificates");
// Reload config from new home location
if (fs.existsSync(configPath)) {
const userConfig = require(configPath);
if (_.isEmpty(userConfig)) {
`The file located at ${
)} does not appear to expose anything.`
`Make sure it is non-empty and the configuration is exported using ${colors.bold(
"module.exports = { ... }"
log.warn("Using default configuration...");
mergeConfig(this.config, userConfig);
if (this.config.fileUpload.baseUrl) {
try {
new URL("test/file.png", this.config.fileUpload.baseUrl);
} catch (e) {
this.config.fileUpload.baseUrl = null;
log.warn(`The ${colors.bold("fileUpload.baseUrl")} you specified is invalid: ${e}`);
const manifestPath = path.resolve(
path.join(__dirname, "..", "public", "thelounge.webmanifest")
// Check if manifest exists, if not, the app most likely was not built
if (!fs.existsSync(manifestPath)) {
`The client application was not built. Run ${colors.bold(
"NODE_ENV=production yarn build"
)} to resolve this.`
// Load theme color from the web manifest
const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, "utf8"));
this.config.themeColor = manifest.theme_color;
// log dir probably shouldn't be world accessible.
// Create it with the desired permission bits if it doesn't exist yet.
let logsStat = undefined;
try {
logsStat = fs.statSync(userLogsPath);
} catch {
// ignored on purpose, node v14.17.0 will give us {throwIfNoEntry: false}
if (!logsStat) {
try {
fs.mkdirSync(userLogsPath, {recursive: true, mode: 0o750});
} catch (e) {
log.error("Unable to create logs directory", e);
} else if (logsStat && logsStat.mode & 0o001) {
"contents of",
"can be accessed by any user, the log files may be exposed"
if (os.platform() !== "win32") {
log.warn(`run \`chmod o-x ${userLogsPath}\` to correct it`);
function getHomePath() {
return homePath;
function getConfigPath() {
return configPath;
function getFileUploadPath() {
return fileUploadPath;
function getUsersPath() {
return usersPath;
function getUserConfigPath(name) {
return path.join(usersPath, name + ".json");
function getUserLogsPath() {
return userLogsPath;
function getClientCertificatesPath() {
return clientCertificatesPath;
function getStoragePath() {
return storagePath;
function getPackagesPath() {
return packagesPath;
function getPackageModulePath(packageName) {
return path.join(Helper.getPackagesPath(), "node_modules", packageName);
function ip2hex(address) {
// no ipv6 support
if (!net.isIPv4(address)) {
return "00000000";
return address
.map(function (octet) {
let hex = parseInt(octet, 10).toString(16);
if (hex.length === 1) {
hex = "0" + hex;
return hex;
// Expand ~ into the current user home dir.
// This does *not* support `~other_user/tmp` => `/home/other_user/tmp`.
function expandHome(shortenedPath) {
if (!shortenedPath) {
return "";
const home = os.homedir().replace("$", "$$$$");
return path.resolve(shortenedPath.replace(/^~($|\/|\\)/, home + "$1"));
function passwordRequiresUpdate(password) {
return bcrypt.getRounds(password) !== 11;
function passwordHash(password) {
return bcrypt.hashSync(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(11));
function passwordCompare(password, expected) {
return, expected);
function getDefaultNick() {
if (!this.config.defaults.nick) {
return "thelounge";
return this.config.defaults.nick.replace(/%/g, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 10));
function mergeConfig(oldConfig, newConfig) {
for (const key in newConfig) {
if (!, key)) {
log.warn(`Unknown key "${colors.bold(key)}", please verify your config.`);
return _.mergeWith(oldConfig, newConfig, (objValue, srcValue, key) => {
// Do not override config variables if the type is incorrect (e.g. object changed into a string)
if (
typeof objValue !== "undefined" &&
objValue !== null &&
typeof objValue !== typeof srcValue
) {
log.warn(`Incorrect type for "${colors.bold(key)}", please verify your config.`);
return objValue;
// For arrays, simply override the value with user provided one.
if (_.isArray(objValue)) {
return srcValue;
function parseHostmask(hostmask) {
let nick = "";
let ident = "*";
let hostname = "*";
let parts = [];
// Parse hostname first, then parse the rest
parts = hostmask.split("@");
if (parts.length >= 2) {
hostname = parts[1] || "*";
hostmask = parts[0];
hostname = hostname.toLowerCase();
parts = hostmask.split("!");
if (parts.length >= 2) {
ident = parts[1] || "*";
hostmask = parts[0];
ident = ident.toLowerCase();
nick = hostmask.toLowerCase() || "*";
const result = {
nick: nick,
ident: ident,
hostname: hostname,
return result;
function compareHostmask(a, b) {
return (
compareWithWildcard(a.nick, b.nick) &&
compareWithWildcard(a.ident, b.ident) &&
compareWithWildcard(a.hostname, b.hostname)
function compareWithWildcard(a, b) {
// we allow '*' and '?' wildcards in our comparison.
// this is mostly aligned with
// but we do not support the escaping. The ABNF does not seem to be clear as to
// how to escape the escape char '\', which is valid in a nick,
// whereas the wildcards tend not to be (as per RFC1459).
// The "*" wildcard is ".*" in regex, "?" is "."
// so we tokenize and join with the proper char back together,
// escaping any other regex modifier
const wildmany_split = a.split("*").map((sub) => {
const wildone_split = sub.split("?").map((p) => _.escapeRegExp(p));
return wildone_split.join(".");
const user_regex = wildmany_split.join(".*");
const re = new RegExp(`^${user_regex}$`, "i"); // case insensitive
return re.test(b);