SoniEx2 ae6bae69ac linkify: Add web+ schema support
Co-Authored-By: Reto Brunner <>
2024-01-21 17:47:32 +01:00

107 lines
2 KiB

import LinkifyIt, {Match} from "linkify-it";
import tlds from "tlds";
export type NoSchemaMatch = Match & {
noschema: boolean;
export type LinkPart = {
start: number;
end: number;
link: string;
LinkifyIt.prototype.normalize = function normalize(match: NoSchemaMatch) {
match.noschema = false;
if (!match.schema) {
match.schema = "http:";
match.url = "http://" + match.url;
match.noschema = true;
if (match.schema === "//") {
match.schema = "http:";
match.url = "http:" + match.url;
match.noschema = true;
if (match.schema === "mailto:" && !/^mailto:/i.test(match.url)) {
match.url = "mailto:" + match.url;
const linkify = LinkifyIt().tlds(tlds).tlds("onion", true);
// Known schemes to detect in text
const commonSchemes = [
for (const schema of commonSchemes) {
linkify.add(schema + ":", "http:");
linkify.add("web+", {
validate(text: string, pos: number, self: LinkifyIt.LinkifyIt) {
const webSchemaRe = /^[a-z]+:/gi;
if (!webSchemaRe.test(text.slice(pos))) {
return 0;
const linkEnd = self.testSchemaAt(text, "http:", pos + webSchemaRe.lastIndex);
if (linkEnd === 0) {
return 0;
return webSchemaRe.lastIndex + linkEnd;
normalize(match) {
match.schema = match.text.slice(0, match.text.indexOf(":") + 1);
LinkifyIt.prototype.normalize(match); // hand over to the global override
export function findLinks(text: string) {
const matches = linkify.match(text) as NoSchemaMatch[];
if (!matches) {
return [];
export function findLinksWithSchema(text: string) {
const matches = linkify.match(text) as NoSchemaMatch[];
if (!matches) {
return [];
return matches.filter((url) => !url.noschema).map(makeLinkPart);
function makeLinkPart(url: NoSchemaMatch): LinkPart {
return {
start: url.index,
end: url.lastIndex,
link: url.url,