2022-05-21 11:50:55 -07:00

425 lines
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// TODO: Fix this
declare module "irc-framework" {
import {EventEmitter} from "eventemitter3";
// import { DuplexStream } from 'stream';
import Connection from "irc-framework/src/transports/websocket";
type ConnectionOpts = {
connected: boolean;
requested_disconnect: boolean;
reconnect_attempts: number;
// When an IRC connection was successfully registered.
registered: boolean;
transport: any;
write: (data: string) => void;
end: () => void;
export interface MessageEventArgs {
account?: any;
group?: any;
hostname: string;
ident: string;
message: string;
nick: string;
reply: (message: string) => void;
tags: {[key: string]: string};
target: string;
time?: any;
type: "privmsg" | "action"; // TODO
export interface JoinEventArgs {
// todo: is that wrong?
account: boolean;
channel: string;
gecos: string;
hostname: string;
ident: string;
nick: string;
time?: any;
export interface KickEventArgs {
kicked: string;
nick: string;
ident: string;
hostname: string;
channel: string;
message: string;
time: number;
export interface RawEventArgs {
from_server: boolean;
line: string;
export interface RegisteredEventArgs {
nick: string;
export interface QuitEventArgs {
hostname: string;
ident: string;
message: string;
nick: string;
time?: any;
channel?: string;
kicked?: string;
interface Mode {
mode: string;
param: string;
export interface ModeEventArgs {
modes: Mode[];
nick: string;
raw_modes: string;
raw_params: string[];
target: string;
time?: any;
export interface ServerOptionsEventArgs {
options: any;
cap: any;
export interface NickInvalidEventArgs {
nick: string;
reason: string;
export interface NickInUseEventArgs {
nick: string;
reason: string;
export interface IrcErrorEventArgs {
error: string;
channel: string;
reason: string;
export class Client extends EventEmitter {
constructor(options: ClientConstructorParameters);
// Added by Max
connection: ConnectionOpts;
network: {
options: {
CHANTYPES: string;
PREFIX: any;
CHANMODES: string;
NICKLEN: string;
cap: {
isEnabled: (cap: string) => boolean;
enabled: string[];
extractTargetGroup: (target: string) => any;
supports(feature: "MODES"): string;
supports(feature: string): boolean;
// End of added by Max
static setDefaultTransport(transport: any): void;
// get Message(): ClassDecorator;//TODO
/** Applies the default options to the options object given as impot, and returns it. */
user_options: ClientConstructorParameters
): ClientConstructorParameters;
createStructure(): void;
/** Is connected to the IRC network and successfully registered. */
connected: boolean;
/** The object for the connected message, as long as the client is connected. */ user: IrcUser;
/** Request */ requestCap(capability: string[]): void;
use(a: any): any;
connect(connect_options?: Object): void;
* Proxy the command handler events onto the client object, with some added sugar
* Events are handled in order:
* 1. Received from the command handler
* 2. Checked if any extra properties/methods are to be added to the params + re-emitted
* 3. Routed through middleware
* 4. Emitted from the client instance
proxyIrcEvents(): void;
addCommandHandlerListeners(): void;
registerToNetwork(): void;
startPeriodicPing(): void;
raw(...raw_data_line: string[]): void;
rawString(...parameters: Array<string>): string;
rawString(parameters: Array<string>): string;
quit(quit_message?: string): void;
ping(message?: string): void;
changeNick(nick: string): void;
sendMessage(commandName: string, target: string, message: string): string[];
say(target: string, message: string): string[];
notice(target: string, message: string): string[];
join(channel: string, key?: string): void;
part(channel: string, message?: string): void;
mode(channel: string, mode: string, extra_args?: string[]): void;
inviteList(channel: string, cb?: (e: Event) => any): void;
// TODO: typeof e?
invite(channel: string, nick: string): void;
addInvite(channel: string, mask: string): void;
removeInvite(channel: string, mask: string): void;
banlist(channel: string, cb?: (e: Event) => any): void;
ban(channel: string, mask: string): void;
unban(channel: string, mask: string): void;
setTopic(channel: string, newTopic: string): void;
ctcpRequest(target: string, type: string, ...params: Array<string>): void;
ctcpResponse(target: string, type: string, ...params: Array<string>): void;
action(target: string, message: string): string[];
whowas(target: string, cb?: (event: Event) => any): void;
whois(nick: string, cb: (event: any) => void): void;
* WHO requests are queued up to run serially.
* This is mostly because networks will only reply serially and it makes
* it easier to include the correct replies to callbacks
who(target: string, cb: (event: any) => void): void;
list(...params: Array<string>): void;
channel(channel_name: string): IrcChannel;
match_regex: string,
cb: (event: Event) => any,
message_type: string
): {stop: () => void};
matchNotice(match_regex: string, cb: (event: Event) => any): void;
matchMessage(match_regex: string, cb: (event: Event) => any): void;
matchAction(match_regex: string, cb: (event: Event) => any): void;
stringToBlocks(str: string, block_size?: number): string[];
on(eventType: string | symbol, cb: (event: any) => void): this;
on(eventType: "raw", cb: (event: RawEventArgs) => void): this;
on(eventType: "join", cb: (event: JoinEventArgs) => void): this;
on(eventType: "registered", cb: (event: RegisteredEventArgs) => void): this;
on(eventType: "quit", cb: (event: QuitEventArgs) => void): this;
on(eventType: "part", cb: (event: QuitEventArgs) => void): this;
on(eventType: "kick", cb: (event: QuitEventArgs) => void): this;
on(eventType: "message", cb: (event: MessageEventArgs) => any): this;
on(eventType: "notice", cb: (event: MessageEventArgs /* TODO */) => any): this;
on(eventType: "mode", cb: (event: ModeEventArgs) => any): this;
on(eventType: "socket close", cb: (event: Record<string, unknown>) => any): this;
on(eventType: "socket connected", cb: (event: Record<string, unknown>) => any): this;
on(eventType: "raw socket connected", cb: (event: Record<string, unknown>) => any): this;
on(eventType: "server options", cb: (event: ServerOptionsEventArgs) => any): this;
on(eventType: "debug", cb: (message: string) => any): this;
on(eventType: "nick in use", cb: (event: NickInUseEventArgs) => any): this;
on(eventType: "nick invalid", cb: (event: NickInvalidEventArgs) => any): this;
on(eventType: "irc error", cb: (event: IrcErrorEventArgs) => any): this;
export class Message {
// TODO: What is actually in it and what was in the event?
constructor(command?: string, ...args: string[]);
account?: IrcUser;
group?: any;
hostname: string;
ident: string;
message: string;
nick: string;
reply(e: any): any;
tags: Object;
// any
time?: any;
type: string;
// interface IrcUser {
// /**The current nick you are currently using.*/
// nick: string;
// /**Your username (ident) that the network sees you as using.*/
// username: string;
// /**Your current gecos (realname).*/
// gecos: string;
// /**On supported servers, the hostname that the networksees you are using.*/
// host: string;
// /**Your current away status. Empty for not away.*/
// away: string;
// /**A set() instance with your current message modes.*/
// modes: Set<string>;
// }
// TODO: what to call it? why is it channel.users empty after join?
interface IrcUser {
hostname: string;
ident: string;
modes: string[]; // any[]
nick: string;
username: string;
gecos: string;
host: string;
class IrcChannel extends EventEmitter {
constructor(irc_client: Client, channel_name: string, key: string);
irc_client: Client;
name: string;
say(message: string): string[];
notice(message: string): string[];
join(key?: string): void;
part(message?: string): void;
mode(mode: string, extra_args?: string[]): void;
banlist(cb: (e: Event) => any): void;
ban(mask: string): void;
unban(mask: string): void;
users: IrcUser[];
* Relay messages between this channel to another
* @param {IrcChannel|String} target_chan Target channel
* @param {Object} opts Extra options
* opts may contain the following properties:
* one_way (false) Only relay messages to target_chan, not the reverse
* replay_nicks (true) Include the sending nick as part of the relayed message
relay(target_chan: IrcChannel | string, opts: Object): void;
// stream(stream_ops: Object): DuplexStream;
updateUsers(cb: (channel: IrcChannel) => any): void;
on(eventType: "channel info", cb: (event: ChannelInfoEventArgs) => any): this;
on(eventType: string | symbol, cb: (event: any) => any): this;
export interface ChannelInfoEventArgs {
channel: string;
created_at?: number;
modes?: Mode[]; // TODO: check type
url?: string;
export interface UserListEventArgs {
channel: string;
users: IrcUser[]; // TODO: check type
export interface WhoListEventArgs {
target: string;
users: IrcUser[]; // TODO: check type
export interface BanlistEventArgs {
channel: string;
bans: IrcUser[]; // TODO: check type
export interface TopicEventArgs {
channel: string;
topic: string;
nick?: string;
time?: number;
export interface TopicSetByEventArgs {
channel: string;
nick: string;
ident: string;
hostname: string;
when?: number;
interface ClientConstructorParameters {
host?: string;
nick?: string;
outgoing_addr?: string;
username?: string;
gecos?: string;
encoding?: string;
version?: string | boolean;
enable_chghost?: boolean;
enable_echomessage?: boolean;
enable_setname?: boolean;
message_max_length?: number;
auto_reconnect?: boolean;
auto_reconnect_wait?: number;
auto_reconnect_max_retries?: number;
ping_interval?: number;
ping_timeout?: number;
transport?: new (options: any) => Connection;
ssl?: boolean;
webirc?: {
password?: string;
username?: string;
hostname?: string;
ip?: string;