christer88 8d5de36987
Recommend using Yarn instead of NPM in changelog
TheLounge has started using Yarn, but does also support NPM. Yarn seems to in some cases solve issues people experience when using NPM, e.g. Sqlite3 installation.

I think it's good and about time to recommend using Yarn instead of NPM.
2018-07-19 01:10:49 +02:00

747 lines
22 KiB

This (very The Lounge-custom) script is a helper to generate changelog entries.
Note that it is not meant to produce fully-automated changelogs like other tools
do, but merely prepare a changelog entry without risks of mistyping a URL or
missing a contribution: changelogs are meant for humans, and therefore must be
manually curated as such, with ❤️.
## Set up:
- Create a personal access token with `public_repo` at Make sure to write it down as you will not
be able to display it again.
- Use Node.js v8+:
nvm install 8
## Usage
npm v5 removes packages not listed in package.json when running `npm install` so
it is very likely you will have to run all those each time:
export CHANGELOG_TOKEN=<The personal access token created on GitHub above>
node scripts/changelog <version>
`<version>` must be either:
- A keyword among: major, minor, patch, prerelease, pre
- An explicit version of either format:
- `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` for a stable release, for example `2.5.0`
- `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-(pre|rc).N` for a pre-release, for example `2.5.0-rc.1`
## TODOs:
- Use better labels for better categorization
- Add some stats to the git commit (how many LOCs total / in this release, etc.)
- This script requires Node v8, but `npm version` currently fails with Node v8
as we gitignore package-lock.json (how is that even a thing?!).
"use strict";
const _ = require("lodash");
const colors = require("chalk");
const fs = require("fs");
const GraphQLClient = require("graphql-request").GraphQLClient;
const moment = require("moment");
const semver = require("semver");
const util = require("util");
const log = require("../src/log");
const packageJson = require("../package.json");
const token = process.env.CHANGELOG_TOKEN;
const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);
// CLI argument validations
if (token === undefined) {
log.error(`Environment variable ${colors.bold("CHANGELOG_TOKEN")} must be set.`);
if (process.argv[2] === undefined) {
log.error(`Argument ${colors.bold("version")} is missing`);
// If version is not a valid X.Y.Z, it may be something like "pre".
let version = semver.valid(process.argv[2]);
if (!version) {
version =, process.argv[2]);
if (!/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-(pre|rc)+\.[0-9]+)?$/.test(version)) {
log.error(`Argument ${colors.bold("version")} is incorrect It must be either:`);
log.error(`- A keyword among: ${"major")}, ${"minor")}, ${"patch")}, ${"prerelease")}, ${"pre")}`);
log.error(`- An explicit version of format ${"x.y.z")} (stable) or ${"x.y.z-(pre|rc).n")} (pre-release).`);
// Templates
function prereleaseTemplate(items) {
return `
## v${items.version} - ${} [Pre-release]
[See the full changelog](${items.fullChangelogUrl})
${prereleaseType(items.version) === "rc" ?
`This is a release candidate (RC) for v${stableVersion(items.version)} to ensure maximum stability for public release.
Bugs may be fixed, but no further features will be added until the next stable version.` :
`This is a pre-release for v${stableVersion(items.version)} to offer latest changes without having to wait for a stable release.
At this stage, features may still be added or modified until the first release candidate for this version gets released.`
Please refer to the commit list given above for a complete list of changes, or wait for the stable release to get a thoroughly prepared change log entry.
As with all pre-releases, this version requires explicit use of the \`next\` tag to be installed:
[sudo] yarn global add thelounge@next
function stableTemplate(items) {
return `
## v${items.version} - ${}
For more details, [see the full changelog](${items.fullChangelogUrl}) and [milestone](${items.milestone.url}?closed=1).
### Added
### Changed
${_.isEmpty(items.dependencies) ? "" :
`- Update production dependencies to their latest versions:
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
### Security
### Documentation
${_.isEmpty(items.documentation) ? "" :
`In the main repository:
${_.isEmpty(items.websiteDocumentation) ? "" :
`On the [website repository](
### Internals
_.isEmpty(items.devDependencies) ? "" : `
- Update development dependencies to their latest versions:
// Returns true if the given version is a pre-release (i.e. 2.0.0-pre.3,
// 2.5.0-rc.1, etc.), or false otherwise
function isPrerelease(v) {
return v.includes("-");
// Given a version of `x.y.z-abc.n`, returns `abc`, i.e. the type of pre-release
function prereleaseType(v) {
return semver.prerelease(v)[0];
// Returns the stable version that this pre-release version is targeting. For
// example, if new version is 2.5.0-rc.2, next stable version will be 2.5.0.
function stableVersion(prereleaseVersion) {
return prereleaseVersion.substr(0, prereleaseVersion.indexOf("-"));
// Generates a compare-view URL between 2 versions of The Lounge
function fullChangelogUrl(v1, v2) {
return `${v1}...v${v2}`;
// This class is a facade to fetching details about commits / PRs / tags / etc.
// for a given repository of our organization.
class RepositoryFetcher {
// Holds a GraphQLClient and the name of the repository within the
// organization
constructor(graphqlClient, repositoryName) {
this.graphqlClient = graphqlClient;
this.repositoryName = repositoryName;
// Base function that actually makes the GraphQL API call
async fetch(query, variables = {}) {
return this.graphqlClient.request(
Object.assign(variables, {repositoryName: this.repositoryName})
// Returns the git commit that is attached to a given tag
async fetchTaggedCommit(tag) {
const tagQuery = `query fetchTaggedCommit($repositoryName: String!, $tag: String!) {
repository(owner: "thelounge", name: $repositoryName) {
ref(qualifiedName: $tag) {
tag: target {
... on Tag {
commit: target {
const data = await this.fetch(tagQuery, {tag});
return data.repository.ref.tag.commit;
// Returns an array of annotated commits that have been made on the master
// branch since a given version. Each commit is an object that can optionally
// have a `pullRequestId` if this is a merge-PR commit.
async fetchCommitsSince(stopCommit) {
const commitsQuery = `query fetchCommits($repositoryName: String!, $afterCursor: String) {
repository(owner: "thelounge", name: $repositoryName) {
ref(qualifiedName: "master") {
target {
... on Commit {
history(first: 100, after: $afterCursor) {
pageInfo {
commits: nodes {
author {
user {
comments(first: 100) {
nodes {
// Recursive function that retrieves commits page after page until the last
// page or a given commit are reached.
const fetchPaginatedCommits = async (afterCursor = null) => {
const data = await this.fetch(commitsQuery, {afterCursor});
const {commits, pageInfo} =;
if ({oid}) => oid).includes(stopCommit.oid)) {
return _.takeWhile(commits, ({oid}) => oid !== stopCommit.oid);
} else if (pageInfo.hasNextPage) {
return commits.concat(await fetchPaginatedCommits(pageInfo.endCursor));
return commits;
const commits = await fetchPaginatedCommits();
commits.forEach((commit) => { =;
const resultPR = /^Merge pull request #([0-9]+) .+/.exec(commit.messageHeadline);
if (resultPR) {
commit.pullRequestId = parseInt(resultPR[1], 10);
return commits.reverse();
// Returns the last version prior to this new one. If new version is stable,
// the previous one will be stable as well (all pre-release versions will be
// skipped).
async fetchPreviousVersion(newVersion) {
const lastTagsQuery = `query fetchPreviousVersion($repositoryName: String!) {
repository(owner: "thelounge", name: $repositoryName) {
refs(refPrefix: "refs/tags/", first: 20, direction: DESC) {
tags: nodes {
const data = await this.fetch(lastTagsQuery);
const tags = data.repository.refs.tags;
let tag;
if (isPrerelease(newVersion)) {
tag = tags[0];
} else {
tag = tags.find(({name}) => !isPrerelease(name));
// Returns information on a milestone associated to a version (i.e. not a
// tag!) of the repository
async fetchMilestone(targetVersion) {
const milestonesQuery = `query fetchMilestone($repositoryName: String!) {
repository(owner: "thelounge", name: $repositoryName) {
milestones(last: 20) {
nodes {
const data = await this.fetch(milestonesQuery);
return data.repository.milestones.nodes.find(({title}) => title === targetVersion);
// Given a list of PR numbers, retrieve information for all those PRs. They
// are returned as a hash whose keys are `PR<number>`.
// This is a bit wonky (generating a dynamic GraphQL query) but the GitHub API
// does not have a way to retrieve multiple PRs given a list of IDs.
async fetchPullRequests(numbers) {
if (numbers.length === 0) {
return [];
const prQuery = `query fetchPullRequests($repositoryName: String!) {
repository(owner: "thelounge", name: $repositoryName) {
${ => `
PR${number}: pullRequest(number: ${number}) {
author {
labels(first: 20) {
nodes {
commits(first: 100) {
nodes {
commit {
const data = await this.fetch(prQuery);
return data.repository;
// Chain several of the functions above together. Essentially, returns an
// array composed of PRs, and commits that belong to no PRs, existing between
// a given tag and master.
async fetchCommitsAndPullRequestsSince(tag) {
const taggedCommit = await this.fetchTaggedCommit(tag);
const commits = await this.fetchCommitsSince(taggedCommit);
const pullRequestIds = pullRequestNumbersInCommits(commits);
const pullRequests = await this.fetchPullRequests(pullRequestIds);
return combine(commits, pullRequests);
// Given an array of annotated commits, returns an array of PR numbers, integers
function pullRequestNumbersInCommits(commits) {
return commits.reduce((array, {pullRequestId}) => {
if (pullRequestId) {
return array;
}, []);
// Given 2 arrays of annotated commits and pull requests, replace merge commits
// with the pull request information, and remove commits that are already part
// of a pull request.
// The goal of this function is to return an array consisting only of pull
// requests + commits that have been made to `master` directly.
function combine(allCommits, allPullRequests) {
const commitsFromPRs = _.flatMap(allPullRequests, ({commits}) =>{commit}) => commit.oid)
return allCommits.reduce((array, commit) => {
if (commit.pullRequestId) {
const pullRequest = allPullRequests[`PR${commit.pullRequestId}`];
pullRequest.number = commit.pullRequestId;
} else if (!commitsFromPRs.includes(commit.oid)) {
return array;
}, []);
// Builds a Markdown link for a given pull request object
function printPullRequestLink({number, url}) {
return `[#${number}](${url})`;
// Builds a Markdown link for a given author object
function printAuthorLink({login, url}) {
return `by [@${login}](${url})`;
// Builds a Markdown entry list item depending on its type
function printLine(entry) {
if (entry.title) {
return printPullRequest(entry);
return printCommit(entry);
// Builds a Markdown list item for a given pull request
function printPullRequest(pullRequest) {
return `- ${pullRequest.title} (${printPullRequestLink(pullRequest)} ${printAuthorLink(})`;
// Builds a Markdown list item for a commit made directly in `master`
function printCommit({abbreviatedOid, messageHeadline, url, author}) {
return `- ${messageHeadline} ([\`${abbreviatedOid}\`](${url}) ${printAuthorLink(author)})`;
// Builds a Markdown list of all given items
function printList(items) {
return => printLine(item)).join("\n");
// Given a "dependencies object" (i.e. keys are package names, values are arrays
// of pull request numbers), builds a Markdown list of URLs
function printDependencyList(dependencies) {
return, (pullRequests, name) =>
` - \`${name}\` (${", ")})`
function printUncategorizedList(uncategorized) {
return Object.entries(uncategorized).reduce((memo, [label, items]) => {
if (items.length === 0) {
return memo;
memo += `
@@@@@ ${label.toUpperCase()}
return memo;
}, "");
const dependencies = Object.keys(packageJson.dependencies);
const devDependencies = Object.keys(packageJson.devDependencies);
// Returns the package.json section in which that package exists, or undefined
// if that package is not listed there.
function whichDependencyType(packageName) {
if (dependencies.includes(packageName)) {
return "dependencies";
} else if (devDependencies.includes(packageName)) {
return "devDependencies";
function hasLabelOrAnnotatedComment({labels, comments}, expected) {
return hasLabel(labels, expected) || hasAnnotatedComment(comments, expected);
// Returns true if a label exists amongst a list of labels
function hasLabel(labels, expected) {
return labels && labels.nodes.some(({name}) => name === expected);
function hasAnnotatedComment(comments, expected) {
return comments && comments.nodes.some(({authorAssociation, body}) =>
["OWNER", "MEMBER"].includes(authorAssociation) &&
function isSkipped(entry) {
return hasLabelOrAnnotatedComment(entry, "Meta: Skip Changelog");
// Dependency update PRs are listed in a special, more concise way in the changelog.
function isDependency({labels}) {
return hasLabel(labels, "Type: Dependencies");
function isDocumentation({labels}) {
return hasLabel(labels, "Type: Documentation");
function isSecurity({labels}) {
return hasLabel(labels, "Type: Security");
function isDeprecation({labels}) {
return hasLabel(labels, "Type: Deprecation");
function isInternal(entry) {
return hasLabelOrAnnotatedComment(entry, "Meta: Internal");
function isBug({labels}) {
return hasLabel(labels, "Type: Bug");
function isFeature({labels}) {
return hasLabel(labels, "Type: Feature");
// Examples:
// Update webpack to the latest version
// Update `stylelint` to v1.2.3
// Update `express` and `ua-parser-js` to latest versions
// Update `express`, `chai`, and `ua-parser-js` to ...
function extractPackages(title) {
return /^Update ([\w-,`. ]+) to /.exec(title)[1]
.replace(/`/g, "")
.split(/, and |, | and /);
// Given an array of entries (PRs or commits), separates them into sections,
// based on different information that describes them.
function parse(entries) {
return entries.reduce((result, entry) => {
if (isSkipped(entry)) {
} else if (isDependency(entry)) {
extractPackages(entry.title).forEach((packageName) => {
const dependencyType = whichDependencyType(packageName);
if (dependencyType) {
if (!result[dependencyType][packageName]) {
result[dependencyType][packageName] = [];
} else {`${colors.bold(packageName)} was updated in ${"#" + entry.number)} then removed since last release. Skipping.`);
} else if (isDocumentation(entry)) {
} else if (isDeprecation(entry)) {
} else if (isSecurity(entry)) {;
} else if (isInternal(entry)) {
} else {
if (isFeature(entry)) {
} else if (isBug(entry)) {
} else {
return result;
}, {
skipped: [],
dependencies: {},
devDependencies: {},
deprecations: [],
documentation: [],
internals: [],
security: [],
uncategorized: {
feature: [],
bug: [],
other: [],
unknownDependencies: new Set(),
// Given a list of entries (pull requests, commits), retrieves GitHub usernames
// (with format `@username`) of everyone who contributed to this version.
function extractContributors(entries) {
const set = Object.values(entries).reduce((memo, pullRequest) => {
if ( !== "greenkeeper" && !== "renovate-bot") {
memo.add("@" +;
return memo;
}, new Set());
return Array.from(set)
.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, "en", {sensitivity: "base"}));
const client = new GraphQLClient("", {
headers: {
Authorization: `bearer ${token}`,
// Main function. Given a version string (i.e. not a tag!), returns a changelog
// entry and the list of contributors, for both pre-releases and stable
// releases. Templates are located at the top of this file.
async function generateChangelogEntry(targetVersion) {
let items = {};
let template;
let contributors = [];
const codeRepo = new RepositoryFetcher(client, "thelounge");
const previousVersion = await codeRepo.fetchPreviousVersion(targetVersion);
if (isPrerelease(targetVersion)) {
template = prereleaseTemplate;
} else {
template = stableTemplate;
const codeCommitsAndPullRequests = await codeRepo.fetchCommitsAndPullRequestsSince("v" + previousVersion);
items = parse(codeCommitsAndPullRequests);
items.milestone = await codeRepo.fetchMilestone(targetVersion);
contributors = extractContributors(codeCommitsAndPullRequests);
const websiteRepo = new RepositoryFetcher(client, "");
items.websiteDocumentation = await websiteRepo.fetchCommitsAndPullRequestsSince("v" + previousVersion);
items.version = targetVersion; = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
items.fullChangelogUrl = fullChangelogUrl(previousVersion, targetVersion);
return {
changelogEntry: template(items),
skipped: items.skipped || [],
// Write a changelog entry into the file, right after a marker that
// indicates where entries are listed.
async function addToChangelog(newEntry) {
const changelogPath = "./";
const changelogMarker = "<!-- New entries go after this line -->\n\n";
const changelog = await readFile(changelogPath, "utf8");
const markerPosition = changelog.indexOf(changelogMarker) + changelogMarker.length;
const newChangelog =
changelog.substring(0, markerPosition) +
newEntry +
changelog.substring(markerPosition, changelog.length);
writeFile(changelogPath, newChangelog);
// Wrapping this in an Async IIFE because async/await is only supported within
// functions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(async () => {`Generating a changelog entry for ${colors.bold("v" + version)}, please wait...`);
const startTime =;
let changelogEntry, skipped, contributors;
// Step 1: Generate a changelog entry
try {
({changelogEntry, skipped, contributors} = await generateChangelogEntry(version));
} catch (error) {
if (error.response && error.response.status === 401) {
log.error(`GitHub returned an error: ${}`);
log.error(`Make sure your personal access token is set with ${colors.bold("public_repo")} scope.`);
} else {
// Step 2: Write that changelog entry into the file
try {
await addToChangelog(`${changelogEntry.trim()}\n\n`);
} catch (error) {
}`The generated entry was added at the top of ${colors.bold("")}.`);
// Step 3 (optional): Print a list of skipped entries if there are any
if (skipped.length > 0) {
const pad = Math.max( => (entry.title || entry.messageHeadline).length));
log.warn(`${skipped.length} ${skipped.length > 1 ? "entries were" : "entry was"} skipped:`);
skipped.forEach((entry) => {
log.warn(`- ${(entry.title || entry.messageHeadline).padEnd(pad)} ${colors.gray(entry.url)}`);
// Step 4: Print out some information about what just happened to the console
const commitCommand = `git commit -m 'Add changelog entry for v${version}'`;
if (isPrerelease(version)) {`You can now run: ${colors.bold(commitCommand)}`);
} else {`Please edit ${colors.bold("")} to your liking then run: ${colors.bold(commitCommand)}`);
}`Finished in ${colors.bold( - startTime)}ms.`);
// Step 5 (optional): Print contributors shout out if it exists
if (contributors.length > 0) {`🎉 Thanks to our ${contributors.length} contributors for this release:`); =>", "));