Jérémie Astori df2787d3e9
Add a --config / -c option to the start CLI command to arbitrarily override any configuration key
The biggest caveat is that JS code (such as functions) will not be interpreted as such, on purpose, for security precautions. If such thing is needed, then a configuration file must be used.
2017-12-11 23:48:52 -05:00

151 lines
4.5 KiB

"use strict";
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const TestUtil = require("../../util");
const Utils = require("../../../src/command-line/utils");
describe("Utils", function() {
describe(".extraHelp", function() {
let originalRaw;
beforeEach(function() {
originalRaw = log.raw;
afterEach(function() {
log.raw = originalRaw;
it("should start and end with empty lines to display correctly with --help", function() {
// Mock `log.raw` to extract its effect into an array
const stdout = [];
log.raw = TestUtil.mockLogger((str) => stdout.push(str));
// Starts with 2 empty lines
// Ends with 1 empty line
expect(stdout[stdout.length - 2]).to.not.equal("\n");
expect(stdout[stdout.length - 1]).to.equal("\n");
it("should contain information about THELOUNGE_HOME env var", function() {
// Mock `log.raw` to extract its effect into a concatenated string
let stdout = "";
log.raw = TestUtil.mockLogger((str) => stdout += str);
describe(".parseConfigOptions", function() {
describe("when it's the first option given", function() {
it("should return nothing when passed an invalid config", function() {
it("should correctly parse boolean values", function() {
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo=true")).to.deep.equal({foo: true});
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo=false")).to.deep.equal({foo: false});
it("should correctly parse empty strings", function() {
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo=")).to.deep.equal({foo: ""});
it("should correctly parse null values", function() {
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo=null")).to.deep.equal({foo: null});
it("should correctly parse undefined values", function() {
.to.deep.equal({foo: undefined});
it("should correctly parse array values", function() {
.to.deep.equal({foo: ["bar", true]});
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo=[bar, true]"))
.to.deep.equal({foo: ["bar", true]});
it("should correctly parse empty array values", function() {
.to.deep.equal({foo: []});
it("should correctly parse values that contain `=` sign", function() {
.to.deep.equal({foo: "bar=42"});
it("should correctly parse keys using dot-notation", function() {
.to.deep.equal({foo: {bar: "value"}});
it("should correctly parse keys using array-notation", function() {
.to.deep.equal({foo: ["value"]});
describe("when some options have already been parsed", function() {
it("should not modify existing options when passed an invalid config", function() {
const memo = {foo: "bar"};
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo", memo)).to.equal(memo);
it("should combine a new option with previously parsed ones", function() {
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("bar=false", {foo: true}))
.to.deep.equal({foo: true, bar: false});
it("should maintain existing properties of a nested object", function() {
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("", {foo: {baz: false}}))
.to.deep.equal({foo: {bar: true, baz: false}});
it("should maintain existing entries of an array", function() {
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo[1]=baz", {foo: ["bar"]}))
.to.deep.equal({foo: ["bar", "baz"]});
describe("when given the same key multiple times", function() {
let originalWarn;
beforeEach(function() {
originalWarn = log.warn;
afterEach(function() {
log.warn = originalWarn;
it("should not override options", function() {
log.warn = () => {};
expect(Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo=baz", {foo: "bar"}))
.to.deep.equal({foo: "bar"});
it("should display a warning", function() {
let warning = "";
log.warn = TestUtil.mockLogger((str) => warning += str);
Utils.parseConfigOptions("foo=bar", {foo: "baz"});
expect(warning).to.include("foo was already specified");