Reto d4cc2dd361
Refactor config out of Helper (#4558)
* Remove config from Helper

Helper is the usual util grab bag of useful stuff.
Somehow the config ended up there historically but
structurally that doesn't make any sense.

* Add cert folder to prettier ignore file
2022-05-01 12:12:39 -07:00

238 lines
5.8 KiB

"use strict";
const _ = require("lodash");
const log = require("../../log");
const colors = require("chalk");
const path = require("path");
const semver = require("semver");
const Helper = require("../../helper");
const Config = require("../../config");
const themes = require("./themes");
const packageMap = new Map();
const inputs = require("../inputs");
const fs = require("fs");
const Utils = require("../../command-line/utils");
const stylesheets = [];
const files = [];
const TIME_TO_LIVE = 15 * 60 * 1000; // 15 minutes, in milliseconds
const cache = {
outdated: undefined,
let experimentalWarningPrinted = false;
module.exports = {
const packageApis = function (packageInfo) {
return {
Stylesheets: {
addFile: addStylesheet.bind(this, packageInfo.packageName),
PublicFiles: {
add: addFile.bind(this, packageInfo.packageName),
Commands: {
add: inputs.addPluginCommand.bind(this, packageInfo),
runAsUser: (command, targetId, client) =>
client.inputLine({target: targetId, text: command}),
Config: {
getConfig: () => Config.values,
getPersistentStorageDir: getPersistentStorageDir.bind(this, packageInfo.packageName),
Logger: {
error: (...args) => log.error(`[${packageInfo.packageName}]`, ...args),
warn: (...args) => log.warn(`[${packageInfo.packageName}]`, ...args),
info: (...args) =>`[${packageInfo.packageName}]`, ...args),
debug: (...args) => log.debug(`[${packageInfo.packageName}]`, ...args),
function addStylesheet(packageName, filename) {
stylesheets.push(packageName + "/" + filename);
function getStylesheets() {
return stylesheets;
function addFile(packageName, filename) {
files.push(packageName + "/" + filename);
function getFiles() {
return files.concat(stylesheets);
function getPackage(name) {
return packageMap.get(name);
function getEnabledPackages(packageJson) {
try {
const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJson, "utf-8"));
return Object.keys(json.dependencies);
} catch (e) {
log.error(`Failed to read packages/package.json: ${}`);
return [];
function getPersistentStorageDir(packageName) {
const dir = path.join(Config.getPackagesPath(), packageName);
fs.mkdirSync(dir, {recursive: true}); // we don't care if it already exists or not
return dir;
function loadPackage(packageName) {
let packageInfo;
let packageFile;
try {
const packagePath = Config.getPackageModulePath(packageName);
packageInfo = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(packagePath, "package.json"), "utf-8"));
if (!packageInfo.thelounge) {
throw "'thelounge' is not present in package.json";
if (
packageInfo.thelounge.supports &&
!semver.satisfies(Helper.getVersionNumber(), packageInfo.thelounge.supports, {
includePrerelease: true, // our pre-releases should respect the semver guarantees
) {
throw `v${packageInfo.version} does not support this version of The Lounge. Supports: ${packageInfo.thelounge.supports}`;
packageFile = require(packagePath);
} catch (e) {
log.error(`Package ${colors.bold(packageName)} could not be loaded: ${}`);
const version = packageInfo.version;
packageInfo = packageInfo.thelounge;
packageInfo.packageName = packageName;
packageInfo.version = version;
packageMap.set(packageName, packageFile);
if (packageInfo.type === "theme") {
themes.addTheme(packageName, packageInfo);
if (packageInfo.files) {
packageInfo.files.forEach((file) => addFile(packageName, file));
if (packageFile.onServerStart) {
}`Package ${colors.bold(packageName)} ${"v" + version)} loaded`);
if (packageInfo.type !== "theme" && !experimentalWarningPrinted) {
experimentalWarningPrinted = true;
"There are packages using the experimental plugin API. " +
"Be aware that this API is not yet stable and may change in future The Lounge releases."
function loadPackages() {
const packageJson = path.join(Config.getPackagesPath(), "package.json");
const packages = getEnabledPackages(packageJson);
function watchPackages(packageJson) {
persistent: false,
() => {
const updated = getEnabledPackages(packageJson);
for (const packageName of updated) {
if (packageMap.has(packageName)) {
{maxWait: 10000}
async function outdated(cacheTimeout = TIME_TO_LIVE) {
if (cache.outdated !== undefined) {
return cache.outdated;
// Get paths to the location of packages directory
const packagesPath = Config.getPackagesPath();
const packagesConfig = path.join(packagesPath, "package.json");
const packagesList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packagesConfig, "utf-8")).dependencies;
const argsList = [
// Check if the configuration file exists
if (!Object.entries(packagesList).length) {
// CLI calls outdated with zero TTL, so we can print the warning there
if (!cacheTimeout) {
log.warn("There are no packages installed.");
return false;
// If we get an error from calling outdated and the code isn't 0, then there are no outdated packages
await Utils.executeYarnCommand(...argsList)
.then(() => updateOutdated(false))
.catch((code) => updateOutdated(code !== 0));
if (cacheTimeout > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
delete cache.outdated;
}, cacheTimeout);
return cache.outdated;
function updateOutdated(outdatedPackages) {
cache.outdated = outdatedPackages;