Reto Brunner d62dd3e62d messageStorage: convert to async
Message stores are more complicated that a sync "fire and forget"
API allows for.
For starters, non trivial stores (say sqlite) can fail during init
and we want to be able to catch that.
Second, we really need to be able to run migrations and such, which
may block (and fail) the activation of the store.

On the plus side, this pushes error handling to the caller rather
than the stores, which is a good thing as that allows us to eventually
push this to the client in the UI, rather than just logging it in the
server on stdout
2022-11-02 00:01:36 +01:00

232 lines
6 KiB

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return */
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import {expect} from "chai";
import util from "../util";
import Msg, {MessageType} from "../../server/models/msg";
import Config from "../../server/config";
import MessageStorage from "../../server/plugins/messageStorage/sqlite";
import Client from "../../server/client";
describe("SQLite Message Storage", function () {
// Increase timeout due to unpredictable I/O on CI services
this.timeout(util.isRunningOnCI() ? 25000 : 5000);
const expectedPath = path.join(Config.getHomePath(), "logs", "testUser.sqlite3");
let store: MessageStorage;
before(function (done) {
store = new MessageStorage({
name: "testUser",
idMsg: 1,
} as Client);
// Delete database file from previous test run
if (fs.existsSync(expectedPath)) {
fs.unlink(expectedPath, done);
} else {
after(function (done) {
// After tests run, remove the logs folder
// so we return to the clean state
fs.rmdir(path.join(Config.getHomePath(), "logs"), done);
it("should resolve an empty array when disabled", async function () {
const messages = await store.getMessages(null as any, null as any);
it("should create database file", async function () {
await store.enable();
it("should create tables", function (done) {
"SELECT name, tbl_name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'",
(err, row) => {
name: "options",
tbl_name: "options",
sql: "CREATE TABLE options (name TEXT, value TEXT, CONSTRAINT name_unique UNIQUE (name))",
name: "messages",
tbl_name: "messages",
sql: "CREATE TABLE messages (network TEXT, channel TEXT, time INTEGER, type TEXT, msg TEXT)",
it("should insert schema version to options table", function (done) {
"SELECT value FROM options WHERE name = 'schema_version'",
(err, row) => {
// Should be sqlite.currentSchemaVersion,
// compared as string because it's returned as such from the database
it("should store a message", async function () {
await store.index(
uuid: "this-is-a-network-guid",
} as any,
name: "#thisISaCHANNEL",
} as any,
new Msg({
time: 123456789,
text: "Hello from sqlite world!",
} as any)
it("should retrieve previously stored message", async function () {
const messages = await store.getMessages(
uuid: "this-is-a-network-guid",
} as any,
name: "#thisisaCHANNEL",
} as any
const msg = messages[0];
expect(msg.text).to.equal("Hello from sqlite world!");
it("should retrieve latest LIMIT messages in order", async function () {
const originalMaxHistory = Config.values.maxHistory;
try {
Config.values.maxHistory = 2;
for (let i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
await store.index(
{uuid: "retrieval-order-test-network"} as any,
{name: "#channel"} as any,
new Msg({
time: 123456789 + i,
text: `msg ${i}`,
} as any)
const messages = await store.getMessages(
{uuid: "retrieval-order-test-network"} as any,
{name: "#channel"} as any
expect( => i_1.text)).to.deep.equal(["msg 198", "msg 199"]);
} finally {
Config.values.maxHistory = originalMaxHistory;
it("should search messages", async function () {
const originalMaxHistory = Config.values.maxHistory;
try {
Config.values.maxHistory = 2;
const search = await{
searchTerm: "msg",
networkUuid: "retrieval-order-test-network",
} as any);
const expectedMessages: string[] = [];
for (let i = 100; i < 200; ++i) {
expectedMessages.push(`msg ${i}`);
expect( => i_1.text)).to.deep.equal(expectedMessages);
} finally {
Config.values.maxHistory = originalMaxHistory;
it("should search messages with escaped wildcards", async function () {
async function assertResults(query: string, expected: string[]) {
const search = await{
searchTerm: query,
networkUuid: "this-is-a-network-guid2",
} as any);
expect( => i.text)).to.deep.equal(expected);
const originalMaxHistory = Config.values.maxHistory;
try {
Config.values.maxHistory = 3;
await store.index(
{uuid: "this-is-a-network-guid2"} as any,
{name: "#channel"} as any,
new Msg({
time: 123456790,
text: `foo % bar _ baz`,
} as any)
await store.index(
{uuid: "this-is-a-network-guid2"} as any,
{name: "#channel"} as any,
new Msg({
time: 123456791,
text: `foo bar x baz`,
} as any)
await store.index(
{uuid: "this-is-a-network-guid2"} as any,
{name: "#channel"} as any,
new Msg({
time: 123456792,
text: `bar @ baz`,
} as any)
await assertResults("foo", ["foo % bar _ baz", "foo bar x baz"]);
await assertResults("%", ["foo % bar _ baz"]);
await assertResults("foo % bar ", ["foo % bar _ baz"]);
await assertResults("_", ["foo % bar _ baz"]);
await assertResults("bar _ baz", ["foo % bar _ baz"]);
await assertResults("%%", []);
await assertResults("@%", []);
await assertResults("@", ["bar @ baz"]);
} finally {
Config.values.maxHistory = originalMaxHistory;
it("should close database", async function () {
await store.close();