Michael van Tricht 764ac831d4 Improve channels list.
- Set fixed width to channel and users column.
- Sort by number of users in channel.
- Executing /list multiple times wont show multiple tables.
- Channel list is not stickied to the bottom.
- Limit channels to 500. Scrolling through 1k is very slow on my system.
2017-04-19 12:02:15 +02:00

61 lines
1.3 KiB

"use strict";
var Chan = require("../../models/chan");
var Msg = require("../../models/msg");
module.exports = function(irc, network) {
var client = this;
var MAX_CHANS = 500;
irc.on("channel list start", function() {
network.chanCache = [];
updateListStatus(new Msg({
text: "Loading channel list, this can take a moment...",
type: "channel_list_loading"
irc.on("channel list", function(channels) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(network.chanCache, channels);
irc.on("channel list end", function() {
updateListStatus(new Msg({
type: "channel_list",
channels: network.chanCache.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.num_users - a.num_users;
}).slice(0, MAX_CHANS)
if (network.chanCache.length > MAX_CHANS) {
updateListStatus(new Msg({
type: "channel_list_truncated",
text: "Channel list is too large: truncated to " + MAX_CHANS + " channels."
network.chanCache = [];
function updateListStatus(msg) {
var chan = network.getChannel("Channel List");
if (typeof chan === "undefined") {
chan = new Chan({
type: Chan.Type.SPECIAL,
name: "Channel List"
client.emit("join", {
chan: chan
client.emit("msg", {
msg: msg