# Tiny PHP File Manager It is a simple, fast and small file manager with single php file. It is also a web code editor. It'll run either online or locally, on Linux, Windows or Mac based platforms. The only requirement is to have PHP 5.5+ available. ## Demo tinyfilemanager.herokuapp.com Login Details : admin/admin | user/12345 ## Documents tinyfilemanager.github.io
H3K | Tiny File Manager ## Requirements - PHP 5.5.0 or higher. - [Zip extension](http://php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php) for zip and unzip actions. - Fileinfo, iconv and mbstring extensions are strongly recommended. ## How to use Download ZIP with latest version from master branch. Copy tinyfilemanager.php to your website folder and open it with web browser (e.g. http://yoursite/any_path/tinyfilemanager.php). Default username/password: admin/admin and user/12345. Warning: Please set your own username and password in $auth_users before use. password is encrypted with password_hash(). to generate new password hash here To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth to true or false. ### Supported constants: - `FM_ROOT_PATH` - default is `$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']` - `FM_ROOT_URL` - default is `'http(s)://site.domain/'` - `FM_SELF_URL` - default is `'http(s)://site.domain/' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']` - `FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC` - default is `'CP1251'` - `FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS` - default is `true` - `FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE` - default is `'vs'` - `FM_DATETIME_FORMAT` - default is `'d.m.y H:i'` - `FM_EXTENSION` - default is `""` //upload files extensions ### :loudspeaker: Features ###### CDN Used `jQuery | Bootstrap | Font Awesome | Highlight js | ace js | DropZone js | DataTable js` ## Support Us If you find Tiny FIle Manager useful for your personal or commerical projects, please consider buying the founders a :beers:! [![Beerpay](https://beerpay.io/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager/badge.svg?style=beer-square)](https://beerpay.io/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager)