* @license MIT */ namespace Dana\Twigc; use GetOpt\{Argument,GetOpt,Operand,Option}; use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\{ConsoleOutputInterface,OutputInterface}; use Twig\Environment; use Twig\Extension\EscaperExtension; use Twig\Loader\{ArrayLoader,FilesystemLoader}; use Dana\Twigc\ComposerHelper; /** * This class represents the entire `twigc` application. * * To be completely honest, this feels really shitty to me, and i don't like it. * But after eliminating the standard Symfony\Console structure (due to * Console's woefully inadequate argument handling, amongst other things), i * find myself unsure of the best way to structure this, especially given how * simple the application is, and just kind of want to be done with it. I guess * this works for now, but i would welcome any improvements. */ class Application { const NAME = 'twigc'; const VERSION = '0.3.1'; const BUILD_DATE = '%BUILD_DATE%'; // Replaced during build protected $name; protected $version; /** * Construct the object. * * @param string|null $name * (optional) The name of the application, to be used in error messages and * the like. * * @param string|null $version * (optional) The version number of the application, to be used in the * `--version` output. * * @return self */ public function __construct(string $name = null, string $version = null) { $this->name = $name ?? static::NAME; $this->version = $version ?? static::VERSION; } /** * Run the application. * * This is mostly a wrapper around doRun() to handle error printing. * * @param OutputInterface $output * The output to write to. * * @param array|null $argv * (optional) Command-line arguments to the application (with the 0th member * as the application name). * * @return int */ public function run(OutputInterface $output, array $argv = null): int { if ( $output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface ) { $error = $output->getErrorOutput(); } else { $error = $output; } try { return $this->doRun($output, $argv); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $error->writeln(sprintf( '%s: %s', $this->name, rtrim($e->getMessage(), "\r\n")) ); return 1; } } /** * Run the application (for real). * * @param OutputInterface $output * The output to write to. * * @param array|null $argv * (optional) Command-line arguments to the application (with the 0th member * as the application name). * * @return int */ public function doRun(OutputInterface $output, array $argv = null): int { $argv = $argv ?? $_SERVER['argv']; $getopt = $this->getGetOpt(); $getopt->process(array_slice($argv, 1)); if ( $getopt->getOption('help') ) { $this->doHelp($output, $getopt); return 0; } if ( $getopt->getOption('version') ) { $this->doVersion($output); return 0; } if ( $getopt->getOption('credits') ) { $this->doCredits($output); return 0; } $inputData = []; $template = $getopt->getOperand('template'); $dirs = $getopt->getOption('dir'); $temp = false; // If we're receiving data on standard input, and we didn't get a template, // assume `-` — we'll make sure this doesn't conflict with `-j` below if ( ! posix_isatty(\STDIN) ) { $template = $template ?? '-'; } // Add the template's parent directory if we're not using standard input if ( ($template ?? '-') !== '-' ) { $dirs = array_merge([dirname($template)], $dirs); } if ( $template === null ) { $this->doHelp($output, $getopt, 'No template specified'); return 1; } // Input data via environment if ( $getopt->getOption('env') ) { if ( empty($_ENV) && strpos(ini_get('variables_order'), 'E') === false ) { throw new \RuntimeException( "INI setting 'variables_order' must include 'E' to use option 'env'" ); } $inputData = array_merge($inputData, $_ENV); } // Input data via query string foreach ( $getopt->getOption('query') as $query ) { $query = ltrim($query, '?'); $parsed = []; parse_str($query, $parsed); $inputData = array_merge($inputData, $parsed); } // Input data via JSON foreach ( $getopt->getOption('json') as $json ) { // JSON supplied via standard input if ( $json === '-' ) { if ( $template === '-' ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Can not read both template and JSON input from stdin' ); } $json = file_get_contents('php://stdin'); // JSON supplied via file } elseif ( (ltrim($json)[0] ?? '') !== '{' ) { if ( ! file_exists($json) || is_dir($json) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Missing or invalid JSON file: ${json}" ); } $json = file_get_contents($json); } // This check is here to prevent errors if the input is just empty if ( trim($json) !== '' ) { $json = json_decode($json, true); } if ( ! is_array($json) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'JSON input must be a dictionary' ); } $inputData = array_merge($inputData, $json); } // Input data via key=value pair foreach ( $getopt->getOption('pair') as $pair ) { $kv = explode('=', $pair, 2); if ( count($kv) !== 2 ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Illegal key=value pair: ${pair}" ); } $inputData[$kv[0]] = $kv[1]; } // Template supplied via file path if ( $template !== '-' ) { $loader = new FilesystemLoader($dirs); // Template supplied via standard input } else { // If we've been supplied one or more search directories, we'll need to // write the template out to a temp directory so we can use the file- // system loader if ( $dirs ) { $temp = true; $template = implode('/', [ sys_get_temp_dir(), implode('.', ['', $this->name, getmypid(), md5(time())]), $template, ]); mkdir(dirname($template)); file_put_contents($template, file_get_contents('php://stdin'), \LOCK_EX); $dirs = array_merge([dirname($template)], $dirs); $loader = new FilesystemLoader($dirs); // Otherwise, we can just use the array loader, which is a little faster // and cleaner } else { $loader = new ArrayLoader([ $template => file_get_contents('php://stdin'), ]); } } // Render try { $twig = new Environment($loader, [ 'cache' => $getopt->getOption('cache') ?? false, 'debug' => false, 'strict_variables' => (bool) $getopt->getOption('strict'), 'autoescape' => $this->getEscaper( $getopt->getOption('escape'), $template ), ]); $twig->getExtension(EscaperExtension::class)->setEscaper( 'json', function ($twigEnv, $string, $charset) { return json_encode( $string, \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | \JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); } ); $twig->getExtension(EscaperExtension::class)->setEscaper( 'sh', function ($twigEnv, $string, $charset) { return '"' . addcslashes($string, '$`\\"') . '"'; } ); $output->writeln( rtrim($twig->render(basename($template), $inputData), "\r\n") ); // Clean up } finally { if ( $temp ) { unlink($template); rmdir(dirname($template)); } } return 0; } /** * Display the application's usage help. * * @param OutputInterface $output * The output to write to. * * @param GetOpt $getopt * The GetOpt instance from which to derive the usage help. * * @param string|null $message * (optional) An additional message to print above the usage help. This is * intended primarily for error messages. * * @return int */ public function doHelp( OutputInterface $output, GetOpt $getopt, string $message = null ): int { if ( $message !== null && $message !== '' ) { $output->writeln("{$this->name}: " . rtrim($message, "\r\n") . "\n"); } $output->writeln(rtrim($getopt->getHelpText(), "\r\n")); return 0; } /** * Display the application's version information. * * @param OutputInterface $output The output to write to. * * @return int */ public function doVersion(OutputInterface $output): int { $version = sprintf('%s version %s', $this->name, $this->version); if ( strpos(static::BUILD_DATE, '%') === false ) { $version .= sprintf(' (built %s)', static::BUILD_DATE); } $output->writeln($version); return 0; } /** * Display the application's dependency information. * * @param OutputInterface $output The output to write to. * * @return int */ public function doCredits(OutputInterface $output): int { $packages = (new ComposerHelper())->getPackages(); $table = new Table($output); $table->setStyle('compact'); $table->getStyle()->setVerticalBorderChars(''); $table->getStyle()->setCellRowContentFormat('%s '); $table->setHeaders(['#name', 'version', 'licence']); foreach ( $packages as $package ) { $table->addRow([ $package->name, ltrim($package->version, 'v'), implode(', ', $package->license) ?: '?', ]); } $table->render(); return 0; } /** * Get an instance of GetOpt configured for this application. * * @return GetOpt */ public function getGetOpt(): GetOpt { $getopt = new GetOpt(null, [ GetOpt::SETTING_SCRIPT_NAME => $this->name, GetOpt::SETTING_STRICT_OPERANDS => true, ]); $getopt->addOptions([ Option::create('h', 'help', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT) ->setDescription('Display this usage help and exit') , Option::create('V', 'version', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT) ->setDescription('Display version information and exit') , Option::create(null, 'credits', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT) ->setDescription('Display dependency information and exit') , Option::create(null, 'cache', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT) ->setDescription('Enable caching to specified directory') ->setArgumentName('dir') ->setValidation('is_dir') , Option::create('d', 'dir', GetOpt::MULTIPLE_ARGUMENT) ->setDescription('Add specified search directory to loader') ->setArgumentName('dir') ->setValidation('is_dir') , Option::create('e', 'escape', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT) ->setArgumentName('strategy') ->setDescription('Specify default auto-escaping strategy') , Option::create('E', 'env', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT) ->setDescription('Derive input data from environment') , Option::create('j', 'json', GetOpt::MULTIPLE_ARGUMENT) ->setArgumentName('dict/file') ->setDescription('Derive input data from specified JSON file or dictionary string') , Option::create('p', 'pair', GetOpt::MULTIPLE_ARGUMENT) ->setArgumentName('input') ->setDescription('Derive input data from specified key=value pair') , Option::create(null, 'query', GetOpt::MULTIPLE_ARGUMENT) ->setArgumentName('input') ->setDescription('Derive input data from specified URL query string') , Option::create('s', 'strict', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT) ->setDescription('Throw exception when undefined variable is referenced') , ]); $getopt->addOperands([ Operand::create('template', Operand::OPTIONAL), ]); return $getopt; } /** * Get the correct Twig escape method given the provided options. * * @param string|null $escape * The user-provided escape option, or null if not provided. * * @param string|null $template * The name/path of the template file, or null if not provided. This is only * used when $escape is null or 'auto'. * * @return string|false */ public function getEscaper($escape, string $template = null) { $escape = $escape === null ? $escape : strtolower($escape); $template = $template ?? ''; if ( $escape === null || $escape === 'auto' ) { if ( substr($template, -5) === '.twig' && strpos(substr($template, 0, -5), '.') ) { $ext = pathinfo(substr($template, 0, -5), \PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } else { $ext = pathinfo($template, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } switch ( strtolower($ext) ) { case 'htm': case 'html': case 'phtml': case 'thtml': case 'xhtml': case 'template': case 'tmpl': case 'tpl': return 'html'; case 'css': case 'scss': return 'css'; case 'js': return 'js'; case 'json': return 'json'; case 'bash': case 'ksh': case 'sh': case 'zsh': return 'sh'; } return false; } // Otherwise, try to parse the supplied method switch ( $escape ) { case 'f': case 'n': case 'none': case 'never': $escape = 'false'; break; case 't': case 'y': case 'always': $escape = 'true'; break; } $bool = filter_var( $escape, \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, \FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE ); if ( $bool !== null ) { $escape = $bool ? 'html' : false; } return $escape; } }