Add typings and declaration maps

This commit is contained in:
Matt Triff 2021-12-26 16:38:09 -05:00
parent bf94386cc5
commit a8862e78be
128 changed files with 1610 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -5571,6 +5571,18 @@ if (false) {}
/******/ }
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ }();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
@ -5600,13 +5612,25 @@ if (false) {}
/******/ }();
/******/ // startup
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ // This entry module is referenced by other modules so it can't be inlined
/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__(373);
/******/ __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_exports__["default"];
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode.
!function() {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var _scripts_choices__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(373);
/* harmony import */ var _scripts_choices__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_scripts_choices__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _scripts_constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(883);
/* harmony import */ var _scripts_defaults__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(789);
/* harmony import */ var _scripts_templates__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(686);
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ((_scripts_choices__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()));
__webpack_exports__ = __webpack_exports__["default"];
/******/ return __webpack_exports__;
/******/ })()

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import Choices from './scripts/choices';
export * from './scripts/constants';
export * from './scripts/defaults';
export { default as templates } from './scripts/templates';
export default Choices;

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import { ACTION_TYPES } from '../constants';
import { Choice } from '../interfaces/choice';
export interface AddChoiceAction {
id: number;
value: string;
label: string;
groupId: number;
disabled: boolean;
elementId: number;
customProperties: object;
placeholder: boolean;
keyCode: number;
export interface Result<T> {
item: T;
score: number;
export interface FilterChoicesAction {
results: Result<Choice>[];
export interface ActivateChoicesAction {
active: boolean;
export interface ClearChoicesAction {
export declare const addChoice: ({ value, label, id, groupId, disabled, elementId, customProperties, placeholder, keyCode, }: {
value: any;
label: any;
id: any;
groupId: any;
disabled: any;
elementId: any;
customProperties: any;
placeholder: any;
keyCode: any;
}) => AddChoiceAction;
export declare const filterChoices: (results: Result<Choice>[]) => FilterChoicesAction;
export declare const activateChoices: (active?: boolean) => ActivateChoicesAction;
export declare const clearChoices: () => ClearChoicesAction;

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import { ACTION_TYPES } from '../constants';
export interface AddGroupAction {
id: number;
value: string;
active: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
export declare const addGroup: ({ value, id, active, disabled, }: {
id: number;
value: string;
active: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
}) => AddGroupAction;

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import { ACTION_TYPES } from '../constants';
export interface AddItemAction {
id: number;
value: string;
label: string;
choiceId: number;
groupId: number;
customProperties: object;
placeholder: boolean;
keyCode: number;
export interface RemoveItemAction {
id: number;
choiceId: number;
export interface HighlightItemAction {
id: number;
highlighted: boolean;
export declare const addItem: ({ value, label, id, choiceId, groupId, customProperties, placeholder, keyCode, }: {
id: number;
value: string;
label: string;
choiceId: number;
groupId: number;
customProperties: object;
placeholder: boolean;
keyCode: number;
}) => AddItemAction;
export declare const removeItem: (id: number, choiceId: number) => RemoveItemAction;
export declare const highlightItem: (id: number, highlighted: boolean) => HighlightItemAction;

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import { ACTION_TYPES } from '../constants';
import { State } from '../interfaces/state';
export interface ClearAllAction {
export interface ResetToAction {
state: State;
export interface SetIsLoadingAction {
isLoading: boolean;
export declare const clearAll: () => ClearAllAction;
export declare const resetTo: (state: State) => ResetToAction;
export declare const setIsLoading: (isLoading: boolean) => SetIsLoadingAction;

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public/types/src/scripts/choices.d.ts vendored Normal file
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import { Container, Dropdown, Input, List, WrappedInput, WrappedSelect } from './components';
import { Choice } from './interfaces/choice';
import { Group } from './interfaces/group';
import { Item } from './interfaces/item';
import { Notice } from './interfaces/notice';
import { Options } from './interfaces/options';
import { State } from './interfaces/state';
import Store from './store/store';
import templates from './templates';
* Choices
* @author Josh Johnson<>
declare class Choices implements Choices {
static get defaults(): {
options: Partial<Options>;
templates: typeof templates;
initialised: boolean;
config: Options;
passedElement: WrappedInput | WrappedSelect;
containerOuter: Container;
containerInner: Container;
choiceList: List;
itemList: List;
input: Input;
dropdown: Dropdown;
_isTextElement: boolean;
_isSelectOneElement: boolean;
_isSelectMultipleElement: boolean;
_isSelectElement: boolean;
_store: Store;
_templates: typeof templates;
_initialState: State;
_currentState: State;
_prevState: State;
_currentValue: string;
_canSearch: boolean;
_isScrollingOnIe: boolean;
_highlightPosition: number;
_wasTap: boolean;
_isSearching: boolean;
_placeholderValue: string | null;
_baseId: string;
_direction: HTMLElement['dir'];
_idNames: {
itemChoice: string;
_presetGroups: Group[] | HTMLOptGroupElement[] | Element[];
_presetOptions: Item[] | HTMLOptionElement[];
_presetChoices: Partial<Choice>[];
_presetItems: Item[] | string[];
constructor(element?: string | Element | HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, userConfig?: Partial<Options>);
init(): void;
destroy(): void;
enable(): this;
disable(): this;
highlightItem(item: Item, runEvent?: boolean): this;
unhighlightItem(item: Item): this;
highlightAll(): this;
unhighlightAll(): this;
removeActiveItemsByValue(value: string): this;
removeActiveItems(excludedId: number): this;
removeHighlightedItems(runEvent?: boolean): this;
showDropdown(preventInputFocus?: boolean): this;
hideDropdown(preventInputBlur?: boolean): this;
getValue(valueOnly?: boolean): string[] | Item[] | Item | string;
setValue(items: string[] | Item[]): this;
setChoiceByValue(value: string): this;
* Set choices of select input via an array of objects (or function that returns array of object or promise of it),
* a value field name and a label field name.
* This behaves the same as passing items via the choices option but can be called after initialising Choices.
* This can also be used to add groups of choices (see example 2); Optionally pass a true `replaceChoices` value to remove any existing choices.
* Optionally pass a `customProperties` object to add additional data to your choices (useful when searching/filtering etc).
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @example
* ```js
* const example = new Choices(element);
* example.setChoices([
* {value: 'One', label: 'Label One', disabled: true},
* {value: 'Two', label: 'Label Two', selected: true},
* {value: 'Three', label: 'Label Three'},
* ], 'value', 'label', false);
* ```
* @example
* ```js
* const example = new Choices(element);
* example.setChoices(async () => {
* try {
* const items = await fetch('/items');
* return items.json()
* } catch(err) {
* console.error(err)
* }
* });
* ```
* @example
* ```js
* const example = new Choices(element);
* example.setChoices([{
* label: 'Group one',
* id: 1,
* disabled: false,
* choices: [
* {value: 'Child One', label: 'Child One', selected: true},
* {value: 'Child Two', label: 'Child Two', disabled: true},
* {value: 'Child Three', label: 'Child Three'},
* ]
* },
* {
* label: 'Group two',
* id: 2,
* disabled: false,
* choices: [
* {value: 'Child Four', label: 'Child Four', disabled: true},
* {value: 'Child Five', label: 'Child Five'},
* {value: 'Child Six', label: 'Child Six', customProperties: {
* description: 'Custom description about child six',
* random: 'Another random custom property'
* }},
* ]
* }], 'value', 'label', false);
* ```
setChoices(choicesArrayOrFetcher?: Choice[] | Group[] | ((instance: Choices) => Choice[] | Promise<Choice[]>), value?: string, label?: string, replaceChoices?: boolean): this | Promise<this>;
clearChoices(): this;
clearStore(): this;
clearInput(): this;
_render(): void;
_renderChoices(): void;
_renderItems(): void;
_createGroupsFragment(groups: Group[], choices: Choice[], fragment?: DocumentFragment): DocumentFragment;
_createChoicesFragment(choices: Choice[], fragment?: DocumentFragment, withinGroup?: boolean): DocumentFragment;
_createItemsFragment(items: Item[], fragment?: DocumentFragment): DocumentFragment;
_triggerChange(value: any): void;
_selectPlaceholderChoice(placeholderChoice: Choice): void;
_handleButtonAction(activeItems?: Item[], element?: HTMLElement): void;
_handleItemAction(activeItems?: Item[], element?: HTMLElement, hasShiftKey?: boolean): void;
_handleChoiceAction(activeItems?: Item[], element?: HTMLElement): void;
_handleBackspace(activeItems?: Item[]): void;
_startLoading(): void;
_stopLoading(): void;
_handleLoadingState(setLoading?: boolean): void;
_handleSearch(value: string): void;
_canAddItem(activeItems: Item[], value: string): Notice;
_searchChoices(value: string): number;
_addEventListeners(): void;
_removeEventListeners(): void;
_onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent): void;
_onKeyUp({ target, keyCode, }: Pick<KeyboardEvent, 'target' | 'keyCode'>): void;
_onSelectKey(event: KeyboardEvent, hasItems: boolean): void;
_onEnterKey(event: KeyboardEvent, activeItems: Item[], hasActiveDropdown: boolean): void;
_onEscapeKey(hasActiveDropdown: boolean): void;
_onDirectionKey(event: KeyboardEvent, hasActiveDropdown: boolean): void;
_onDeleteKey(event: KeyboardEvent, activeItems: Item[], hasFocusedInput: boolean): void;
_onTouchMove(): void;
_onTouchEnd(event: TouchEvent): void;
* Handles mousedown event in capture mode for containetOuter.element
_onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void;
* Handles mouseover event over this.dropdown
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onMouseOver({ target }: Pick<MouseEvent, 'target'>): void;
_onClick({ target }: Pick<MouseEvent, 'target'>): void;
_onFocus({ target }: Pick<FocusEvent, 'target'>): void;
_onBlur({ target }: Pick<FocusEvent, 'target'>): void;
_onFormReset(): void;
_highlightChoice(el?: HTMLElement | null): void;
_addItem({ value, label, choiceId, groupId, customProperties, placeholder, keyCode, }: {
value: string;
label?: string | null;
choiceId?: number;
groupId?: number;
customProperties?: object;
placeholder?: boolean;
keyCode?: number;
}): void;
_removeItem(item: Item): void;
_addChoice({ value, label, isSelected, isDisabled, groupId, customProperties, placeholder, keyCode, }: {
value: string;
label?: string | null;
isSelected?: boolean;
isDisabled?: boolean;
groupId?: number;
customProperties?: Record<string, any>;
placeholder?: boolean;
keyCode?: number;
}): void;
_addGroup({ group, id, valueKey, labelKey }: {
group: any;
id: any;
valueKey?: string | undefined;
labelKey?: string | undefined;
}): void;
_getTemplate(template: string, ...args: any): any;
_createTemplates(): void;
_createElements(): void;
_createStructure(): void;
_addPredefinedGroups(groups: Group[] | HTMLOptGroupElement[] | Element[]): void;
_addPredefinedChoices(choices: Partial<Choice>[]): void;
_addPredefinedItems(items: Item[] | string[]): void;
_setChoiceOrItem(item: any): void;
_findAndSelectChoiceByValue(value: string): void;
_generatePlaceholderValue(): string | null;
export default Choices;

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import { ClassNames } from '../interfaces/class-names';
import { PositionOptionsType } from '../interfaces/position-options-type';
import { PassedElementType } from '../interfaces/passed-element-type';
export default class Container {
element: HTMLElement;
type: PassedElementType;
classNames: ClassNames;
position: PositionOptionsType;
isOpen: boolean;
isFlipped: boolean;
isFocussed: boolean;
isDisabled: boolean;
isLoading: boolean;
constructor({ element, type, classNames, position, }: {
element: HTMLElement;
type: PassedElementType;
classNames: ClassNames;
position: PositionOptionsType;
addEventListeners(): void;
removeEventListeners(): void;
* Determine whether container should be flipped based on passed
* dropdown position
shouldFlip(dropdownPos: number): boolean;
setActiveDescendant(activeDescendantID: string): void;
removeActiveDescendant(): void;
open(dropdownPos: number): void;
close(): void;
focus(): void;
addFocusState(): void;
removeFocusState(): void;
enable(): void;
disable(): void;
wrap(element: HTMLSelectElement | HTMLInputElement | HTMLElement): void;
unwrap(element: HTMLElement): void;
addLoadingState(): void;
removeLoadingState(): void;
_onFocus(): void;
_onBlur(): void;

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import { ClassNames } from '../interfaces/class-names';
import { PassedElementType } from '../interfaces/passed-element-type';
export default class Dropdown {
element: HTMLElement;
type: PassedElementType;
classNames: ClassNames;
isActive: boolean;
constructor({ element, type, classNames, }: {
element: HTMLElement;
type: PassedElementType;
classNames: ClassNames;
* Bottom position of dropdown in viewport coordinates
get distanceFromTopWindow(): number;
getChild(selector: string): HTMLElement | null;
* Show dropdown to user by adding active state class
show(): this;
* Hide dropdown from user
hide(): this;

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import Dropdown from './dropdown';
import Container from './container';
import Input from './input';
import List from './list';
import WrappedInput from './wrapped-input';
import WrappedSelect from './wrapped-select';
export { Dropdown, Container, Input, List, WrappedInput, WrappedSelect };

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import { ClassNames } from '../interfaces/class-names';
import { PassedElementType } from '../interfaces/passed-element-type';
export default class Input {
element: HTMLInputElement;
type: PassedElementType;
classNames: ClassNames;
preventPaste: boolean;
isFocussed: boolean;
isDisabled: boolean;
constructor({ element, type, classNames, preventPaste, }: {
element: HTMLInputElement;
type: PassedElementType;
classNames: ClassNames;
preventPaste: boolean;
set placeholder(placeholder: string);
get value(): string;
set value(value: string);
addEventListeners(): void;
removeEventListeners(): void;
enable(): void;
disable(): void;
focus(): void;
blur(): void;
clear(setWidth?: boolean): this;
* Set the correct input width based on placeholder
* value or input value
setWidth(): void;
setActiveDescendant(activeDescendantID: string): void;
removeActiveDescendant(): void;
_onInput(): void;
_onPaste(event: ClipboardEvent): void;
_onFocus(): void;
_onBlur(): void;

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export default class List {
element: HTMLElement;
scrollPos: number;
height: number;
constructor({ element }: {
element: HTMLElement;
clear(): void;
append(node: Element | DocumentFragment): void;
getChild(selector: string): HTMLElement | null;
hasChildren(): boolean;
scrollToTop(): void;
scrollToChildElement(element: HTMLElement, direction: 1 | -1): void;
_scrollDown(scrollPos: number, strength: number, destination: number): void;
_scrollUp(scrollPos: number, strength: number, destination: number): void;
_animateScroll(destination: number, direction: number): void;

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import { ClassNames } from '../interfaces/class-names';
import { EventType } from '../interfaces/event-type';
export default class WrappedElement {
element: HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement;
classNames: ClassNames;
isDisabled: boolean;
constructor({ element, classNames }: {
element: any;
classNames: any;
get isActive(): boolean;
get dir(): string;
get value(): string;
set value(value: string);
conceal(): void;
reveal(): void;
enable(): void;
disable(): void;
triggerEvent(eventType: EventType, data?: object): void;

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import { ClassNames } from '../interfaces/class-names';
import WrappedElement from './wrapped-element';
export default class WrappedInput extends WrappedElement {
element: HTMLInputElement;
delimiter: string;
constructor({ element, classNames, delimiter, }: {
element: HTMLInputElement;
classNames: ClassNames;
delimiter: string;
get value(): string;
set value(value: string);

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import { ClassNames } from '../interfaces/class-names';
import { Item } from '../interfaces/item';
import WrappedElement from './wrapped-element';
export default class WrappedSelect extends WrappedElement {
element: HTMLSelectElement;
classNames: ClassNames;
template: (data: object) => HTMLOptionElement;
constructor({ element, classNames, template, }: {
element: HTMLSelectElement;
classNames: ClassNames;
template: (data: object) => HTMLOptionElement;
get placeholderOption(): HTMLOptionElement | null;
get optionGroups(): Element[];
get options(): Item[] | HTMLOptionElement[];
set options(options: Item[] | HTMLOptionElement[]);
appendDocFragment(fragment: DocumentFragment): void;

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import { ActionType } from './interfaces/action-type';
import { EventType } from './interfaces/event-type';
import { KeyCodeMap } from './interfaces/keycode-map';
export declare const EVENTS: Record<EventType, EventType>;
export declare const ACTION_TYPES: Record<ActionType, ActionType>;
export declare const KEY_CODES: KeyCodeMap;
export declare const TEXT_TYPE: HTMLInputElement['type'];
export declare const SELECT_ONE_TYPE: HTMLSelectElement['type'];
export declare const SELECT_MULTIPLE_TYPE: HTMLSelectElement['type'];
export declare const SCROLLING_SPEED = 4;

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import { ClassNames } from './interfaces/class-names';
import { Options } from './interfaces/options';
export declare const DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES: ClassNames;
export declare const DEFAULT_CONFIG: Options;

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export interface Choice {
id?: number;
customProperties?: Record<string, any>;
disabled?: boolean;
active?: boolean;
elementId?: number;
groupId?: number;
keyCode?: number;
label: string;
placeholder?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
value: string;
score?: number;
choices?: Choice[];

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import { Options } from 'deepmerge';
import { Store } from 'redux';
import { WrappedInput, WrappedSelect, Container, List, Input, Dropdown } from '../components';
import { Choice } from './choice';
import { Group } from './group';
import { Item } from './item';
import { State } from './state';
import templates from '../templates';
export interface Choices {
initialised: boolean;
config: Options;
passedElement: WrappedInput | WrappedSelect;
containerOuter: Container;
containerInner: Container;
choiceList: List;
itemList: List;
input: Input;
dropdown: Dropdown;
_isTextElement: boolean;
_isSelectOneElement: boolean;
_isSelectMultipleElement: boolean;
_isSelectElement: boolean;
_store: Store;
_templates: typeof templates;
_initialState: State;
_currentState: State;
_prevState: State;
_currentValue: string;
_canSearch: boolean;
_isScrollingOnIe: boolean;
_highlightPosition: number;
_wasTap: boolean;
_isSearching: boolean;
_placeholderValue: string | null;
_baseId: string;
_direction: HTMLElement['dir'];
_idNames: {
itemChoice: string;
_presetGroups: Group[] | HTMLOptGroupElement[] | Element[];
_presetOptions: Item[] | HTMLOptionElement[];
_presetChoices: Partial<Choice>[];
_presetItems: Item[] | string[];
new (element: string | Element | HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, userConfig: Partial<Options>): any;

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/** Classes added to HTML generated by By default classnames follow the BEM notation. */
export interface ClassNames {
/** @default 'choices' */
containerOuter: string;
/** @default 'choices__inner' */
containerInner: string;
/** @default 'choices__input' */
input: string;
/** @default 'choices__input--cloned' */
inputCloned: string;
/** @default 'choices__list' */
list: string;
/** @default 'choices__list--multiple' */
listItems: string;
/** @default 'choices__list--single' */
listSingle: string;
/** @default 'choices__list--dropdown' */
listDropdown: string;
/** @default 'choices__item' */
item: string;
/** @default 'choices__item--selectable' */
itemSelectable: string;
/** @default 'choices__item--disabled' */
itemDisabled: string;
/** @default 'choices__item--choice' */
itemChoice: string;
/** @default 'choices__placeholder' */
placeholder: string;
/** @default 'choices__group' */
group: string;
/** @default 'choices__heading' */
groupHeading: string;
/** @default 'choices__button' */
button: string;
/** @default 'is-active' */
activeState: string;
/** @default 'is-focused' */
focusState: string;
/** @default 'is-open' */
openState: string;
/** @default 'is-disabled' */
disabledState: string;
/** @default 'is-highlighted' */
highlightedState: string;
/** @default 'is-selected' */
selectedState: string;
/** @default 'is-flipped' */
flippedState: string;
/** @default 'is-loading' */
loadingState: string;
/** @default 'has-no-results' */
noResults: string;
/** @default 'has-no-choices' */
noChoices: string;

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export declare type EventType = 'addItem' | 'removeItem' | 'highlightItem' | 'unhighlightItem' | 'choice' | 'change' | 'search' | 'showDropdown' | 'hideDropdown' | 'highlightChoice';

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export interface Group {
id?: number;
active?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
value: any;

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import { Choice } from './choice';
export interface Item extends Choice {
choiceId?: number;
highlighted?: boolean;

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export interface KeyCodeMap {
A_KEY: 65;
ESC_KEY: 27;
UP_KEY: 38;

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export interface Notice {
response: boolean;
notice: string;

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import { FuseOptions } from 'fuse.js';
import { Choices } from './choices';
import { Choice } from './choice';
import { ClassNames } from './class-names';
import { PositionOptionsType } from './position-options-type';
import { Types } from './types';
* Choices options interface
* **Terminology**
* - **Choice:** A choice is a value a user can select. A choice would be equivalent to the `<option></option>` element within a select input.
* - **Group:** A group is a collection of choices. A group should be seen as equivalent to a `<optgroup></optgroup>` element within a select input.
* - **Item:** An item is an inputted value **_(text input)_** or a selected choice **_(select element)_**. In the context of a select element, an item is equivelent to a selected option element: `<option value="Hello" selected></option>` whereas in the context of a text input an item is equivelant to `<input type="text" value="Hello">`
export interface Options {
* Optionally suppress console errors and warnings.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-single, select-multiple
* @default false
silent: boolean;
* Add pre-selected items (see terminology) to text input.
* **Input types affected:** text
* @example
* ```
* ['value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3']
* ```
* @example
* ```
* [{
* value: 'Value 1',
* label: 'Label 1',
* id: 1
* },
* {
* value: 'Value 2',
* label: 'Label 2',
* id: 2,
* customProperties: {
* random: 'I am a custom property'
* }
* }]
* ```
* @default []
items: string[] | Choice[];
* Add choices (see terminology) to select input.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @example
* ```
* [{
* value: 'Option 1',
* label: 'Option 1',
* selected: true,
* disabled: false,
* },
* {
* value: 'Option 2',
* label: 'Option 2',
* selected: false,
* disabled: true,
* customProperties: {
* description: 'Custom description about Option 2',
* random: 'Another random custom property'
* },
* }]
* ```
* @default []
choices: Choice[];
* The amount of choices to be rendered within the dropdown list `("-1" indicates no limit)`. This is useful if you have a lot of choices where it is easier for a user to use the search area to find a choice.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default -1
renderChoiceLimit: number;
* The amount of items a user can input/select `("-1" indicates no limit)`.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* @default -1
maxItemCount: number;
* Whether a user can add items.
* **Input types affected:** text
* @default true
addItems: boolean;
* A filter that will need to pass for a user to successfully add an item.
* **Input types affected:** text
* @default null
addItemFilter: string | RegExp | Types.FilterFunction | null;
* The text that is shown when a user has inputted a new item but has not pressed the enter key. To access the current input value, pass a function with a `value` argument (see the **default config** [] for an example), otherwise pass a string.
* **Input types affected:** text
* @default
* ```
* (value) => `Press Enter to add <b>"${value}"</b>`;
* ```
addItemText: string | Types.NoticeStringFunction;
* Whether a user can remove items.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* @default true
removeItems: boolean;
* Whether each item should have a remove button.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* @default false
removeItemButton: boolean;
* Whether a user can edit items. An item's value can be edited by pressing the backspace.
* **Input types affected:** text
* @default false
editItems: boolean;
* Whether HTML should be rendered in all Choices elements.
* If `false`, all elements (placeholder, items, etc.) will be treated as plain text.
* If `true`, this can be used to perform XSS scripting attacks if you load choices from a remote source.
* **Deprecation Warning:** This will default to `false` in a future release.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* @default true
allowHTML: boolean;
* Whether each inputted/chosen item should be unique.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* @default true
duplicateItemsAllowed: boolean;
* What divides each value. The default delimiter separates each value with a comma: `"Value 1, Value 2, Value 3"`.
* **Input types affected:** text
* @default ','
delimiter: string;
* Whether a user can paste into the input.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* @default true
paste: boolean;
* Whether a search area should be shown.
* @note Multiple select boxes will always show search areas.
* **Input types affected:** select-one
* @default true
searchEnabled: boolean;
* Whether choices should be filtered by input or not. If `false`, the search event will still emit, but choices will not be filtered.
* **Input types affected:** select-one
* @default true
searchChoices: boolean;
* The minimum length a search value should be before choices are searched.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default 1
searchFloor: number;
* The maximum amount of search results to show.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default 4
searchResultLimit: number;
* Specify which fields should be used when a user is searching. If you have added custom properties to your choices, you can add these values thus: `['label', 'value', 'customProperties.example']`.
* Input types affected:select-one, select-multiple
* @default ['label', 'value']
searchFields: string[];
* Whether the dropdown should appear above `(top)` or below `(bottom)` the input. By default, if there is not enough space within the window the dropdown will appear above the input, otherwise below it.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default 'auto'
position: PositionOptionsType;
* Whether the scroll position should reset after adding an item.
* **Input types affected:** select-multiple
* @default true
resetScrollPosition: boolean;
* Whether choices and groups should be sorted. If false, choices/groups will appear in the order they were given.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default true
shouldSort: boolean;
* Whether items should be sorted. If false, items will appear in the order they were selected.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* @default false
shouldSortItems: boolean;
* The function that will sort choices and items before they are displayed (unless a user is searching). By default choices and items are sorted by alphabetical order.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @example
* ```
* // Sorting via length of label from largest to smallest
* const example = new Choices(element, {
* sorter: function(a, b) {
* return b.label.length - a.label.length;
* },
* };
* ```
* @default sortByAlpha
sorter: (current: Choice, next: Choice) => number;
* Whether the input should show a placeholder. Used in conjunction with `placeholderValue`. If `placeholder` is set to true and no value is passed to `placeholderValue`, the passed input's placeholder attribute will be used as the placeholder value.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* @note For single select boxes, the recommended way of adding a placeholder is as follows:
* ```
* <select>
* <option placeholder>This is a placeholder</option>
* <option>...</option>
* <option>...</option>
* <option>...</option>
* </select>
* ```
* @default true
placeholder: boolean;
* The value of the inputs placeholder.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* @default null
placeholderValue: string | null;
* The value of the search inputs placeholder.
* **Input types affected:** select-one
* @default null
searchPlaceholderValue: string | null;
* Prepend a value to each item added/selected.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* @default null
prependValue: string | null;
* Append a value to each item added/selected.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* @default null
appendValue: string | null;
* Whether selected choices should be removed from the list. By default choices are removed when they are selected in multiple select box. To always render choices pass `always`.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default 'auto';
renderSelectedChoices: 'auto' | 'always';
* The text that is shown whilst choices are being populated via AJAX.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default 'Loading...'
loadingText: string;
* The text that is shown when a user's search has returned no results. Optionally pass a function returning a string.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default 'No results found'
noResultsText: string | Types.StringFunction;
* The text that is shown when a user has selected all possible choices. Optionally pass a function returning a string.
* **Input types affected:** select-multiple
* @default 'No choices to choose from'
noChoicesText: string | Types.StringFunction;
* The text that is shown when a user hovers over a selectable choice.
* **Input types affected:** select-multiple, select-one
* @default 'Press to select'
itemSelectText: string;
* The text that is shown when a user has focus on the input but has already reached the **max item count** []. To access the max item count, pass a function with a `maxItemCount` argument (see the **default config** [] for an example), otherwise pass a string.
* **Input types affected:** text
* @default
* ```
* (maxItemCount) => `Only ${maxItemCount} values can be added.`;
* ```
maxItemText: string | Types.NoticeLimitFunction;
* If no duplicates are allowed, and the value already exists in the array.
* @default 'Only unique values can be added'
uniqueItemText: string | Types.NoticeStringFunction;
* The text that is shown when addItemFilter is passed and it returns false
* **Input types affected:** text
* @default 'Only values matching specific conditions can be added'
customAddItemText: string | Types.NoticeStringFunction;
* Compare choice and value in appropriate way (e.g. deep equality for objects). To compare choice and value, pass a function with a `valueComparer` argument (see the [default config]( for an example).
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* @default
* ```
* (choice, item) => choice === item;
* ```
valueComparer: Types.ValueCompareFunction;
* Classes added to HTML generated by By default classnames follow the BEM notation.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
classNames: ClassNames;
* Choices uses the great Fuse library for searching. You can find more options here:
fuseOptions: FuseOptions<Choice>;
* Function to run once Choices initialises.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* @note For each callback, this refers to the current instance of This can be useful if you need access to methods `(this.disable())` or the config object `(this.config)`.
* @default null
callbackOnInit: ((this: Choices) => void) | null;
* Function to run on template creation. Through this callback it is possible to provide custom templates for the various components of Choices (see terminology). For Choices to work with custom templates, it is important you maintain the various data attributes defined here [].
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* @note For each callback, this refers to the current instance of This can be useful if you need access to methods `(this.disable())` or the config object `(this.config)`.
* @example
* ```
* const example = new Choices(element, {
* callbackOnCreateTemplates: function (template) {
* var classNames = this.config.classNames;
* return {
* item: (data) => {
* return template(`
* <div class="${classNames.item} ${data.highlighted ? classNames.highlightedState : classNames.itemSelectable}" data-item data-id="${}" data-value="${data.value}" ${ ? 'aria-selected="true"' : ''} ${data.disabled ? 'aria-disabled="true"' : ''}>
* <span>&bigstar;</span> ${data.label}
* </div>
* `);
* },
* choice: (data) => {
* return template(`
* <div class="${classNames.item} ${classNames.itemChoice} ${data.disabled ? classNames.itemDisabled : classNames.itemSelectable}" data-select-text="${this.config.itemSelectText}" data-choice ${data.disabled ? 'data-choice-disabled aria-disabled="true"' : 'data-choice-selectable'} data-id="${}" data-value="${data.value}" ${data.groupId > 0 ? 'role="treeitem"' : 'role="option"'}>
* <span>&bigstar;</span> ${data.label}
* </div>
* `);
* },
* };
* }
* });
* ```
* @default null
callbackOnCreateTemplates: ((template: Types.StrToEl) => void) | null;

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export declare type PassedElementType = 'text' | 'select-one' | 'select-multiple';

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import { Choices } from './choices';
import { Choice } from './choice';
import { ClassNames } from './class-names';
import { EventType } from './event-type';
import { PassedElementType } from './passed-element-type';
export interface PassedElement extends HTMLElement {
classNames: ClassNames;
element: (HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement) & {
addEventListener<K extends EventType>(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, ev: EventMap[K]) => void, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
type: PassedElementType;
isDisabled: boolean;
parentInstance: Choices;
* Events fired by Choices behave the same as standard events. Each event is triggered on the element passed to Choices (accessible via `this.passedElement`. Arguments are accessible within the `event.detail` object.
export interface EventMap {
* Triggered each time an item is added (programmatically or by the user).
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue, keyCode
addItem: CustomEvent<{
id: number;
value: string;
label: string;
groupValue: string;
keyCode: number;
* Triggered each time an item is removed (programmatically or by the user).
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue
removeItem: CustomEvent<{
id: number;
value: string;
label: string;
groupValue: string;
* Triggered each time an item is highlighted.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue
highlightItem: CustomEvent<{
id: number;
value: string;
label: string;
groupValue: string;
* Triggered each time an item is unhighlighted.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple
* Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue
unhighlightItem: CustomEvent<{
id: number;
value: string;
label: string;
groupValue: string;
* Triggered each time a choice is selected **by a user**, regardless if it changes the value of the input.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: choice: Choice
choice: CustomEvent<{
choice: Choice;
* Triggered each time an item is added/removed **by a user**.
* **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: value
change: CustomEvent<{
value: string;
* Triggered when a user types into an input to search choices.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: value, resultCount
search: CustomEvent<{
value: string;
resultCount: number;
* Triggered when the dropdown is shown.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: -
showDropdown: CustomEvent<undefined>;
* Triggered when the dropdown is hidden.
* **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: -
hideDropdown: CustomEvent<undefined>;
* Triggered when a choice from the dropdown is highlighted.
* Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple
* Arguments: el is the choice.passedElement that was affected.
highlightChoice: CustomEvent<{
el: PassedElement;

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export declare type PositionOptionsType = 'auto' | 'top' | 'bottom';

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import { Choice } from './choice';
import { Group } from './group';
import { Item } from './item';
export interface State {
choices: Choice[];
groups: Group[];
items: Item[];
loading: boolean;

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export declare namespace Types {
type StrToEl = (str: string) => HTMLElement | HTMLInputElement | HTMLOptionElement;
type StringFunction = () => string;
type NoticeStringFunction = (value: string) => string;
type NoticeLimitFunction = (maxItemCount: number) => string;
type FilterFunction = (value: string) => boolean;
type ValueCompareFunction = (value1: string, value2: string) => boolean;

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public/types/src/scripts/lib/utils.d.ts vendored Normal file
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import { Choice } from '../interfaces/choice';
import { EventType } from '../interfaces/event-type';
export declare const getRandomNumber: (min: number, max: number) => number;
export declare const generateChars: (length: number) => string;
export declare const generateId: (element: HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, prefix: string) => string;
export declare const getType: (obj: any) => string;
export declare const isType: (type: string, obj: any) => boolean;
export declare const wrap: (element: HTMLElement, wrapper?: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
export declare const getAdjacentEl: (startEl: Element, selector: string, direction?: number) => Element;
export declare const isScrolledIntoView: (element: HTMLElement, parent: HTMLElement, direction?: number) => boolean;
export declare const sanitise: <T>(value: string | T) => string | T;
export declare const strToEl: (str: string) => Element;
interface RecordToCompare {
value: string;
label?: string;
export declare const sortByAlpha: ({ value, label }: RecordToCompare, { value: value2, label: label2 }: RecordToCompare) => number;
export declare const sortByScore: (a: Pick<Choice, 'score'>, b: Pick<Choice, 'score'>) => number;
export declare const dispatchEvent: (element: HTMLElement, type: EventType, customArgs?: object | null) => boolean;
export declare const existsInArray: (array: any[], value: string, key?: string) => boolean;
export declare const cloneObject: (obj: object) => object;
* Returns an array of keys present on the first but missing on the second object
export declare const diff: (a: Record<string, any>, b: Record<string, any>) => string[];
export {};

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export {};

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