Commit graph

2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Josh Johnson ffc32df462
Resolve vulnerabilities + fix tests (#668)
* Remove GPR Github action (for now)

* Update test badge

* Remove stale.yml

* Upgrade cypress + fix failing tests

* Upgrade postcss-cli

* Update postcss command

* Remove space

* Add slight delay between scrolling animations

* Update test descriptions

* Remove signed commits/tagging (for now)

* chore(release): 🔖 version 7.0.5

* Update commit message

* Revert "Upgrade cypress + fix failing tests"

This reverts commit b6fbd0f51a.
2019-10-21 21:43:38 +01:00
Konstantin Vyatkin bc8a044ab1 Chore: Use GitHub actions (#661)
* run cypress on github action

* add lint action

* add test and coverage action

* upgrade testing dependencies

* upgrade linting dependencies

* add bundlesize action

* fix env name, prevent husky

* add npm publish step

* upgrade cypress to latest non-breaking version

* fix postversion script

* don't share full token with bundlesize

* nicer version commit

* add preversion script, use `--atomic` and don't publish tests

* enforce tagged and signed version

* restored bump-cache
2019-10-21 17:20:39 +01:00