## GITATTRIBUTES FOR WEB PROJECTS # # These settings are for any web project. # # Details per file setting: # text These files should be normalized (i.e. convert CRLF to LF). # binary These files are binary and should be left untouched. # # Note that binary is a macro for -text -diff. ###################################################################### # Auto detect ## Handle line endings automatically for files detected as ## text and leave all files detected as binary untouched. ## This will handle all files NOT defined below. * text eol=lf # Source code *.css text eol=lf *.html text diff=html eol=lf *.js text eol=lf *.json text eol=lf *.scss text diff=css eol=lf *.ts text eol=lf # Documentation *.md text eol=lf *.txt text eol=lf AUTHORS text eol=lf CHANGELOG text eol=lf CHANGES text eol=lf CONTRIBUTING text eol=lf COPYING text eol=lf copyright text eol=lf *COPYRIGHT* text eol=lf INSTALL text eol=lf license text eol=lf LICENSE text eol=lf NEWS text eol=lf readme text eol=lf *README* text eol=lf TODO text eol=lf # Linters .eslintrc text eol=lf .stylelintrc text eol=lf # Configs .babelrc text eol=lf .browserslistrc text eol=lf .editorconfig text eol=lf .env text eol=lf .gitattributes text eol=lf .gitconfig text eol=lf package-lock.json text -diff eol=lf *.npmignore text eol=lf *.yaml text eol=lf *.yml text eol=lf browserslist text eol=lf # Graphics # SVG treated as an asset (binary) by default. *.svg text eol=lf *.png binary