Konstantin Vyatkin 172366d6fa [Tooling] Expand browsers target while keeping Polyfills under control (#709)
* expand browsers target

* add eslint-plugin-compat

* sort polyfils

* adjust readme

* add polyfills sync check action

* only build js

* trim

* add Element.prototype.closest

* add closest to demo links

* fix ignore
2019-10-29 18:19:19 +00:00

25 lines
638 B

// get polyfill settings from top level config
// @ts-ignore
const { settings } = require('../../../.eslintrc.json');
// Adding non-polyfilable Symbol-related functions as they are most probably
// behind the flag
settings.polyfills.push('Symbol.toStringTag', 'Symbol.for', 'Object.getOwnPropertySymbols', 'Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors')
module.exports = /** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */({
root: true,
extends: [
parserOptions: {
// ensure that it's compatible with ES5 browsers, so, no `const`, etc
ecmaVersion: 5
env: {
browser: true