Konstantin Vyatkin dddba5b35b [TEST] Automatic screenshots comparing and error checking in IE11, Firefox and Chrome (#715)
* taking screenshots

* let's try

* save artifacts

* better exceptiosn

* try to install geskodriver

* fix edge name

* add check for safari

* check os

* try this

* again

* fix syntax

* try this

* try firefox on windows

* and again

* handle error

* and again

* try older macos

* add firefox screenshot

* switch back env

* switch back env

* add IE screenshot

* try sudo for safari

* try not install nuget

* try more

* more

* try this

* install firefox

* add chrome

* increase threshold

* add firefox-darwin

* push

* fixing

* let's go

* increase threeshold

* again

* try safari tp

* tap cask versions

* fix conditions

* try like this

* last run

* increase threshold

* reenable macos firefox

* last try for safari

* rename screenshots to snapshots

* check console

* console workarounds

* fix safari misspleings

* logging is not supported by everyone

* maximize and set rect

* errors only for Chrome

* remove safari for now

* try to decrease threshold

* cleanup

* increase threeshold

* sleep more and increase threeshold

* add pupeeter

* handle errors

* build

* add prettier end of line

* add gitattributes

* add png to binary

* more attributest

* limit run

* run on chages to snapshots

* hey!

* make artifacts named as snapshots

* just for fun: we don't need express here

* update pupeeter snapshot

* no audit

* don't wait for quit?

* try more IE capabilities

* add wait timeout

* use server.js
2019-11-02 11:18:19 +00:00

65 lines
1.8 KiB

# These settings are for any web project.
# Details per file setting:
# text These files should be normalized (i.e. convert CRLF to LF).
# binary These files are binary and should be left untouched.
# Note that binary is a macro for -text -diff.
# Auto detect
## Handle line endings automatically for files detected as
## text and leave all files detected as binary untouched.
## This will handle all files NOT defined below.
* text eol=lf
# Source code
*.css text eol=lf
*.html text diff=html eol=lf
*.js text eol=lf
*.json text eol=lf
*.scss text diff=css eol=lf
*.ts text eol=lf
# Documentation
*.md text eol=lf
*.txt text eol=lf
AUTHORS text eol=lf
CHANGELOG text eol=lf
CHANGES text eol=lf
CONTRIBUTING text eol=lf
COPYING text eol=lf
copyright text eol=lf
*COPYRIGHT* text eol=lf
INSTALL text eol=lf
license text eol=lf
LICENSE text eol=lf
NEWS text eol=lf
readme text eol=lf
*README* text eol=lf
TODO text eol=lf
# Linters
.eslintrc text eol=lf
.stylelintrc text eol=lf
# Configs
.babelrc text eol=lf
.browserslistrc text eol=lf
.editorconfig text eol=lf
.env text eol=lf
.gitattributes text eol=lf
.gitconfig text eol=lf
package-lock.json text -diff eol=lf
*.npmignore text eol=lf
*.yaml text eol=lf
*.yml text eol=lf
browserslist text eol=lf
# Graphics
# SVG treated as an asset (binary) by default.
*.svg text eol=lf
*.png binary