Konstantin Vyatkin 92d5e49fb6 [Tooling] VSCode Debug configurations and project settings (#705)
* configure tasks

* configure VSCode debugging

* adjust VSCode project settings

* fix bdd

* fix cypress path on macos/linux

* enforce checkJs

* make buildAndWatch default build task

* recommend and configure mocha-sidebar

* tune settings
2019-10-28 19:43:21 +00:00

18 lines
628 B

// See
// for the documentation about the extensions.json format
"recommendations": [
// we enforce ESLint rules, so, recommend extension
// we use prettier, so, recommend extension
// we are on GitHub, so, recommend extension
// needed for our configured debug configuration with Chrome
// Mocha recommended -,
// but it's buggy
// "maty.vscode-mocha-sidebar"