Josh Johnson 68313da412
Convert to typescript (#795)
* Typescript config setup

* Add type annotations to components

* Further type additions

* And more...

* Add types to actions

* Add types to templates

* Further type checks

* Further type additons

* Install fuse latest

* Housekeeping

* Remove old type definitions

* Fix remaning type issues

* Fix some failing tests

* Remove types workflow

* Fix failing unit tests

* Resolve back space event regression

* Convert cypress files to .ts

* Fix eslint issues

* Remove cachebusting urls

* Resolve delete button bug

* Resolve regression bugs

* Fix lint script

* Fix lint workflow

* Pass args instead of object to keyboard handlers

* Flatten misc reducer

* Resolve keyboad action test failures

* Use Pick instead of Partial

* Use interfaces in action tests

* Update firefox image

* Incorporate #791

* Incorporate #788
2019-12-23 18:22:54 +00:00

26 lines
567 B

import { expect } from 'chai';
import * as actions from './groups';
describe('actions/groups', () => {
describe('addGroup action', () => {
it('returns ADD_GROUP action', () => {
const value = 'test';
const id = 1;
const active = true;
const disabled = false;
const expectedAction: actions.AddGroupAction = {
type: 'ADD_GROUP',
expect(actions.addGroup({ value, id, active, disabled })).to.eql(