Josh Johnson e6882f3e4b
Add missing type definitions + rename sortFn (#734)
* Add wrapped element getters + fix some types

* Remove comment

* Add missing config options to types

* Add types to constants

* Rename sortFn to sorter

* Update PR template

* Add refactor to PR template

* Add passed element types to constants

* Add js doc comments to actions

* Add "returns" to js doc comments

* Add missing choice prop to type

* Add types to store.js

* Add jsdoc comments to components

* Ignore strict null checks

* Move loading action into misc.js

* Further type def additions

* Rename itemCompare to valueCompare

* Update badges

* Rename scrollToChoice to scrollToChildElement
2019-11-03 13:18:16 +00:00

71 lines
1.7 KiB

import WrappedElement from './wrapped-element';
* @typedef {import('../../../types/index').Choices.ClassNames} ClassNames
* @typedef {import('../../../types/index').Choices.Item} Item
* @typedef {import('../../../types/index').Choices.Choice} Choice
export default class WrappedSelect extends WrappedElement {
* @param {{
* element: HTMLSelectElement,
* classNames: ClassNames,
* delimiter: string
* template: function
* }} args
constructor({ element, classNames, template }) {
super({ element, classNames });
this.template = template;
get placeholderOption() {
return (
this.element.querySelector('option[value=""]') ||
// Backward compatibility layer for the non-standard placeholder attribute supported in older versions.
* @returns {Element[]}
get optionGroups() {
return Array.from(this.element.getElementsByTagName('OPTGROUP'));
* @returns {Item[] | Choice[]}
get options() {
return Array.from(this.element.options);
* @param {Item[] | Choice[]} options
set options(options) {
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
const addOptionToFragment = data => {
// Create a standard select option
const option = this.template(data);
// Append it to fragment
// Add each list item to list
options.forEach(optionData => addOptionToFragment(optionData));
* @param {DocumentFragment} fragment
appendDocFragment(fragment) {
this.element.innerHTML = '';