Merge branch '2.0'

This commit is contained in:
Richard Miller 2012-01-25 13:51:16 +00:00
commit 38f31eca3c
4 changed files with 142 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -345,17 +345,13 @@ class FOQElasticaExtension extends Extension
$finderDef->replaceArgument(1, new Reference($elasticaToModelId));
$container->setDefinition($finderId, $finderDef);
if ('propel' !== $typeConfig['driver']) {
$managerId = sprintf('foq_elastica.manager.%s', $typeConfig['driver']);
$managerDef = $container->getDefinition($managerId);
$arguments = array( $typeConfig['model'], new Reference($finderId));
if (isset($typeConfig['repository'])) {
$arguments[] = $typeConfig['repository'];
$managerDef->addMethodCall('addEntity', $arguments);
$container->setDefinition($managerId, $managerDef);
$managerId = sprintf('foq_elastica.manager.%s', $typeConfig['driver']);
$managerDef = $container->getDefinition($managerId);
$arguments = array( $typeConfig['model'], new Reference($finderId));
if (isset($typeConfig['repository'])) {
$arguments[] = $typeConfig['repository'];
$managerDef->addMethodCall('addEntity', $arguments);
return $finderId;

View file

@ -45,26 +45,22 @@ class RepositoryManager implements RepositoryManagerInterface
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('No search finder configured for %s', $entityName));
$repositoryName = $this->getRepositoryName($entityName);
if (!class_exists($repositoryName)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('%s repository for %s does not exist', $repositoryName, $entityName));
$repository = new $repositoryName($this->entities[$entityName]['finder']);
$repository = $this->createRepository($entityName);
$this->repositories[$entityName] = $repository;
return $repository;
protected function getRepositoryName($realEntityName)
protected function getRepositoryName($entityName)
if (isset($this->entities[$realEntityName]['repositoryName'])) {
return $this->entities[$realEntityName]['repositoryName'];
if (isset($this->entities[$entityName]['repositoryName'])) {
return $this->entities[$entityName]['repositoryName'];
$refClass = new \ReflectionClass($realEntityName);
$refClass = new \ReflectionClass($entityName);
$annotation = $this->reader->getClassAnnotation($refClass, 'FOQ\\ElasticaBundle\\Configuration\\Search');
if ($annotation) {
= $annotation->repositoryClass;
return $annotation->repositoryClass;
@ -72,4 +68,13 @@ class RepositoryManager implements RepositoryManagerInterface
return 'FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Repository';
private function createRepository($entityName)
$repositoryName = $this->getRepositoryName($entityName);
if (!class_exists($repositoryName)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('%s repository for %s does not exist', $repositoryName, $entityName));
return new $repositoryName($this->entities[$entityName]['finder']);

View file

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ You can just use the index and type Elastica objects, provided as services, to p
/** var Elastica_ResultSet */
$resultSet = $userType->search('bob');
#### Doctrine finder
#### Doctrine/Propel finder
If your elasticsearch type is bound to a Doctrine entity repository or a Propel query,
you can get your entities instead of Elastica results when you perform a search.
@ -322,6 +322,125 @@ You can now use the index wide finder service ``:
// Returns a mixed array of any objects mapped
$results = $finder->find('bob');
#### Repositories
As well as using the finder service for a particular Doctrine/Propel entity you
can use a manager service for each driver and get a repository for an entity to search
against. This allows you to use the same service rather than the particular finder. For
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Manager\RepositoryManager */
$repositoryManager = $container->get('foq_elastica.manager.orm');
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Repository */
$repository = $repositoryManager->getRepository('UserBundle:User');
/** var array of Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User */
$users = $finder->find('bob');
You can also specify the full name of the entity instead of the shortcut syntax:
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Repository */
$repository = $repositoryManager->getRepository('Application\UserBundle\Entity\User');
> The **2.0** branch doesn't support using `UserBundle:User` style syntax and you must use the full name of the entity. .
##### Default Manager
If you are only using one driver then its manager service is automatically aliased
to `foq_elastica.manager`. So the above example could be simplified to:
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Manager\RepositoryManager */
$repositoryManager = $container->get('foq_elastica.manager');
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Repository */
$repository = $repositoryManager->getRepository('UserBundle:User');
/** var array of Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User */
$users = $finder->find('bob');
If you use multiple drivers then you can choose which one is aliased to `foq_elastica.manager`
using the `default_manager` parameter:
default_manager: mongodb #defauults to orm
default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 }
##### Custom Repositories
As well as the default repository you can create a custom repository for an entity and add
methods for particular searches. These need to extend `FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Repository` to have
access to the finder:
namespace Acme\ElasticaBundle\SearchRepository;
use FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Repository;
class UserRepository extends Repository
public function findWithCustomQuery($searchText)
// build $query with Elastica objects
To use the custom repository specify it in the mapping for the entity:
default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 }
client: default
# your mappings
driver: orm
model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User
repository: Acme\ElasticaBundle\SearchRepository\UserRepository
Then the custom queries will be available when using the repository returned from the manager:
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Manager\RepositoryManager */
$repositoryManager = $container->get('foq_elastica.manager');
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Repository */
$repository = $repositoryManager->getRepository('UserBundle:User');
/** var array of Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User */
$users = $finder->findWithCustomQuery('bob');
Alternatively you can specify the custom repository using an annotation in the entity:
namespace Application\UserBundle\Entity;
use FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Configuration\Search;
* @Search(repositoryClass="Acme\ElasticaBundle\SearchRepository\UserRepository")
class User
### Realtime, selective index update
If you use the Doctrine integration, you can let ElasticaBundle update the indexes automatically
@ -383,7 +502,7 @@ Any setting can be specified when declaring a type. For example, to enable a cus
### Overriding the Client class to suppress exceptions
By default, exceptions from the Elastica client library will propogate through
By default, exceptions from the Elastica client library will propagate through
the bundle's Client class. For instance, if the elasticsearch server is offline,
issuing a request will result in an `Elastica_Exception_Client` being thrown.
Depending on your needs, it may be desirable to suppress these exceptions and