Improve documentation

This commit is contained in:
ornicar 2011-04-21 20:45:26 -07:00
parent 40a68c876d
commit c71eebf101

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@ -11,9 +11,11 @@
#### Download
With submodule:
git submodule add git:// vendor/elastica
With clone:
git clone git:// vendor/elastica
#### Register autoloading
@ -83,6 +85,8 @@ Most of the time, you will need only one.
Here we created a "website" index, that uses our "default" client.
Our index is now available as a service: ``
#### Declare a type
Elasticsearch type is comparable to doctrine entity repository.
@ -101,14 +105,19 @@ Elasticsearch type is comparable to doctrine entity repository.
lastName: { boost: 3 }
Our type is now available as a service: ``
### Populate the types
php app/console foq:elastica:populate
This command deletes recreates the declared indexes and types.
It applies the configured mappings to the types.
This command needs providers to insert new documents in the elasticsearch types.
There are 2 ways to create providers.
If your elasticsearch type matches a doctrine repository, go for the doctrine automatic provider.
Or, for complete flexibility, go for explicit provider.
Or, for complete flexibility, go for manual provider.
#### Doctrine automatic provider
@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ Two drivers are actually supported: orm and mongodb.
##### Use a custom doctrine query builder
You can control which entitie will be indexed by specifying a custom query builder method.
You can control which entities will be indexed by specifying a custom query builder method.
driver: orm
@ -143,4 +152,114 @@ You can control which entitie will be indexed by specifying a custom query build
query_builder_method: createIsActiveQueryBuilder
Your repository must implement this method and return a doctrine query builder.
##### Change the batch size
By default, ElasticaBundle will index documents by paquets of 100.
You can change this value in the provider configuration.
driver: orm
model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User
batch_size: 100
##### Change the document identifier field
By default, ElasticaBundle will use the `id` field of your entities as the elasticsearch document identifier.
You can change this value in the provider configuration.
driver: orm
model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User
identifier: id
#### Manual provider
Create a service with the tag "foq_elastica.provider".
<service id="acme.search_provider.user" class="Acme\UserBundle\Search\UserProvider">
<tag name="foq_elastica.provider" />
<argument type="service" id="" />
Its class must implement `FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Provider\ProviderInterface`.
namespace Acme\UserBundle\Provider;
use FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Provider\ProviderInterface;
use Elastica_Type;
class UserProvider implements ProviderInterface
protected $userType;
public function __construct(Elastica_Type $userType)
$this->userType = $userType;
* Insert the repository objects in the type index
* @param Closure $loggerClosure
public function populate(Closure $loggerClosure)
$loggerClosure('Indexing users');
array('username' => 'Bob')
You will find a more complete implementation example in src/FOQ/ElasticaBundle/Provider/DoctrineProvider.php
### Search
You can just use the index and type Elastica objects, provided as services, to perform searches.
/** var Elastica_Type */
$userType = $this->container->get('');
/** var Elastica_ResultSet */
$resultSet = $userType->search('bob');
#### Doctrine finder
If your elasticsearch type is bound to a doctrine entity repository,
you can get your entities instead of Elastica results when you perform a search.
Declare that you want a doctrine finder in your configuration:
default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 }
client: default
# your mappings
driver: orm
model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User
You can now use the `` service:
/** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Finder\MappedFinder */
$userFinder = $container->get('');
/** var array of Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User */
$users = $finder->find('bob');
You can even get paginated results!
/** var Zend\Paginator\Paginator */
$userPaginator = $finder->findPaginated('bob');