[Elastica](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica) integration in Symfony2 ## Installation ### Install elasticsearch http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/setup/installation.html ### Install Elastica #### Download **With submodule** `git submodule add git://github.com/ruflin/Elastica vendor/elastica` **With clone** `git clone git://github.com/ruflin/Elastica vendor/elastica` **Using the vendors script** Add the following lines to your deps file: [Elastica] git=git://github.com/ruflin/Elastica.git target=elastica #### Register autoloading // app/autoload.php $loader->registerPrefixes(array( ... 'Elastica' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/elastica/lib', )); ### Install ElasticaBundle Use the master branch with Symfony2 master only, use the 2.0 branch with Symfony2.0.x releases. #### Download **With submodule** `git submodule add git://github.com/Exercise/FOQElasticaBundle vendor/bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle` **With clone** `git clone git://github.com/Exercise/FOQElasticaBundle vendor/bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle` **With the vendors script** Add the following lines to your deps file: [FOQElasticaBundle] git=git://github.com/Exercise/FOQElasticaBundle.git target=bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle For the 2.0 branch for use with Symfony2.0.x releases add the following: [FOQElasticaBundle] git=git://github.com/Exercise/FOQElasticaBundle.git target=bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle version=origin/2.0 Run the vendors script: ```bash $ php bin/vendors install ``` #### Register autoloading // app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( ... 'FOQ' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', )); #### Register the bundle // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new FOQ\ElasticaBundle\FOQElasticaBundle(), // ... ); } ### Basic configuration #### Declare a client Elasticsearch client is comparable to a database connection. Most of the time, you will need only one. #app/config/config.yml foq_elastica: clients: default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 } #### Declare an index Elasticsearch index is comparable to Doctrine entity manager. Most of the time, you will need only one. foq_elastica: clients: default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 } indexes: website: client: default Here we created a "website" index, that uses our "default" client. Our index is now available as a service: `foq_elastica.index.website`. It is an instance of `Elastica_Index`. #### Declare a type Elasticsearch type is comparable to Doctrine entity repository. foq_elastica: clients: default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 } indexes: website: client: default types: user: mappings: username: { boost: 5 } firstName: { boost: 3 } lastName: { boost: 3 } aboutMe: Our type is now available as a service: `foq_elastica.index.website.user`. It is an instance of `Elastica_Type`. ### Populate the types php app/console foq:elastica:populate This command deletes and creates the declared indexes and types. It applies the configured mappings to the types. This command needs providers to insert new documents in the elasticsearch types. There are 2 ways to create providers. If your elasticsearch type matches a Doctrine repository or a Propel query, go for the persistence automatic provider. Or, for complete flexibility, go for manual provider. #### Persistence automatic provider If we want to index the entities from a Doctrine repository or a Propel query, some configuration will let ElasticaBundle do it for us. foq_elastica: clients: default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 } indexes: website: client: default types: user: mappings: username: { boost: 5 } firstName: { boost: 3 } # more mappings... persistence: driver: orm # orm, mongodb, propel are available model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User provider: Three drivers are actually supported: orm, mongodb, and propel. ##### Use a custom Doctrine query builder You can control which entities will be indexed by specifying a custom query builder method. persistence: driver: orm model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User provider: query_builder_method: createIsActiveQueryBuilder Your repository must implement this method and return a Doctrine query builder. > **Propel** doesn't support this feature yet. ##### Change the batch size By default, ElasticaBundle will index documents by paquets of 100. You can change this value in the provider configuration. persistence: driver: orm model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User provider: batch_size: 100 ##### Change the document identifier field By default, ElasticaBundle will use the `id` field of your entities as the elasticsearch document identifier. You can change this value in the provider configuration. persistence: driver: orm model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User provider: identifier: id #### Manual provider Create a service with the tag "foq_elastica.provider". Its class must implement `FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Provider\ProviderInterface`. userType = $userType; } /** * Insert the repository objects in the type index * * @param Closure $loggerClosure */ public function populate(Closure $loggerClosure) { $loggerClosure('Indexing users'); $this->userType->addDocuments(array( array('username' => 'Bob') )); } } You will find a more complete implementation example in `src/FOQ/ElasticaBundle/Provider/Doctrine/ORM/Provider.php`. ### Search You can just use the index and type Elastica objects, provided as services, to perform searches. /** var Elastica_Type */ $userType = $this->container->get('foq_elastica.index.website.user'); /** var Elastica_ResultSet */ $resultSet = $userType->search('bob'); #### Doctrine finder If your elasticsearch type is bound to a Doctrine entity repository or a Propel query, you can get your entities instead of Elastica results when you perform a search. Declare that you want a Doctrine/Propel finder in your configuration: foq_elastica: clients: default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 } indexes: website: client: default types: user: mappings: # your mappings persistence: driver: orm model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User provider: finder: You can now use the `foq_elastica.finder.website.user` service: /** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Finder\MappedFinder */ $finder = $container->get('foq_elastica.finder.website.user'); /** var array of Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User */ $users = $finder->find('bob'); /** var array of Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User limited to 10 results */ $users = $finder->find('bob', 10); You can even get paginated results! /** var Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta */ $userPaginator = $finder->findPaginated('bob'); ##### Index wide finder You can also define a finder that will work on the entire index. Adjust your index configuration as per below: foq_elastica: indexes: website: client: default finder: You can now use the index wide finder service `foq_elastica.finder.website`: /** var FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Finder\MappedFinder */ $finder = $container->get('foq_elastica.finder.website'); // Returns a mixed array of any objects mapped $results = $finder->find('bob'); ### Realtime, selective index update If you use the Doctrine integration, you can let ElasticaBundle update the indexes automatically when an object is added, updated or removed. It uses Doctrine lifecycle events. Declare that you want to update the index in real time: foq_elastica: clients: default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 } indexes: website: client: default types: user: mappings: # your mappings persistence: driver: orm model: Application\UserBundle\Entity\User listener: # by default, listens to "insert", "update" and "delete" Now the index is automatically updated each time the state of the bound Doctrine repository changes. No need to repopulate the whole "user" index when a new `User` is created. You can also choose to only listen for some of the events: persistence: listener: insert: true update: false delete: true > **Propel** doesn't support this feature yet. ### Advanced elasticsearch configuration Any setting can be specified when declaring a type. For example, to enable a custom analyzer, you could write: foq_elastica: indexes: doc: settings: index: analysis: analyzer: my_analyzer: type: custom tokenizer: lowercase filter : [my_ngram] filter: my_ngram: type: "nGram" min_gram: 3 max_gram: 5 types: blog: mappings: title: { boost: 8, analyzer: my_analyzer } ### Overriding the Client class to suppress exceptions By default, exceptions from the Elastica client library will propogate through the bundle's Client class. For instance, if the elasticsearch server is offline, issuing a request will result in an `Elastica_Exception_Client` being thrown. Depending on your needs, it may be desirable to suppress these exceptions and allow searches to fail silently. One way to achieve this is to override the `foq_elastica.client.class` service container parameter with a custom class. In the following example, we override the `Client::request()` method and return the equivalent of an empty search response if an exception occurred. ```