objectPersister = $objectPersister; $this->objectClass = $objectClass; $this->events = $events; $this->esIdentifierField = $esIdentifierField; } /** * @see Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents() */ public function getSubscribedEvents() { return $this->events; } /** * Set the callback for determining object index eligibility. * * If callback is a string, it must be public method on the object class * that expects no arguments and returns a boolean. Otherwise, the callback * should expect the object for consideration as its only argument and * return a boolean. * * @param callback $callback * @throws \RuntimeException if the callback is not callable */ public function setIsIndexableCallback($callback) { if (is_string($callback)) { if (!is_callable(array($this->objectClass, $callback))) { if (false !== ($expression = $this->getExpressionLanguage())) { $callback = new Expression($callback); try { $expression->compile($callback, array($this->getExpressionVar())); } catch (SyntaxError $e) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Indexable callback %s::%s() is not callable or a valid expression.', $this->objectClass, $callback), 0, $e); } } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Indexable callback %s::%s() is not callable.', $this->objectClass, $callback)); } } } elseif (!is_callable($callback)) { if (is_array($callback)) { list($class, $method) = $callback + array(null, null); if (is_object($class)) { $class = get_class($class); } if ($class && $method) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Indexable callback %s::%s() is not callable.', $class, $method)); } } throw new \RuntimeException('Indexable callback is not callable.'); } $this->isIndexableCallback = $callback; } /** * Return whether the object is indexable with respect to the callback. * * @param object $object * @return boolean */ protected function isObjectIndexable($object) { if (!$this->isIndexableCallback) { return true; } if ($this->isIndexableCallback instanceof Expression) { return $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($this->isIndexableCallback, array($this->getExpressionVar($object) => $object)); } return is_string($this->isIndexableCallback) ? call_user_func(array($object, $this->isIndexableCallback)) : call_user_func($this->isIndexableCallback, $object); } /** * @param mixed $object * @return string */ private function getExpressionVar($object = null) { $class = $object ?: $this->objectClass; $ref = new \ReflectionClass($class); return strtolower($ref->getShortName()); } /** * @return bool|ExpressionLanguage */ private function getExpressionLanguage() { if (null === $this->expressionLanguage) { if (!class_exists('Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage')) { return false; } $this->expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage(); } return $this->expressionLanguage; } public function postPersist(EventArgs $eventArgs) { $entity = $eventArgs->getEntity(); if ($entity instanceof $this->objectClass && $this->isObjectIndexable($entity)) { $this->scheduledForInsertion[] = $entity; } } public function postUpdate(EventArgs $eventArgs) { $entity = $eventArgs->getEntity(); if ($entity instanceof $this->objectClass) { if ($this->isObjectIndexable($entity)) { $this->scheduledForUpdate[] = $entity; } else { // Delete if no longer indexable $this->scheduledForDeletion[] = $entity; } } } public function preRemove(EventArgs $eventArgs) { $entity = $eventArgs->getEntity(); if ($entity instanceof $this->objectClass) { $this->scheduledForDeletion[] = $entity; } } /** * Persist scheduled action to ElasticSearch */ private function persistScheduled() { $this->objectPersister->bulkPersist($this->scheduledForInsertion, ObjectPersisterInterface::BULK_INSERT); $this->objectPersister->bulkPersist($this->scheduledForUpdate, ObjectPersisterInterface::BULK_REPLACE); foreach ($this->scheduledForDeletion as $entity) { $this->objectPersister->deleteOne($entity); } } /** * Iterate through scheduled actions before flushing to emulate 2.x behavior. Note that the ElasticSearch index * will fall out of sync with the data source in event of a crash on flush. */ public function preFlush(EventArgs $eventArgs) { $this->persistScheduled(); } /** * Iterating through scheduled actions *after* flushing ensures that the ElasticSearch index will be affected * only if the query is successful */ public function postFlush(EventArgs $eventArgs) { $this->persistScheduled(); } }