* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FOS\ElasticaBundle\Configuration; /** * Central manager for index and type configuration. */ class Manager implements ManagerInterface { /** * @var IndexConfig[] */ private $indexes = array(); /** * @param Source\SourceInterface[] $sources */ public function __construct(array $sources) { foreach ($sources as $source) { $this->indexes = array_merge($source->getConfiguration(), $this->indexes); } } public function getIndexConfiguration($indexName) { if (!$this->hasIndexConfiguration($indexName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Index with name "%s" is not configured.', $indexName)); } return $this->indexes[$indexName]; } public function getIndexNames() { return array_keys($this->indexes); } public function getTypeConfiguration($indexName, $typeName) { $index = $this->getIndexConfiguration($indexName); $type = $index->getType($typeName); if (!$type) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type with name "%s" on index "%s" is not configured', $typeName, $indexName)); } return $type; } public function hasIndexConfiguration($indexName) { return isset($this->indexes[$indexName]); } }