Suppressing Server Errors ========================= By default, exceptions from the Elastica client library will propagate through the bundle's Client class. For instance, if the Elasticsearch server is offline, issuing a request will result in an `Elastica\Exception\Connection` being thrown. Depending on your needs, it may be desirable to suppress these exceptions and allow searches to fail silently. One way to achieve this is to override the `fos_elastica.client.class` service container parameter with a custom class. In the following example, we override the `Client::request()` method and return the equivalent of an empty search response if an exception occurred. Sample client code: ------------------- ```php _logger) { $this->_logger->warning('Failed to send a request to ElasticSearch', array( 'exception' => $e->getMessage(), 'path' => $path, 'method' => $method, 'data' => $data, 'query' => $query )); } return new Response('{"took":0,"timed_out":false,"hits":{"total":0,"max_score":0,"hits":[]}}'); } } } ``` Configuration change: --------------------- You must update a parameter in your `app/config/config.yml` file to point to your overridden client: ```yaml parameters: fos_elastica.client.class: Acme\ElasticaBundle\Client ```