import re import traceback import dns.reversename import dns.inet import from flask import current_app from urllib.parse import urljoin from distutils.util import strtobool from itertools import groupby from .. import utils from .base import db from .setting import Setting from .domain import Domain from .domain_setting import DomainSetting class Record(object): """ This is not a model, it's just an object which be assigned data from PowerDNS API """ def __init__(self, name=None, type=None, status=None, ttl=None, data=None, comment_data=None): = name self.type = type self.status = status self.ttl = ttl = data self.comment_data = comment_data # PDNS configs self.PDNS_STATS_URL = Setting().get('pdns_api_url') self.PDNS_API_KEY = Setting().get('pdns_api_key') self.PDNS_VERSION = Setting().get('pdns_version') self.API_EXTENDED_URL = utils.pdns_api_extended_uri(self.PDNS_VERSION) self.PRETTY_IPV6_PTR = Setting().get('pretty_ipv6_ptr') def get_rrsets(self, domain): """ Query domain's rrsets via PDNS API """ headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = self.PDNS_API_KEY try: jdata = utils.fetch_json(urljoin( self.PDNS_STATS_URL, self.API_EXTENDED_URL + '/servers/localhost/zones/{0}'.format(domain)), timeout=int( Setting().get('pdns_api_timeout')), headers=headers, verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections')) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Cannot fetch domain's record data from remote powerdns api. DETAIL: {0}" .format(e)) return [] return jdata['rrsets'] def add(self, domain_name, rrset): """ Add a record to a domain (Used by auto_ptr and DynDNS) Args: domain_name(str): The zone name rrset(dict): The record in PDNS rrset format Returns: (dict): A dict contains status code and message """ # Validate record first rrsets = self.get_rrsets(domain_name) check = list(filter(lambda check: check['name'] ==, rrsets)) if check: r = check[0] if r['type'] in ('A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME'): return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': 'Record already exists with type "A", "AAAA" or "CNAME"' } # Continue if the record is ready to be added headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = self.PDNS_API_KEY try: jdata = utils.fetch_json(urljoin( self.PDNS_STATS_URL, self.API_EXTENDED_URL + '/servers/localhost/zones/{0}'.format(domain_name)), headers=headers, timeout=int( Setting().get('pdns_api_timeout')), method='PATCH', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections'), data=rrset) current_app.logger.debug(jdata) return {'status': 'ok', 'msg': 'Record was added successfully'} except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Cannot add record to domain {}. Error: {}".format( domain_name, e)) current_app.logger.debug("Submitted record rrset: \n{}".format( utils.pretty_json(rrset))) return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': 'There was something wrong, please contact administrator' } def merge_rrsets(self, rrsets): """ Merge the rrsets that has same "name" and "type". Return: a new rrest which has multiple "records" and "comments" """ if not rrsets: raise Exception("Empty rrsets to merge") elif len(rrsets) == 1: # It is unique rrest already return rrsets[0] else: # Merge rrsets into one rrest = rrsets[0] for r in rrsets[1:]: rrest['records'] = rrest['records'] + r['records'] rrest['comments'] = rrest['comments'] + r['comments'] return rrest def build_rrsets(self, domain_name, submitted_records): """ Build rrsets from the datatable's records Args: domain_name(str): The zone name submitted_records(list): List of records submitted from PDA datatable Returns: transformed_rrsets(list): List of rrests converted from PDA datatable """ rrsets = [] for record in submitted_records: # Format the record name # # If it is ipv6 reverse zone and PRETTY_IPV6_PTR is enabled, # We convert ipv6 address back to reverse record format # before submitting to PDNS API. if self.PRETTY_IPV6_PTR and r'ip6\.arpa', domain_name ) and record['record_type'] == 'PTR' and ':' in record[ 'record_name']: record_name = dns.reversename.from_address( record['record_name']).to_text() # Else, it is forward zone, then record name should be # in format "..". If it is root # domain name (name == '@' or ''), the name should # be in format "." else: record_name = "{}.{}.".format( record["record_name"], domain_name) if record["record_name"] not in [ '@', '' ] else domain_name + '.' # Format the record content, it musts end # with a dot character if in following types if record["record_type"] in [ 'MX', 'CNAME', 'SRV', 'NS', 'PTR' ] and record["record_data"].strip()[-1:] != '.': record["record_data"] += '.' record_conntent = { "content": record["record_data"], "disabled": False if record['record_status'] == 'Active' else True } # Format the comment record_comments = [{ "content": record["record_comment"], "account": "" }] if record.get("record_comment") else [] # Add the formatted record to rrsets list rrsets.append({ "name": record_name, "type": record["record_type"], "ttl": int(record["record_ttl"]), "records": [record_conntent], "comments": record_comments }) # Group the records which has the same name and type. # The rrest then has multiple records inside. transformed_rrsets = [] # Sort the list before using groupby rrsets = sorted(rrsets, key=lambda r: (r['name'], r['type'])) groups = groupby(rrsets, key=lambda r: (r['name'], r['type'])) for _k, v in groups: group = list(v) transformed_rrsets.append(self.merge_rrsets(group)) return transformed_rrsets def compare(self, domain_name, submitted_records): """ Compare the submitted records with PDNS's actual data Args: domain_name(str): The zone name submitted_records(list): List of records submitted from PDA datatable Returns: new_rrsets(list): List of rrests to be added del_rrsets(list): List of rrests to be deleted """ # Create submitted rrsets from submitted records submitted_rrsets = self.build_rrsets(domain_name, submitted_records) current_app.logger.debug( "submitted_rrsets_data: \n{}".format(utils.pretty_json(submitted_rrsets))) # Current domain's rrsets in PDNS current_rrsets = self.get_rrsets(domain_name) current_app.logger.debug("current_rrsets_data: \n{}".format( utils.pretty_json(current_rrsets))) # Remove comment's 'modified_at' key # PDNS API always return the comments with modified_at # info, we have to remove it to be able to do the dict # comparison between current and submitted rrsets for r in current_rrsets: for comment in r['comments']: del comment['modified_at'] # List of rrsets to be added new_rrsets = {"rrsets": []} for r in submitted_rrsets: if r not in current_rrsets and r['type'] in Setting( ).get_records_allow_to_edit(): r['changetype'] = 'REPLACE' new_rrsets["rrsets"].append(r) # List of rrsets to be removed del_rrsets = {"rrsets": []} for r in current_rrsets: if r not in submitted_rrsets and r['type'] in Setting( ).get_records_allow_to_edit() and r['type'] != 'SOA': r['changetype'] = 'DELETE' del_rrsets["rrsets"].append(r) current_app.logger.debug("new_rrsets: \n{}".format(utils.pretty_json(new_rrsets))) current_app.logger.debug("del_rrsets: \n{}".format(utils.pretty_json(del_rrsets))) return new_rrsets, del_rrsets def apply(self, domain_name, submitted_records): """ Apply record changes to a domain. This function will make 2 calls to the PDNS API to DELETE and REPLACE records (rrests) """ current_app.logger.debug( "submitted_records: {}".format(submitted_records)) # Get the list of rrsets to be added and deleted new_rrsets, del_rrsets =, submitted_records) # Submit the changes to PDNS API try: headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = self.PDNS_API_KEY if del_rrsets["rrsets"]: jdata1 = utils.fetch_json(urljoin( self.PDNS_STATS_URL, self.API_EXTENDED_URL + '/servers/localhost/zones/{0}'.format(domain_name)), headers=headers, method='PATCH', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections'), data=del_rrsets) if 'error' in jdata1.keys(): current_app.logger.error( 'Cannot apply record changes with deleting rrsets step. PDNS error: {}' .format(jdata1['error'])) print(jdata1['error']) return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': jdata1['error'].replace("'", "") } if new_rrsets["rrsets"]: jdata2 = utils.fetch_json( urljoin( self.PDNS_STATS_URL, self.API_EXTENDED_URL + '/servers/localhost/zones/{0}'.format(domain_name)), headers=headers, timeout=int(Setting().get('pdns_api_timeout')), method='PATCH', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections'), data=new_rrsets) if 'error' in jdata2.keys(): current_app.logger.error( 'Cannot apply record changes with adding rrsets step. PDNS error: {}' .format(jdata2['error'])) return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': jdata2['error'].replace("'", "") } self.auto_ptr(domain_name, new_rrsets, del_rrsets) self.update_db_serial(domain_name)'Record was applied successfully.') return {'status': 'ok', 'msg': 'Record was applied successfully', 'data': (new_rrsets, del_rrsets)} except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Cannot apply record changes to domain {0}. Error: {1}".format( domain_name, e)) current_app.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': 'There was something wrong, please contact administrator' } def auto_ptr(self, domain_name, new_rrsets, del_rrsets): """ Add auto-ptr records """ # Check if auto_ptr is enabled for this domain auto_ptr_enabled = False if Setting().get('auto_ptr'): auto_ptr_enabled = True else: domain_obj = Domain.query.filter( == domain_name).first() domain_setting = DomainSetting.query.filter( DomainSetting.domain == domain_obj).filter( DomainSetting.setting == 'auto_ptr').first() auto_ptr_enabled = strtobool( domain_setting.value) if domain_setting else False # If it is enabled, we create/delete the PTR records automatically if auto_ptr_enabled: try: RECORD_TYPE_TO_PTR = ['A', 'AAAA'] new_rrsets = new_rrsets['rrsets'] del_rrsets = del_rrsets['rrsets'] if not new_rrsets and not del_rrsets: msg = 'No changes detected. Skipping auto ptr...' return {'status': 'ok', 'msg': msg} new_rrsets = [ r for r in new_rrsets if r['type'] in RECORD_TYPE_TO_PTR ] del_rrsets = [ r for r in del_rrsets if r['type'] in RECORD_TYPE_TO_PTR ] d = Domain() for r in new_rrsets: for record in r['records']: # Format the reverse record name # It is the reverse of forward record's content. reverse_host_address = dns.reversename.from_address( record['content']).to_text() # Create the reverse domain name in PDNS domain_reverse_name = d.get_reverse_domain_name( reverse_host_address) d.create_reverse_domain(domain_name, domain_reverse_name) # Build the rrset for reverse zone updating rrset_data = [{ "changetype": "REPLACE", "name": reverse_host_address, "ttl": r['ttl'], "type": "PTR", "records": [{ "content": r['name'], "disabled": record['disabled'] }], "comments": [] }] # Format the rrset rrset = {"rrsets": rrset_data} self.add(domain_reverse_name, rrset) for r in del_rrsets: for record in r['records']: # Format the reverse record name # It is the reverse of forward record's content. reverse_host_address = dns.reversename.from_address( record['content']).to_text() # Create the reverse domain name in PDNS domain_reverse_name = d.get_reverse_domain_name( reverse_host_address) d.create_reverse_domain(domain_name, domain_reverse_name) # Delete the reverse zone = reverse_host_address self.type = 'PTR' = record['content'] self.delete(domain_reverse_name) return { 'status': 'ok', 'msg': 'Auto-PTR record was updated successfully' } except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Cannot update auto-ptr record changes to domain {0}. Error: {1}" .format(domain_name, e)) current_app.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': 'Auto-PTR creation failed. There was something wrong, please contact administrator.' } def delete(self, domain): """ Delete a record from domain """ headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = self.PDNS_API_KEY data = { "rrsets": [{ "name":'.') + '.', "type": self.type, "changetype": "DELETE", "records": [] }] } try: jdata = utils.fetch_json(urljoin( self.PDNS_STATS_URL, self.API_EXTENDED_URL + '/servers/localhost/zones/{0}'.format(domain)), headers=headers, timeout=int( Setting().get('pdns_api_timeout')), method='PATCH', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections'), data=data) current_app.logger.debug(jdata) return {'status': 'ok', 'msg': 'Record was removed successfully'} except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Cannot remove record {0}/{1}/{2} from domain {3}. DETAIL: {4}" .format(, self.type,, domain, e)) return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': 'There was something wrong, please contact administrator' } def is_allowed_edit(self): """ Check if record is allowed to edit """ return self.type in Setting().get_records_allow_to_edit() def is_allowed_delete(self): """ Check if record is allowed to removed """ return (self.type in Setting().get_records_allow_to_edit() and self.type != 'SOA') def exists(self, domain): """ Check if record is present within domain records, and if it's present set self to found record """ rrsets = self.get_rrsets(domain) for r in rrsets: if r['name'].rstrip('.') == and r['type'] == self.type and r['records']: self.type = r['type'] self.status = r['records'][0]['disabled'] self.ttl = r['ttl'] = r['records'][0]['content'] return True return False def update(self, domain, content): """ Update single record """ headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = self.PDNS_API_KEY data = { "rrsets": [{ "name": + '.', "type": self.type, "ttl": self.ttl, "changetype": "REPLACE", "records": [{ "content": content, "disabled": self.status, }] }] } try: utils.fetch_json(urljoin( self.PDNS_STATS_URL, self.API_EXTENDED_URL + '/servers/localhost/zones/{0}'.format(domain)), headers=headers, timeout=int(Setting().get('pdns_api_timeout')), method='PATCH', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections'), data=data) current_app.logger.debug("dyndns data: {0}".format(data)) return {'status': 'ok', 'msg': 'Record was updated successfully'} except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Cannot add record {0}/{1}/{2} to domain {3}. DETAIL: {4}". format(, self.type,, domain, e)) return { 'status': 'error', 'msg': 'There was something wrong, please contact administrator' } def update_db_serial(self, domain): headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = self.PDNS_API_KEY jdata = utils.fetch_json(urljoin( self.PDNS_STATS_URL, self.API_EXTENDED_URL + '/servers/localhost/zones/{0}'.format(domain)), headers=headers, timeout=int( Setting().get('pdns_api_timeout')), method='GET', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections')) serial = jdata['serial'] domain = Domain.query.filter( == domain).first() if domain: domain.serial = serial db.session.commit() return { 'status': True, 'msg': 'Synced local serial for domain name {0}'.format(domain) } else: return { 'status': False, 'msg': 'Could not find domain name {0} in local db'.format(domain) }