more refactoring: standardize fromStringMaker to use arrays

resources and screenshot.png seem to still work
This commit is contained in:
Omar Rizwan 2020-12-11 21:25:03 -08:00
parent dc71428fbd
commit 583611af58

View file

@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ function pathComponent(path, i) {
return components[i >= 0 ? i : components.length + i];
function sanitize(s) { return s.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]/gm, '_'); }
function utf8(str, offset, size) {
// converts to UTF8, then takes slice
function utf8(str) {
var utf8 = [];
for (var i=0; i < str.length; i++) {
var charcode = str.charCodeAt(i);
@ -65,18 +64,7 @@ function utf8(str, offset, size) {
0x80 | (charcode & 0x3f));
return String.fromCharCode(...utf8.slice(offset, offset + size))
function stringSize(str) {
// returns the byte length of an utf8 string
var s = str.length;
for (var i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) s++;
else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) s+=2;
if (code >= 0xDC00 && code <= 0xDFFF) i--; //trail surrogate
return s + 1;
return utf8;
const TabManager = {
@ -127,10 +115,6 @@ const BrowserState = { lastFocusedWindowId: null };
/* if I could specify a custom editor interface for all the routing
below ... I would highlight the route names in blocks of some color
that sticks out, and let you collapse them. then you could get a
view of what the whole filesystem looks like at a glance. */
const router = {};
const Cache = {
@ -145,6 +129,24 @@ const Cache = {
getObjectForHandle(handle) { return[handle]; },
removeObjectForHandle(handle) { delete[handle]; }
function toArray(stringOrArray) {
if (typeof stringOrArray == 'string') { return utf8(stringOrArray); }
else { return stringOrArray; }
const fromStringMaker = stringMaker => ({
async getattr({path}) {
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFREG | 0444,
st_nlink: 1,
st_size: toArray(await stringMaker(path)).length
async open({path}) { return { fh: Cache.storeObject(toArray(await stringMaker(path))) }; },
async read({path, fh, size, offset}) {
return { buf: String.fromCharCode(...Cache.getObjectForHandle(fh).slice(offset, offset + size)) }
async release({fh}) { Cache.removeObjectForHandle(fh); return {}; }
router["/tabs/by-id"] = {
async readdir() {
@ -153,20 +155,6 @@ router["/tabs/by-id"] = {
(function() {
const fromStringMaker = stringMaker => ({
async getattr({path}) {
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFREG | 0444,
st_nlink: 1,
st_size: stringSize(stringMaker(path))
async open({path}) { return { fh: Cache.storeObject(await stringMaker(path)) }; },
async read({path, fh, size, offset}) {
return { buf: utf8(Cache.getObjectForHandle(fh), offset, size) }
async release({fh}) { Cache.removeObjectForHandle(fh); return {}; }
const withTab = handler => fromStringMaker(async path => {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
const tab = await browser.tabs.get(tabId);
@ -193,81 +181,35 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/screenshot.png"] = {
const slice = Cache.getObjectForHandle(fh).slice(offset, offset + size);
return { buf: String.fromCharCode(...slice) };
async release({fh}) { Cache.removeObjectForHandle(fh); }
async release({fh}) { Cache.removeObjectForHandle(fh); return {}; }
router["/tabs/by-id/*/resources"] = {
async opendir({path}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId);
return { fh: 0 };
async readdir({path}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId);
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {});
return { entries: => sanitize(String(r.url).slice(0, 200))) };
router["/tabs/by-id/*/resources/*"] = {
async getattr({path}) {
// FIXME: cache the file
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3));
const suffix = pathComponent(path, -1);
router["/tabs/by-id/*/resources/*"] = fromStringMaker(async path => {
const [tabId, suffix] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId); await TabManager.enableDomainForTab(tabId, "Page");
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId); await TabManager.enableDomainForTab(tabId, "Page");
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {});
for (let resource of frameTree.resources) {
const resourceSuffix = sanitize(String(resource.url).slice(0, 200));
if (resourceSuffix === suffix) {
let {base64Encoded, content} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceContent", {
url: resource.url
if (base64Encoded) {
content = atob(content);
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFREG | 0444,
st_nlink: 1,
st_size: stringSize(content) // FIXME
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {});
for (let resource of frameTree.resources) {
const resourceSuffix = sanitize(String(resource.url).slice(0, 200));
if (resourceSuffix === suffix) {
let {base64Encoded, content} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceContent", {
url: resource.url
if (base64Encoded) { return Uint8Array.from(atob(content), c => c.charCodeAt(0)); }
return content;
async open({path}) {
// FIXME: cache the file.
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3));
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId); await TabManager.enableDomainForTab(tabId, "Page");
return {fh: 3};
async read({path, fh, size, offset}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3));
const suffix = pathComponent(path, -1);
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {}); // FIXME: cache this
for (let resource of frameTree.resources) {
const resourceSuffix = sanitize(String(resource.url).slice(0, 200));
if (resourceSuffix === suffix) {
let {base64Encoded, content} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceContent", {
url: resource.url
if (base64Encoded) {
const arr = Uint8Array.from(atob(content), c => c.charCodeAt(0));
const slice = arr.slice(offset, offset + size);
return { buf: String.fromCharCode(...slice) };
} else {
return { buf: utf8(content, offset, size) };
throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT);
async release({path, fh}) {
// FIXME: free the debug?
return {};
throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT);
router["/tabs/by-id/*/control"] = {
// echo remove >> mnt/tabs/by-id/1644/control