add by-window symlinks

This commit is contained in:
rob cobb 2022-01-07 15:47:37 -05:00
parent e0ec254872
commit 6cf4c2630d

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@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ Routes["/tabs/by-title"] = {
return { entries: [".", "..", => sanitize(String(tab.title)) + "." + String(] };
Routes["/tabs/by-title/:TAB_TITLE.#TAB_ID"] = {
description: `Represents one open tab.
It's a symbolic link to the folder /tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID.`,
@ -223,6 +224,38 @@ It's a symbolic link to the folder /tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID.`,
return {};
Routes["/tabs/by-window"] = {
description: 'Open tabs, organized by window then title; each subfolder represents an open tab.',
usage: 'ls $0',
getattr() {
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFDIR | 0777, // writable so you can delete tabs
st_nlink: 3,
st_size: 0,
async readdir() {
const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({});
return { entries: [".", "..", => sanitize(String(tab.windowId) + "." + String(tab.title)) + "." + String(] };
Routes["/tabs/by-window/#TAB_WINDOW_ID.:TAB_TITLE.#TAB_ID"] = {
description: `Represents one open tab.
It's a symbolic link to the folder /tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID.`,
// TODO: date
usage: ['rm $0'],
async readlink({tabId}) {
return { buf: "../by-id/" + tabId };
async unlink({tabId}) {
await browser.tabs.remove(tabId);
return {};
Routes["/tabs/last-focused"] = {
description: `Represents the most recently focused tab.
It's a symbolic link to the folder /tabs/by-id/[ID of most recently focused tab].`,