extension: (WIP) createWritableDirectory

also break out routeDirectoryForChildren. breaks evals for now

(this is groundwork for writable tab directories; should also be able
to roll evals and watches in under createWritableDirectory)
This commit is contained in:
Omar Rizwan 2021-05-13 16:04:07 -07:00
parent 38a5677dec
commit b442fa6ae5

View file

@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ const utf8ArrayToString = (function() {
return utf8 => decoder.decode(utf8);
// global so it can be hot-reloaded
window.Routes = {};
// Helper function: generates a full set of file operations that you
// can use as a route handler (so clients can read and write
// sections of the file, stat it to get its size and see it show up
@ -109,12 +112,14 @@ const routeWithContents = (function() {
// defined here.
async getattr(req) {
const data = await getData(req);
if (typeof data === 'undefined') { throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT); }
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFREG | 0444 | (setData ? 0222 : 0),
st_nlink: 1,
// you'll want to override this if getData() is slow, because
// getattr() gets called a lot more cavalierly than open().
st_size: toUtf8Array(await getData(req)).length
st_size: toUtf8Array(data).length
@ -122,6 +127,7 @@ const routeWithContents = (function() {
// data for all subsequent reads from that application.
async open(req) {
const data = await getData(req);
if (typeof data === 'undefined') { throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT); }
return { fh: Cache.storeObject(req.path, toUtf8Array(data)) };
async read({fh, size, offset}) {
@ -160,8 +166,18 @@ const routeWithContents = (function() {
return routeWithContents;
// global so it can be hot-reloaded
window.Routes = {};
function routeDirectoryForChildren(path) {
function depth(p) { return p === '/' ? 0 : (p.match(/\//g) || []).length; }
// find all direct children
let entries = Object.keys(Routes)
.filter(k => k.startsWith(path) && depth(k) === depth(path) + 1)
.map(k => k.substr((path === '/' ? 0 : path.length) + 1).split('/')[0]);
entries = [".", "..", ...new Set(entries)];
return { readdir() { return { entries }; }, __isInfill: true };
function routeDefer(fn) { return fn; }
Routes["/tabs/create"] = {
usage: 'echo "https://www.google.com" > $0',
@ -214,6 +230,13 @@ Routes["/tabs/by-id"] = {
// cannot use this wildcard trick w/o breaking the parent logic
const tabIdDirectory = createWritableDirectory();
Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID"] = routeDefer(() => routeDirectoryForChildren("/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID"));
// Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/:FILENAME"] = routeDirectoryWritable();
// TODO: can I trigger 1. nav to Finder and 2. nav to Terminal from toolbar click?
(function() {
const routeForTab = (readHandler, writeHandler) => routeWithContents(async ({tabId}) => {
const tab = await browser.tabs.get(tabId);
@ -246,8 +269,6 @@ Routes["/tabs/by-id"] = {
// echo true > mnt/tabs/by-id/1644/active
// cat mnt/tabs/by-id/1644/active
Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/active"] = {
usage: ['cat $0',
'echo true > $0'],
@ -259,58 +280,63 @@ Routes["/tabs/by-id"] = {
function createWritableDirectory() {
const dir = {};
return {
directory: dir,
routeForRoot: {
usage: 'ls $0',
async readdir({path}) {
// get just last component of keys (filename)
return { entries: [".", "..",
key => key.substr(key.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
)] };
getattr() {
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFDIR | 0777, // writable so you can create/rm evals
st_nlink: 3,
st_size: 0,
routeForFilename: {
usage: ['echo "2 + 2" > $0',
'cat $0.result'],
async mknod({path, mode}) {
dir[path] = '';
return {};
async unlink({path}) {
delete dir[path];
return {};
async ({path}) => dir[path],
async ({path}, buf) => { dir[path] = buf; }
(function() {
const evals = {};
Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/evals"] = {
usage: 'ls $0',
async readdir({path, tabId}) {
return { entries: [".", "..",
...Object.keys(evals[tabId] || {}),
...Object.keys(evals[tabId] || {}).map(f => f + '.result')] };
getattr() {
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFDIR | 0777, // writable so you can create/rm evals
st_nlink: 3,
st_size: 0,
Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/evals/:FILENAME"] = {
usage: ['cat $0.result',
'echo "2 + 2" > $0'],
// NOTE: eval runs in extension's content script, not in original page JS context
async mknod({tabId, filename, mode}) {
evals[tabId] = evals[tabId] || {};
evals[tabId][filename] = { code: '' };
return {};
async unlink({tabId, filename}) {
delete evals[tabId][filename]; // TODO: also delete evals[tabId] if empty
return {};
...routeWithContents(async ({tabId, filename}) => {
const name = filename.replace(/\.result$/, '');
if (!evals[tabId] || !(name in evals[tabId])) { throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT); }
if (filename.endsWith('.result')) {
return evals[tabId][name].result || '';
} else {
return evals[tabId][name].code;
}, async ({tabId, filename}, buf) => {
if (filename.endsWith('.result')) {
// FIXME: case where they try to write to .result file
} else {
const name = filename;
evals[tabId][name].code = buf;
evals[tabId][name].result = JSON.stringify((await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code: buf}))[0]) + '\n';
// proposed refactor
const evals = createWritableDirectory();
Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/evals"] = evals.routeForRoot;
Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/evals/:FILENAME"] = evals.routeForFilename;
// evals[tabId][name].result = JSON.stringify((await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code: buf}))[0]) + '\n';
// old stuffs
// const evals = {};
// Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/evals"] = {
// };
// Routes["/tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/evals/:FILENAME"] = {
// };
(function() {
const watches = {};
@ -638,7 +664,7 @@ Routes["/runtime/routes.html"] = routeWithContents(async () => {
<p>(work in progress)</p>
${Object.entries(Routes).map(([path, {usage, __isInfill}]) => {
` + Object.entries(Routes).map(([path, {usage, __isInfill}]) => {
if (__isInfill) { return ''; }
path = path.substring(1); // drop leading /
let usages = usage ? (Array.isArray(usage) ? usage : [usage]) : [];
@ -652,7 +678,7 @@ Routes["/runtime/routes.html"] = routeWithContents(async () => {
}).join('\n') + `
@ -721,6 +747,7 @@ Routes["/runtime/background.js.html"] = routeWithContents(async () => {
// Ensure that there are routes for all ancestors. This algorithm is
// probably not correct, but whatever. Basically, you need to start at
// the deepest level, fill in all the parents 1 level up that don't
@ -732,17 +759,7 @@ for (let i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {
path = path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"));
if (path == '') path = '/';
if (!Routes[path]) {
function depth(p) { return p === '/' ? 0 : (p.match(/\//g) || []).length; }
// find all direct children
let entries = Object.keys(Routes)
.filter(k => k.startsWith(path) && depth(k) === depth(path) + 1)
.map(k => k.substr((path === '/' ? 0 : path.length) + 1).split('/')[0]);
entries = [".", "..", ...new Set(entries)];
Routes[path] = { readdir() { return { entries }; }, __isInfill: true };
if (!Routes[path]) { Routes[path] = routeDirectoryForChildren(path); }
// I also think it would be better to compute this stuff on the fly,
// so you could patch more routes in at runtime, but I need to think
@ -751,6 +768,8 @@ for (let i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {
for (let key in Routes) {
if (typeof Routes[key] === 'function') Routes[key] = Routes[key]();
// /tabs/by-id/#TAB_ID/url.txt -> RegExp \/tabs\/by-id\/(?<int$TAB_ID>[0-9]+)\/url.txt
Routes[key].__regex = new RegExp(
'^' + key