rename old TAB/evals to TAB/watches; add new TAB/evals

This commit is contained in:
Omar Rizwan 2021-02-25 15:41:47 -08:00
parent 4fb8aee789
commit b5113fb2d1
2 changed files with 79 additions and 25 deletions

View file

@ -247,11 +247,13 @@ router["/tabs/by-id"] = {
buf => ({ active: buf.startsWith("true") }));
(function() {
let evals = {};
const evals = {};
router["/tabs/by-id/*/evals"] = {
async readdir({path}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
return { entries: [".", "..", ...Object.keys(evals[tabId] || [])] };
return { entries: [".", "..",
...Object.keys(evals[tabId] || {}),
...Object.keys(evals[tabId] || {}).map(f => f + '.result')] };
getattr() {
return {
@ -263,24 +265,75 @@ router["/tabs/by-id"] = {
router["/tabs/by-id/*/evals/*"] = {
// NOTE: eval runs in extension's content script, not in original page JS context
async create({path, mode}) {
const [tabId, expr] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
async mknod({path, mode}) {
const [tabId, name] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
evals[tabId] = evals[tabId] || {};
evals[tabId][expr] = async function() {
evals[tabId][name] = { code: '' };
return {};
async unlink({path}) {
const [tabId, name] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
delete evals[tabId][name]; // TODO: also delete evals[tabId] if empty
return {};
...defineFile(async path => {
const [tabId, filename] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
const name = filename.replace(/\.result$/, '');
if (!evals[tabId] || !(name in evals[tabId])) { throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT); }
if (filename.endsWith('.result')) {
return evals[tabId][name].result || '';
} else {
return evals[tabId][name].code;
}, async (path, buf) => {
const [tabId, name] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
if (name.endsWith('.result')) {
} else {
evals[tabId][name].code = buf;
evals[tabId][name].result = JSON.stringify((await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code: buf}))[0]) + '\n';
(function() {
const watches = {};
router["/tabs/by-id/*/watches"] = {
async readdir({path}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
return { entries: [".", "..", ...Object.keys(watches[tabId] || [])] };
getattr() {
return {
st_mode: unix.S_IFDIR | 0777, // writable so you can create/rm watches
st_nlink: 3,
st_size: 0,
router["/tabs/by-id/*/watches/*"] = {
// NOTE: eval runs in extension's content script, not in original page JS context
async mknod({path, mode}) {
const [tabId, expr] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
watches[tabId] = watches[tabId] || {};
watches[tabId][expr] = async function() {
return (await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code: expr}))[0];
return {};
async unlink({path}) {
const [tabId, expr] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
delete evals[tabId][expr]; // TODO: also delete evals[tabId] if empty
delete watches[tabId][expr]; // TODO: also delete watches[tabId] if empty
return {};
...defineFile(async path => {
const [tabId, expr] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1)];
if (!evals[tabId] || !(expr in evals[tabId])) { throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT); }
return JSON.stringify(await evals[tabId][expr]()) + '\n';
if (!watches[tabId] || !(expr in watches[tabId])) { throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT); }
return JSON.stringify(await watches[tabId][expr]()) + '\n';
}, () => {
// setData handler -- only providing this so that getattr reports
// that the file is writable, so it can be deleted without annoying prompt.

View file

@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ int main() {
assert(system("cat ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/debugger/scripts/*test-script.js") == 0);
// FIXME: rewrite to use TAB/evals
/* { */
/* FILE* console = fopen("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/console", "r"); */
/* assert(system("echo \"console.log('hi')\" > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/execute-script") == 0); */
/* char hi[3] = {0}; fread(hi, 1, 2, console); */
/* assert(strcmp(hi, "hi") == 0); */
/* fclose(console); */
/* } */
assert(system("echo '2 + 2' > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/twoplustwo.js") == 0);
FILE* result = fopen("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/twoplustwo.js.result", "r");
char four[2] = {0}; fread(four, 1, 1, result);
assert(strcmp(four, "4") == 0);
// try to shorten the URL (#40)
/* assert(system("echo about:blank > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/url.txt") == 0); */
@ -88,18 +88,19 @@ int main() {
assert(system("echo file://$(pwd)/test-textarea.html > ../fs/mnt/tabs/create") == 0);
// FIXME: rewrite to use TAB/evals
/* { */
/* FILE* console = fopen("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/console", "r"); */
/* assert(system("echo \"console.log(document.getElementById('ta').value)\" > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/execute-script") == 0); */
assert(system("echo \"document.getElementById('ta').value\" > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/ta.js") == 0);
/* char ta[100] = {0}; fread(ta, 1, sizeof(ta), console); */
/* assert(strcmp(ta, "initial text") == 0); */
FILE* result = fopen("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/ta.js.result", "r");
char ta[100] = {0}; fread(ta, 1, sizeof(ta), result);
/* assert(file_contents_equal("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/inputs/ta.txt", ta)); */
assert(strcmp(ta, "\"initial text\"\n") == 0);
/* fclose(console); */
/* } */
// FIXME: check against the inputs file ...
/* assert(file_contents_equal("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/inputs/ta.txt", ta)); */
assert(system("echo remove > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/control") == 0);