extension: Finish source code view on routes.html.

Remove vestiges of backgroundJS hot swap.
This commit is contained in:
Omar Rizwan 2021-08-19 19:10:13 -07:00
parent 37cdd270bd
commit d07c99e701

View file

@ -641,44 +641,41 @@ Routes["/runtime/reload"] = {
truncate() { return {}; }
(function() {
// window.__backgroundJS needs to be a global because we want its
// value (the changed JS text) to survive even as this whole file
// gets re-evaluated.
window.__backgroundJS = window.__backgroundJS || false;
Object.defineProperty(window, 'backgroundJS', {
async get() {
if (!window.__backgroundJS) {
window.__backgroundJS = await window.fetch(chrome.runtime.getURL('background.js'))
.then(r => r.text());
return window.__backgroundJS;
set(js) { window.__backgroundJS = js; },
configurable: true // so we can rerun this on hot reload
Routes["/runtime/routes.html"] = makeRouteWithContents(async () => {
// WIP
const jsLines = (await window.backgroundJS).split('\n');
if (!window.__backgroundJS) {
window.__backgroundJS = await window.fetch(chrome.runtime.getURL('background.js'))
.then(r => r.text());
const jsLines = (window.__backgroundJS).split('\n');
function findRouteLineRange(path) {
console.log('frlr', path);
for (let i = 0; i < jsLines.length; i++) {
if (jsLines[i].includes(`Routes["${path}"] = `)) { return [
i + 1, // + 1 because GitHub line numbers are 1-indexed
(function() {
// TODO:
// find the first bracket on that line after the =
// walk forward until we find the corresponding match for it
// that's the last line?
return i + 2;
]; }
if (jsLines[i].includes(`Routes["${path}"] = `)) {
if (jsLines[i].match(/;/)) { return [i, i]; } // hacky: if it's a one-liner
const [_, startBracket] = jsLines[i].match(/Routes\[[^\]]*\] = [^\(\{]*([\(\{])/);
const endBracket = ({'(': ')', '{': '}'})[startBracket];
let counter = 1;
for (let j = i + 1; j < jsLines.length; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < jsLines[j].length; k++) {
if (jsLines[j][k] === startBracket) { counter++; }
else if (jsLines[j][k] === endBracket) { counter--; }
if (counter === 0) { return [i, j]; }
return null; // did not find
return null; // did not find
return `
dt:not(:first-of-type) { margin-top: 1em; }
<p>(work in progress)</p>
@ -698,10 +695,10 @@ Routes["/runtime/routes.html"] = makeRouteWithContents(async () => {
</dd>` : '<dd style="background-color: #f99">No usage found!</dd>'}
${lineRange ?
<summary>Source code (<a href="https://github.com/osnr/TabFS/blob/master/extension/background.js#L${lineRange[0]}-L${lineRange[1]}">on GitHub</a>)</summary>
<summary>Source code (<a href="https://github.com/osnr/TabFS/blob/master/extension/background.js#L${lineRange[0]+1}-L${lineRange[1]+1}">on GitHub</a>)</summary>
jsLines[lineRange[0] - 1]
// FIXME: get entire range; escape for HTML
jsLines.slice(lineRange[0], lineRange[1] + 1).join('\n')
// FIXME: escape for HTML
</details></dd>` : '<dd style="background-color: #f99">No source code found!</dd>'}
@ -864,9 +861,6 @@ async function onMessage(req) {
function tryConnect() {
// so we don't try to reconnect if we're hot-swapping background.js.
if (window.isConnected) return;
// Safari is very weird -- it has this native app that we have to talk to,
// so we poke that app to wake it up, get it to start the TabFS process
// and boot a WebSocket, then connect to it.
@ -888,8 +882,6 @@ function tryConnect() {
setTimeout(() => {
if (socket.readyState === 1) {
window.isConnected = true;
} else {
console.log('ws connection failed, retrying in', checkAfterTime);
connectSocket(checkAfterTime * 2);
@ -902,10 +894,8 @@ function tryConnect() {
port = chrome.runtime.connectNative('com.rsnous.tabfs');
window.isConnected = true;
port.onDisconnect.addListener(p => {
window.isConnected = false;
console.log('disconnect', p);