refactor -> Cache, TabManager, BrowserState.

screenshot.png is consistent & fast-ish now! need to fixup resources
This commit is contained in:
Omar Rizwan 2020-12-11 15:18:26 -08:00
parent 34c16fec0d
commit d3b376582f

View file

@ -79,40 +79,53 @@ function stringSize(str) {
return s + 1;
const debugging = {};
async function debugTab(tabId) {
if (debugging[tabId]) {
debugging[tabId] += 1;
const TabManager = {
tabState: {},
} else {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => chrome.debugger.attach({tabId}, "1.3", function callback() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError.message.indexOf('Another debugger is already attached') !== -1) {
chrome.debugger.detach({tabId}, callback);
} else {
debugTab: async function(tabId) {
this.tabState[tabId] = this.tabState[tabId] || {};
if (this.tabState[tabId].debugging) {
this.tabState[tabId].debugging += 1;
} else {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => chrome.debugger.attach({tabId}, "1.3", async () => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError.message.indexOf('Another debugger is already attached') !== -1) {
chrome.debugger.detach({tabId}, () => {this.debugTab(tabId)});
} else {
reject(chrome.runtime.lastError); return;
} else {
debugging[tabId] = 1;
this.tabState[tabId].debugging = 1; resolve();
enableDomainForTab: async function(tabId, domain) {
this.tabState[tabId] = this.tabState[tabId] || {};
if (this.tabState[tabId][domain]) { this.tabState[tabId][domain] += 1;
} else {
await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, `${domain}.enable`, {});
this.tabState[tabId][domain] = 1;
function sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, method, commandParams) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
chrome.debugger.sendCommand({tabId}, method, commandParams, result => {
console.log(method, result);
if (result) { resolve(result); } else { reject(chrome.runtime.lastError); }
let lastFocusedWindowId; => { lastFocusedWindowId =; }); => {
if (windowId !== -1) lastFocusedWindowId = windowId;
const BrowserState = { lastFocusedWindowId: null };
(function() { => { BrowserState.lastFocusedWindowId =; }); => {
if (windowId !== -1) BrowserState.lastFocusedWindowId = windowId;
/* if I could specify a custom editor interface for all the routing
below ... I would highlight the route names in blocks of some color
@ -154,6 +167,18 @@ function fromScript(code) {
const Cache = {
// used when you open a file to cache the content we got from the browser
// until you close that file.
store: {}, nextHandle: 0,
storeObject(object) {
const handle = ++this.nextHandle;[handle] = object;
return handle;
getObjectForHandle(handle) { return[handle]; },
removeObjectForHandle(handle) { delete[handle]; }
router["/tabs/by-id"] = {
async readdir() {
@ -165,21 +190,24 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/url"] = withTab(tab => tab.url + "\n");
router["/tabs/by-id/*/title"] = withTab(tab => tab.title + "\n");
router["/tabs/by-id/*/text"] = fromScript(`document.body.innerText`);
router["/tabs/by-id/*/screenshot.png"] = {
async read({path, fh, size, offset}) {
async open({path}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
await debugTab(tabId);
await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.enable", {});
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId); await TabManager.enableDomainForTab(tabId, "Page");
// FIXME: cache.
const {data} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.captureScreenshot");
const arr = Uint8Array.from(atob(data), c => c.charCodeAt(0));
const slice = arr.slice(offset, offset + size);
return { fh: Cache.storeObject(Uint8Array.from(atob(data), c => c.charCodeAt(0))) };
async read({path, fh, size, offset}) {
const slice = Cache.getObjectForHandle(fh).slice(offset, offset + size);
return { buf: String.fromCharCode(...slice) };
async close({fh}) { Cache.removeObjectForHandle(fh); }
router["/tabs/by-id/*/resources"] = {
async opendir({path}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
await debugTab(tabId);
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId);
return { fh: 0 };
async readdir({path}) {
@ -194,9 +222,7 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/resources/*"] = {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3));
const suffix = pathComponent(path, -1);
await debugTab(tabId);
await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.enable", {});
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId); await TabManager.enableDomainForTab(tabId, "Page");
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {});
for (let resource of frameTree.resources) {
@ -218,20 +244,16 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/resources/*"] = {
async open({path}) {
// FIXME: cache the file
// FIXME: cache the file.
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3));
await debugTab(tabId);
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId); await TabManager.enableDomainForTab(tabId, "Page");
return {fh: 3};
async read({path, fh, size, offset}) {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3));
const suffix = pathComponent(path, -1);
if (!debugging[tabId]) throw new UnixError(unix.EIO);
await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.enable", {});
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {});
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {}); // FIXME: cache this
for (let resource of frameTree.resources) {
const resourceSuffix = sanitize(String(resource.url).slice(0, 200));
if (resourceSuffix === suffix) {
@ -285,7 +307,7 @@ router["/tabs/by-title/*"] = {
router["/tabs/last-focused"] = {
// a symbolic link to /tabs/by-id/[id for this tab]
async readlink({path}) {
const id = (await browser.tabs.query({ active: true, windowId: lastFocusedWindowId }))[0].id;
const id = (await browser.tabs.query({ active: true, windowId: BrowserState.lastFocusedWindowId }))[0].id;
return { buf: "by-id/" + id };