Omar Rizwan b948c235b8 fs,extension: Make truncate work on cached file content.
We now remember the path of each cached file, so when someone
truncates that path, we can truncate all open instances of it in
cache. Important when someone pipes to stomp a file / opens with
O_TRUNC (which FUSE disaggregates into an open() and then a truncate()
call). Gets rid of the need for FUSE_CAP_ATOMIC_O_TRUNC, which never
worked on macOS anyway.

Fixes #40.
2021-04-06 13:48:48 -07:00

109 lines
4 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <wordexp.h>
#include <regex.h>
int file_contents_equal(char* path, char* contents) {
// hehe:
setenv("path", path, 1);
setenv("contents", contents, 1);
return system("bash -c '[ \"$contents\" == \"$(cat \"$path\")\" ]'") == 0;
char* expand(char* phrase) { // expand path with wildcard
wordexp_t result; assert(wordexp(phrase, &result, 0) == 0);
return result.we_wordv[0];
int matches_regex(char* str, char* pattern) {
regex_t re; assert(regcomp(&re, pattern, REG_EXTENDED) == 0);
int i = regexec(&re, str, 0, NULL, 0);
return i == 0;
// integration tests
int main() {
// TODO: invoke over extension
/* assert(system("node ../extension/background.js --unhandled-rejections=strict") == 0); // run quick local JS tests */
// reload the extension so we know it's the latest code.
system("echo reload > ../fs/mnt/runtime/reload 2>/dev/null"); // this may error, but it should still have effect
// spin until the extension reloads.
struct stat st; while (stat("../fs/mnt/tabs", &st) != 0) {}
assert(file_contents_equal(expand("../fs/mnt/extensions/TabFS*/enabled"), "true"));
assert(system("echo about:blank > ../fs/mnt/tabs/create") == 0);
int times = 0;
for (;;) {
if (file_contents_equal("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/url.txt", "about:blank")) {
assert(times++ < 10000);
assert(system("echo remove > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/control") == 0);
assert(system("echo file://$(pwd)/test-resources/test-page.html > ../fs/mnt/tabs/create") == 0);
assert(file_contents_equal("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/title.txt", "Title of Test Page"));
assert(file_contents_equal("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/text.txt", "Body Text of Test Page"));
assert(system("ls ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/debugger/scripts") == 0);
DIR* scripts = opendir("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/debugger/scripts");
assert(strcmp(readdir(scripts)->d_name, ".") == 0);
assert(strcmp(readdir(scripts)->d_name, "..") == 0);
assert(matches_regex(readdir(scripts)->d_name, "test\\-script.js$"));
assert(system("cat ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/debugger/scripts/*test-script.js") == 0);
assert(system("echo '2 + 2' > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/twoplustwo.js") == 0);
FILE* result = fopen("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/twoplustwo.js.result", "r");
char four[2] = {0}; fread(four, 1, 1, result);
assert(strcmp(four, "4") == 0);
// try to truncate & stomp the URL (#40)
assert(system("echo about:blank > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/url.txt") == 0);
assert(file_contents_equal("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/url.txt", "about:blank"));
assert(system("echo remove > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/control") == 0);
assert(system("echo file://$(pwd)/test-resources/test-textarea.html > ../fs/mnt/tabs/create") == 0);
assert(system("echo \"document.getElementById('ta').value\" > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/ta.js") == 0);
FILE* result = fopen("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/evals/ta.js.result", "r");
char ta[100] = {0}; fread(ta, 1, sizeof(ta), result);
assert(strcmp(ta, "\"initial text\"\n") == 0);
// FIXME: check against the inputs file ...
/* assert(file_contents_equal("../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/inputs/ta.txt", ta)); */
assert(system("echo remove > ../fs/mnt/tabs/last-focused/control") == 0);
assert(1); printf("Done!\n");